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Covid-19: how to fix the economy | The Economist

Governments will have to deal with the economic fallout from the pandemic for decades to come. If they get their response wrong, countries risk economic stagnation and political division. Read more here:

Find The Economist’s most recent coverage of covid-19 here:

Read our special report on the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic:

How the pandemic is reshaping banking:

Why America’s economy is beating forecasts:

How the covid-19 pandemic is forcing a rethink in economic policy-making:

How recessions create long-term psychological and economic scars:

What past pandemics can teach us about the economic effects of pandemics:
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The Economist
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  1. 紫微清宸纳兰明媚

    Trump's obscene facts are much more than Biden's son. Are the American people blind?

  2. F LL

    1:56 This is the first time that I've seen a stock market chart not in English and I can't get over how cool this looks in those Japanese writings…!

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  4. Arrowhead Design

    Continued tax cuts for the wealthy needs to end. Low interest rates don't help those that have no income. Losing ACA will lead to medical bankruptcy and/or more American deaths. High student loan interest rates will keep young people from purchasing homes and leave them in a state of poverty. FDR had a vision for the working class. There is no practical vision for improving the problems that the majority of Americans face. Face it.

  5. MVP_KZ

    This situation could finally give that push for technology to advance to the next stage. Possibilities are endless.

  6. Raymond Spicer


  7. Coltyn Seifert

    Buy Bitcoin

  8. raja gautam

    Make China pay for it as the Japanese had to after WW2. It happened due to China's Weapon of Mass Destruction ( Covid ) especially against Europe and USA.

  9. kanye nobody

    lol the economy was already brought to its knees before COVID

  10. roadworrier11

    The virus was concocted to begin the next phase of globalization, regionalized economics. We're now going to see Russia-China ties growing stronger, and US-Canadian Mexican ties. A better answer to ending many of the problems in the world is to destroy banking secrecy laws and to return to a gold silver based currency. Fiat currency money printing is the greatest hoax ever concocted. Funny that "The Economist" does not even consider these fundamental changes. What it does is only reinforce more top-down measures which promote even bigger government. What a joke.

  11. codywohlers

    speed x1.25

  12. Maurice Criddle

    You guys need to decide whether you want to produce information videos or music videos. There were long sections of this one where the music was far louder than the narrators making it rather pointless watching.

  13. Tom Cook

    Helicopter money won't work, people will just pay off their debts and buy assets. Just let the market do it's thing (i.e. crash) and stop trying to pump it for political purposes 😉

  14. Josh Radcliffe

    "The Covid 19 pandemic has brought the world economy to its knees"…, the response by governments to the Covid 19 pandemic has brought the world economy to its knees.

  15. isartora platz

    This time it won’t work..
    The best laid plans…
    Are done ✅

  16. Alex Zubarev

    this is actually  why EVERYONE needs to start online biz like YESTERDAY!! ?
    I been working from home for 12 years never depending on jobs or government for assistance.?✅?
    ask me how (find me on facebook)

  17. bob auzzer


  18. Jana Jana

    Come on 3 ads in a 10 minute video.

  19. Sarah Yang

    does this mean major cities will be a lot less crowded and much less expensive?

  20. BigWilki123321

    The vast majority of businesses currently operating in the United Kingdom could not care less about the welfare, economic or health, of the British population. It is as simple and straight forward as that. They care about themselves, their businesses and their profits. Yet they profit from doing business inside the British people's economy. There is clearly a mismatch here, something which the state has been unwilling to rectify, presumably because those who work for the state enjoy comfortable lives and have no incentive to safeguard the welfare of the British population.

    UK society operates in an "included" or "excluded" manner. You're either included, offered work, given the opportunity to learn relevant skills and given the opportunity to access a reasonable quality of life or you're excluded from those things, thrown onto the benefit system where you will be patronized, condescended, demonized and constantly told how worthless and lazy you are for as long as you're excluded, all of which detract from the central principle that you have not been offered the opportunity to work in the first place (companies are not required to hire you, even if you do have all the skills necessary to do the job in question). Many of the jobs in the UK are un skilled or low skilled, which most of the British population are able to do as they require little to no skill, yet companies choose not to hire most of the British population (yet still expect to be able to profit from the British people's economy). Before the pandemic there was often talk about the number of available job vacancies. The total number of available vacancies means very little if companies are not willingly employing those who apply for them and are capable of carrying out the work. The official unemployment figure is not an accurate representation of the slack in the British labour market, as parameters which define it (changed during the Thatcher/Reagan era) do not encapsulate the total potential output of the British population or the desire of the British population to fulfill that output.

    It's clear what businesses in the UK want. They want highly skilled slaves. People who are highly skilled (skills which businesses don't themselves have to pay for) and who will work themselves into their grave and be overjoyed and highly motivated at the prospect of being offered insecure employment contract conditions, poor working conditions and general ill treatment in return. That is no way to do business and never has been, an employer/employee relationship is meant to be a reciprocal relationship, not an "accept slavery or be excluded" relationship. By whatever mechanism, businesses (the majority of whom have vastly sub optimal productive output) need to be brought back down to earth and it is the job of the state to do that, as it is the state (backed by the military) which is the ultimate safeguard of the welfare of the population.

    Take it from an Englishman whose ancestry can be traced all the way back to 1066. This is a completely unacceptable state of affairs and is completely inconsistent with the values this country inherited.

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