Blog Archive

Glacier collapses near Swiss ski resort

An unstable part of a glacier in the Swiss Alps has now completely collapsed, without causing any major damage. The bulk of the ice tongue of the Trift glacier in canton Bern fell down on Sunday, the rest on Monday morning. The area affected is above the village of Saas-Grund, near the resort of Saas-Fee. … Continue reading...

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Is Switzerland accessible for the disabled?

Navigating your way around train stations, buildings and even websites might be easy enough for an able-bodied person, but how is it for everyone else? Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — …

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Go’s und No Go’s im Affiliate Marketing | Sparkojote

Hier abonnieren: ► Meine Empfehlungen Strategie zum Vermögensaufbau: PortfolioPerformance: ► Social Media & Links Der Blog: Instagram: Facebook: ► Du willst mich unterstützen? Coinbase*: Audible Hörbücher*: Mein...

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I have the worst trading mantra

There is a grain of truth in every trading mantra and maxim but everybody has one that he or she likes best. Adam Button from ForexLive talks about his trading mantra, how he wishes it something with a bit more pizzazz. LET’S CONNECT! Facebook ► Twitter ► Google+ ► Homepage ►

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Message de Yanis Varoufakis lors du lancement du Mouvement du 1er juillet

Message de de Yanis Varoufakis, ancien ministre grec des Finances et co-fondateur du mouvement Diem25, lors du lancement du Mouvement du 1er juillet sur la pelouse de Reuilly, à Paris le 1er juillet 2017.

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KEITH WEINER Bad Ideas About Money, Bitcoin, Gold & Silver Report!

KEITH WEINER Bad Ideas About Money, Bitcoin, Gold & Silver Report!

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KEITH WEINER Bad Ideas About Money, Bitcoin, Gold & Silver Report!

KEITH WEINER Bad Ideas About Money, Bitcoin, Gold & Silver Report!

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Good Morning Britain – Yanis Varoufakis how to beat Brussels

Good Morning Britain – Yanis Varoufakis how to beat Brussels. Update: My youtube video was blocked by ITV, but instead you can see the same video on their link ?

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Precious Metals Supply Pipeline Getting Harder & Harder to Fill

Read full transcript here: David Smith of The Morgan Report and regular contributor to joins Mike Gleason for another enlightening conversation. David tells Mike how much longer he thinks the upside move will last in the gold and silver markets and also weighs in on Bitcoin and the cryptocurrencies. #goldmarket #bitcoin #cryptocurrencies ================== …

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Myanmar’s persecuted Rohingya refugees | The Economist

Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims have been described as the most persecuted minority on Earth. For years, Myanmar has not recognised them as citizens. Now the army is burning their villages, killing them and driving the survivors out of the country. Myanmar’s leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, ignores their plight. Does she deserve to keep her Nobel …

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Dirk Müller – Chaos Computer Club sieht gravierende Mängel an Wahl-Software

Auszug aus dem vom 08.09.2017. – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller Bildrechte: & Gorodenkoff /

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UBS Der Alp Praktikant – Intro

Stefan, ein 28-jähriger Zürcher, hat sich in einem mehrstufigen Bewerbungsprozess durchgesetzt. Für zwei Wochen tauscht er Smartphone gegen Mistgabel und Szene-Bar gegen Heustock. Bergbauer Res und seine Familie freuen sich auf den Städter. Bevor das Abenteuer startet, haben wir unsere beiden Hauptakteure getroffen. Mehr zum ungleichen Paar sehen Sie in unserem Intro-Film oder auf

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The alp apprentice – intro

Stefan, a 28-year-old Zuricher, completed a multi-stage application process. For two weeks, he’ll now wield a pitchfork instead of a smartphone and hang out among haystacks instead of at nightclubs. Mountain farmer Res and his family are looking forward to welcoming the city dweller. Before the adventure began, we met our two protagonists. Find out …

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Le stagiaire d’alpage – introduction

Stefan, Zurichois de 28 ans, a franchi toutes les étapes du processus de candidature. Pendant deux semaines, il troque son smartphone et les bars de la ville contre une fourche à fumier et une grange. Le paysan de montage Res et sa famille se réjouissent d’accueillir le citadin. Avant le début de l’aventure, nous sommes … Continue...

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L’alpigiano stagisti – introduzione

Stefan, zurighese di 28 anni, si è imposto al termine di un articolato processo di selezione. Per due settimane metterà da parte lo smartphone per impugnare il forcone e lavorare tra mucchi di fieno anziché in un bar alla moda. Res, contadino alpigiano, e la sua famiglia non vedono l’ora di incontrare questo ragazzo di … Continue...

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The last human right

Assisted suicide has been legal in Switzerland for decades, in fact it’s even seen as the last human right. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the … Continue reading...

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Keine Klumpenrisiken bitte

Die Aktien-Depots vieler Anleger sind nicht ordentlich strukturiert. Worauf es ankommt ist die bewusste Strukturierung mit klarer Überlegungen. Und dabei sind vor allem die sogenannten „Klumpenrisiken“ zu vermeiden. Dr. Markus Elsässer, selbständiger Investor und Fondsberater, sowie Gründer der ME Fonds – Special Values. “Keine Klumpenrisiken bitte” 07. September 2017 (veröffentlicht: “Kolumne – Elsässers...

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The world’s steepest funicular

Switzerland has the world’s steepest funicular, able to surmount a 47-degree incline. Engineers in canton Schwyz had to develop a completely new sort of railway for it. Tests are currently underway to put the novel technology through its paces. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is …

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Mit 500€ Immobilien kaufen?!

Mit 500€ in Immobilien investieren? Das klingt spannend! Wenn wir über die diversifizierte Vermögensanlage sprechen, gehören Immobilien eindeutig dazu. Was ihr tun könnt, wenn das Vermögen nicht ausreicht, um sich ein entsprechendes Objekt zu kaufen, erfahrt ihr in diesem Video. ——– ➤ Hier anmelden und jeden Mittwoch meinen Report erhalten: ► Mein Youtube-Kanal “Tradermacher”: …...

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Religion, faith and the role they play today | The Economist

Religion and faith are an integral part of people’s lives worldwide. But in many countries the number of people who believe in God is in decline. We examine the changing role of religion around the world Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: The majority of Americans believe in God. But it’s …

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