In the past two decades inflation has puzzled economists by remaining low in good times and bad. Could the pandemic cause it to rise? Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest coverage: Find all of our finance and economics coverage: Read our special report about how inflation is losing its meaning as an economic indicator: How to make economic policy fit for a world of low inflation: Why a surge in inflation due to the pandemic looks unlikely: The World In 2021: governments must judge if the economic recovery needs more help: Why economists’ models of inflation are letting them down: How most emerging markets overcame high inflation: Why the Fed made its biggest inflation-policy change in decades: |
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2021-01-12 at 17:19 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Inflation: producers Vs Consumers. Who wins. ?
Liz Lemon
2021-01-12 at 17:56 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
I can grow my own food so I don't care about the price of that….what about everything else?
DJ Tan
2021-01-12 at 19:55 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Stop d money printing, inflation will rise. Yes.
2021-01-12 at 20:03 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Globalization prevented wage inflation, and therefore has put negative pressure on inflation ever since. Inflation without wage inflation is called stagflation, and that is the more likely outcome of the government's actions in my view
Kevin zheng
2021-01-13 at 00:26 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
The issue is due to wealth distribution, as more and more wealth is concentrated on the few. The less wealthy have lower and lower impact on these statistics. The model needs to be changed from looking at aggregate results and focus on those key variables such as where the wealthy are focusing all their money. And by the wealthy, this could be individuals or giant firms and corporations.
2021-01-13 at 02:03 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Ever bought a house?
Sm0 0
2021-01-13 at 02:22 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Came out the day I turned 18 taking this as a sign
2021-01-13 at 04:17 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Wage growth is stagnant, thats why
2021-01-13 at 07:17 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
The Economist is too dumb to realise that the official inflation statistics are FAKE
joao gomes
2021-01-13 at 10:30 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Hello to every other bitcoiner out there ✌️
Andrew Hobson
2021-01-13 at 20:48 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
inflation is an increase in money supply!
Andrew Hobson
2021-01-13 at 21:03 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
inflation in the 70,s happened because USA defaulted on its promise to exchange dollars for gold ,( 'closed the gold window') TEMPORARILY ( August '71).
Quantitative Easing, AKA 'monetising debt' another TEMPORARY MEASURE!
Curtis Carpenter
2021-01-13 at 23:09 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
If a house is foreclosed upon and the mortgage broker goes bankrupt the house can bought for next to nothing.???????
Dawa Jailani
2021-01-14 at 05:18 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Mohsin Riaz
2021-01-14 at 10:58 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Food panda is a curse.
Jahn Alexander
2021-01-14 at 11:15 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Maybe inflation has to do with purchasing power not wages, we know that purchasing power has been dropping despite gross rise in wages
Prince London
2021-01-14 at 15:52 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Uncertainty and global low slow growth led to it
Nice Person
2021-01-14 at 21:53 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
no, but BLJ can (bad luck Joe).
Joseph L. Truly Random
2021-01-15 at 05:48 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
There is serious inflation in equities, and especially the stock market.
2021-01-15 at 09:50 (UTC 2) Link to this comment