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Raoul Pal: Bitcoin Is Mania, Not a Store of Value

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John Mauldin
Each week, investors and financial professionals around the globe turn to John Mauldin to better understand Wall Street, global markets, and the drivers of the world economy. And for good reason. John is a noted financial expert, a New York Times best-selling author, a pioneering online commentator, and the publisher of one of the first publications to provide investors with free, unbiased information and guidance—Thoughts from the Frontline—one of the most widely read investment newsletters in the world.
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  1. Chad Guest

    He does realize bitcoin is still young and needs more liquidity? or maybe he doesn't! what a twat.. i'm so glad he sold out.. i'll buy his coins any day.. VIVA BITCOIN VIVA!!!


    nobody asked you mr. great value ru paul, while yall are faking im getting paid

  3. Andrew Lewis

    I'm pretty sure this guy must not know many HF managers if he thinks they wouldn't invest in cryptocurrencies.

  4. oddbod

    Raoul Pal FUD: Hard forks doesn't change it, it becomes another alt-coin. India hasn't rolled out it's "Lakshmi" centralised crypto yet which is rubbish anyway. 21 million limit stays at 21 million. You Raoul Pal used to say 1 BTC will be $1 million dollars.

  5. dan dun

    bought in at 200 sold a 2000 he says with a smirk,
    he'll be crying in 10 years

  6. dan dun

    it was in a bubble apparently when i bought a 160

  7. splash112

    he is wrong. Bitcoin derives its value from the network effect. This is ETH, even though its better, is not passing bitcoin.

  8. Hineskitt Velvett

    He cashed out at 2000 because its a bubble. It was at 19000 the other day. This guy is a moron.

  9. Bra bra

    This guy hasn't understood that Bitcoin Cash is not Bitcoin. Hard Forks are just altcoins

  10. Bra bra

    Also, hasn't understood that private ledgers are not trustworthy because they are, indeed, private, and therefore are not secure but vulnerable much like databases. So basically, he has had bitcoins since it was priced at $200 but hasn't understood ANYTHING about WHAT IT IS.

  11. Paul Lambert

    Bitcoin as a "store-of-value" — boring. Bitcoin as "electronic cash" — now that's awesome! Which blockchain? Wisely choose you will.

  12. Askformoreinfo whichyouwontget

    The question is: How the fuck do they buy it? What broker do they use?

  13. RiffRaff

    Well this guy better get used to it as the block-chain is taking over everything. The block-chian technology is much, much, much bigger than bitcoin.

  14. AirSandFire

    Everything he says is wrong but I'm too lazy to type out a rebuttal, sorry. He's an intelligent man but he hasn't spent enough time thinking about this.
    For instance, the point about hard forks and 21M hard cap possibly changing in the future shows a fundamental misunderstanding of it all works.

  15. Rico_PL

    He changed his mind. 2019 and he is into bitcoin and talks about a store of value.

  16. matthew riggs

    6:27 hedera hashgraph

    Catch you future billionaires later! Cheers!

  17. A

    And now ask raoul, completely on board with btc …

  18. Puck

    Raoul has completely flipped, he's now super bullish and regrets his sale at $2000.

  19. Matt James

    Raoul refers to this 'regret' in his latest video…

  20. ALPENCOIN dot CH

    Great Reddit interview! The new pizza boy?

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