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Scottish independence: could Britain break up? | The Economist

The union between the nations of the United Kingdom is looking increasingly fragile, thanks to Brexit. If Scotland were to break away from Britain it would face an uncertain future—as would the rest of the union.

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See all of our Britain coverage:

How the pandemic has strengthened calls for Scottish independence:

Scottish nationalism and the politics of patience:

Brexit and covid-19 are showing up the disunited kingdom:

How Brexit boosts Scottish nationalism:

Scottish independence could threaten Britain’s defence:

Scottish women are coming round to independence:

Why Welsh nationalism is stirring:

Read about Northern Ireland’s unhappy centenary:

The anger and division among loyalists over the Northern Ireland protocol:

Why is the Northern Ireland protocol so contentious?

Listen to an episode of The Intelligence podcast about the violence in Northern Ireland:

Read about the trade difficulties on the border between Great Britain and Northern Ireland:

Migration between England, Scotland and Northern Ireland is falling:

The return of Alex Salmond and his new political party:

How Nicola Sturgeon survived the Alex Salmond scandal:

Lessons learned from Catalonia’s independence referendum:

Britain will drift from Europe, but not very far:

Read about the disruptive rise of English nationalism:
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  1. M. P.


  2. Aidan

    Hopefully the scots leave and take NI with them, we don't need you!

  3. Gwen Rees

    Sorry but that thumbnail irks me to no end. Wales is separate too.

  4. mj

    The thumbnail is interesting, apparently Wales is apart of England.

  5. Ryan

    I think we should go our own ways as a Englishman 99% of us get on we've got each others backs in a war scenario well with modern nukes we have no other choice as to attack England or any other UK country would have seriously bad effects on the other countries so we have no choice but be allied.

    I think England has lost alot of its national identity with Britain. I once put English on a form during collage because that's what I am and they was like oh no you can't do that it might offend someone the sooner Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales can fly their own flags and embrace their nationality the better it would improve relations drastically if we left this union.

  6. oakpkdude

    It's all Harry and Meghan's fault. Wwait. what?

  7. Bradley Debenham

    Scots wanting independence because of the brexit vote is like saying Texas should leave the USA because the democrats won in 2020

  8. Andrea Marchesi

    scotts brothers, we wait for you back in Europe

  9. Kek

    Why would you willingly live in Scotland instead of England when the weather is so bad up there?

  10. Dragon Li

    Yes Scotland ??????? let break up take back your land

  11. Daniel W.

    If anyone thinks England or the UK will break away peacefully. You are clueless. People can believe in stuff like this. Though it is rare any nation will give up so easily. Especially a powerful nation.

  12. Narek V

    Why, why, did the UK not have the second referendum on Brexit? This will destroy the UK. First Scotland, then NI and Wales.

  13. ThePierre58

    So who are the Russians, Iranians on this thread?

  14. Mohammed Shabbir

    This is just like a joint family business, if the family wants to be independent then be it..

  15. Easy Law

    As you sow, so shall you reap. – Colonialism. Support free Scotland. The U.K must learn its lessons. A country that looted and plundered throughout history. Commonwealth Countries would be joyous to see the U.K disintegrate into bits and pieces. We hope there is no violence and everything is peaceful, UNLIKE history.

  16. Paul Brook

    It all does my head in

  17. Deputy Travis Junior

    I hope Scotland breaks free and succeeds in the future. Northern Ireland and Wales will hopefully follow. The British Empire is a thing of the past. All it has done is tear people and countries apart. Always being a destructive force in others sides:

  18. Kadir akkuş

    My fav country is scotland my biggest dream is living in scotland

  19. Naufal Amirul

    This is the dark ages of United Kingdom

  20. 中华人民共和国台湾省共青团


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