Gold Price Will Skyrocket Due to Inflation. In today's new episode on GoldCore TV, Dave Rusell discusses how #inflation has taken hold of financial markets while not necessarily being obvious. The US is head over heels in debt, the US National debt has surpassed $28 trillion and continues to accelerate even further. Money printing has grown exponentially, commodity prices are rising but as per the Bureau of Labour Statistics inflation is below 2%! So where is the inflation. Mostly it is being disguised as stock market returns, strong property markets and rallying cryptocurrencies. Excessive money printing by central banks has stored up inflation in financial markets.The restrictions and shuttering of businesses has meant that supply and demand imbalance have crept in to economies and these imbalances wil trigger inflationary pressures as the economies open up again. A wall of money will chase lower supply due to businesses adapting to operating under new Covid precautions. There have been many examples of inflation being positive for stock markets but we need to be aware that a rising stock market is not always a sign of a healthy economy, sometimes it is the symptom of a very sick one! The effects of this pent up inflation will be felt at every level of society but none more so than those with lower disposable incomes for whom food and energy (the most volatile and and first items to reaction to inflation) makes up a larger percentage of take home pay. Significantly, we discuss the integrity and accuracy of the official inflation data and the role of Core Price Inflation or CPI in disguising the true nature of the inflationary problem to come. Amidst the chaos, how can you protect your financial future? By investing in #GOLD!, For 20+ years people who invest in gold have benefitted from a 9%+ average annual rate of return. This figure is significantly much greater than the official inflation numbers and much closer to what commentators believe the numbers to be. Gold performs surprisingly well during inflationary times. Throughout history whenever central banks and governments print more and more currency, the gold price rises to account for this. It has done so for centuries and is set to do the same again now. We highly recommend you having an allocation to gold in your portfolio. It has always been a key investment in the past and it remains so now and for the future. If you're looking to buy gold or silver coins or bars, GoldCore currently has good stocks available visit the following website to learn more: US & ROTW - UK - Ireland - _________________________________________________________________ GoldCore TV is the home of precious metals market information. Our channel features news, interviews and podcasts with prominent industry figures to help people make informed investment decisions. Subscribe to our channel to stay up to date on the latest precious metals news and views. Follow us on social media: Facebook - Twitter - Disclaimer: Videos published are not investment advice and the views expressed may not reflect those of GoldCore ltd. |
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2021-04-13 at 18:47 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
glad i bought 30 sovereigns last year
Kiril Mihaylov
2021-04-13 at 18:56 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
All metals are going up
Kiril Mihaylov
2021-04-13 at 18:58 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
There is inflation everywhere. They are lying
2021-04-13 at 19:05 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
@Goldcore's precious metals representing great value at the moment. I recently purchased 5 tubes of silver from them (so easy to deal with lads, thanks) and 5 times that on the private market in the same week. Bye bye Bullionvault, hello Rumpelstiltskin in his attic.
Ching a Ching a ling 😀
GoldCore TV
2021-04-13 at 21:26 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Thank you for the feedback! We're delighted to have you as a customer and hope we can continue to serve your PM needs.
Ian Cassie
2021-04-13 at 20:58 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
???do you think the INCREASINGLY DESPARATE 2OCLOCK WATERFALLS OF METAL PRICES are a last ditch attempt before REPRICING
GoldCore TV
2021-04-13 at 21:17 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
In Ireland (where I eat my quarter pounders) the diet of cows is 80% grass, hay and silage, the other 20% of the diet is made up of cattle feed which is generally constituted of maize and soy. However these figures are for the cattle population in general and beef cattle tend to have even less of a dependence on cattle feed than dairy cattle do. So while technically correct, the cows do eat soy it's not very much really and probably not enough to invalidate my joke ?
Glad you enjoyed the info, thanks for the feedback! Get it? Feed back! (Sorry!) ?
GoldCore TV
2021-04-13 at 21:24 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Time will tell. But PMs are the last real hope for Central Banks when it comes to hiding the true nature of inflation that is brewing so as long as they can slow their March higher they will. But ultimately it is only a slowing and it is getting more difficult by the day.
Nunya Bidnez
2021-04-13 at 23:01 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Yea but we owe it to ourselves and besides that inflation is below 2% and really 99% of transactions are credit/digital so in reality there is not an increase in the money supply because it is not money but credit/currency and furthermoar the great reset will be good for you because you will own nothing and be happy so inflation is moot.
Nunya Bidnez
2021-04-14 at 04:26 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
@Self Evident I was being sarcastic but your info is good for others that may not understand. I would debate this; "We also owe it to all the various countries who have bought our treasuries." "We" don't owe jack as they borrowed from a private for profit corporation that has defrauded them. Secondly, there is enough evidence to expose the fraud this corp is perpetrating yet these entities borrowed/created out of thin air USD anyway and they are not able to complain at this point.
Rene Bechtold
2021-04-14 at 00:33 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Some say going higher and others are saying lower, some say even 1000$$$$ to me that’s crazy but then again what do I know, I just hope I made the right decision of going all into precious metals, this scamdemic made me think this could go wrong fast.
Rene Bechtold
2021-04-14 at 12:44 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
@Self Evident just to keep my purchasing power, in case we become like Zimbabwe or Venezuela
Kylie Mull
2021-04-14 at 02:27 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Great presentation your right on the money no pun intended ? yes Bitcoin is the black hole vacuuming up inflation I hope the metals are next?
2021-04-14 at 04:38 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
excellent monologue!
GoldCore TV
2021-04-14 at 19:02 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Thank you!
Mr Richard
2021-04-16 at 03:17 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Silver has a greater potential for increase than Gold, although both once you own them and hold them are extremely wise investments. In Cryptocurrency bitcoin is the headliner but not suited for transactions. Research crypto, it's the wave of the future and still very early in its development. You can make more money by investing in crypto right now than any place else if done properly.
Sinan ilTeber
2021-04-16 at 17:27 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
U guys work with Perth Mint on their unallocated gold and silver program. We see them struggle and probably go default.
What is your response on this?