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Trump’s trials: How much jeopardy is he really in?

Accusations of election manipulation and the mishandling of classified documents are just a few of the criminal charges former President Donald Trump faces across four criminal trials as the race for the White House gets underway. But is he really in jeopardy or will he succeed in turning his legal woes to his political advantage?

00:00 - How much jeopardy is Trump really in?
00:31 - The cases
03:05 - The risks
04:02 - Trump’s campaign

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Donald Trump is found liable for fraud in his real-estate dealings:

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A primer on Trump’s criminal trials:

Donald Trump’s racketeering indictment is the most sweeping yet:

Trump’s indictment has turned every American voter into a juror:

Only politics and not the law can stop Donald Trump:

Republicans close ranks around Donald Trump, again:

The real injustice would have been not to indict Donald Trump:

Why Donald Trump’s defeat in court matters:

Listen: Where is Donald Trump taking the Republican Party next?:
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