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Presentazione del Fondo: DJE – Zins & Dividende con Dr. Jan Ehrhardt

Il DJE - Zins & Dividende investe in un mix di azioni e obbligazioni con l’obiettivo di generare e distribuire reddito e accrescere il capitale nel tempo

#risparmio #investimenti #fondodinvestimento #fondobilanciato

Independent capital market expertise since 1974
DJE Kapital AG is part of the DJE Group and has been active in the capital market as an independent asset manager for around 50 years. The company from Pullach near Munich currently manages over 16.1 billion euros (as of March 31, 2023) in the areas of individual asset management, institutional asset management and mutual funds with approximately 200 employees (including around 25 fund managers and analysts). The Chairman of the Executive Board is Dr. Jens Ehrhardt, his deputy is Dr. Jan Ehrhardt. The core of the investment process and all investment decisions is the FMM method (fundamental, monetary, market), which is based on in-house, independent research. DJE follows sustainability criteria when selecting securities, takes into account selected sustainable development goals, avoids or reduces adverse sustainability impacts and is a signatory to the United Nations "Principles for Responsible Investment". DJE aims to provide its clients with far-sighted capital market expertise in all market phases.

Note: All information published is for your information only and does not constitute investment advice or other recommendation. Long-term experience and awards do not guarantee investment success. Securities are subject to market-related price fluctuations which may not be compensated for by the active management of the asset manager or investment advisor. This information cannot replace a consultation. All information has been provided with care and to the best of our knowledge at the time of preparation. Despite all due care, the data may have changed in the meantime. Further information on opportunities and risks can be found on the website The sales prospectus and further information are available free of charge in German from DJE Investment S.A. or at The fund management company is DJE Investment S.A. DJE Kapital AG is the distribution agent. A summary of investors' rights can be obtained free of charge in English in electronic form on the website at The funds described in this marketing document may have been notified for distribution in different EU Member States. Investors' attention is drawn to the fact that the relevant management company may decide to withdraw the arrangements it has made for the distribution of the units of its funds in accordance with Article 93a of Directive 2009/65/EC and Article 32a of Directive 2011/61/EU.
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Jens Ehrhardt
Dr. Jens Ehrhardt, whose talent in managing assets was already apparent during his economic studies in the 1960s, is the founder, majority shareholder and Chairman of the company.
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