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Covid-19: Bill Gates predicts the end of the pandemic | The Economist

Bill Gates had long warned of the risk that a new virus would go global. Now he explains to Zanny Minton Beddoes, our editor-in-chief, how—and when—the covid-19 pandemic is likely to end.

To find out more read here:

00:00 Introduction
00:50 Are we spending enough?
01:51 Why aren't we spending the billions to save the trillions?
03:35 What is realistic for the global coverage of a vaccine?
04:55 Will anti-vaxxers be a problem?
06:07 How far has this set back progress in the emerging world?

Further reading:

Find The Economist’s most recent coverage of covid-19 here:

Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest covid-19 coverage:

Bill Gates on how to fight future pandemics:

See our data on tracking covid-19 excess deaths around the world:

The pandemic shows the urgency of reforming care for the elderly:

Read about economic recovery in emerging-market countries:

Official economic forecasts for poor countries are too optimistic:

Read our article on America’s delayed second stimulus package:

Why the true number of Africa’s covid-19 cases must be much higher than official figures:

Covid-19 testing labs are being overwhelmed:
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  1. John Smith

    What is this, a paid advertisement for Bill Gates Incorporated? Yeah, I know there's no such outfit, but it sure sounds like an ad that they'd run if there was.

  2. Mirta Cawich

    This man is Satan's agent. He have killed millions and continue doing so with this pandemic. They know exactly when to end this pandemic. People are brain wash and disoriented. Don't listen to him but Jesus only!!!!!!

  3. Geoffrey Callaghan

    Covid-19 is an AMAZING virus. Key features:

    – cured influenza, measles, heart disease, cancers and most other diseases and abolished 'death from natural causes'…

    – it’s a smart virus, highly virulent in parks, gyms, churches and schools, the gym and on beaches…

    – has no effect on the thousands of employees who work at Kmart, BigW, Target, Bunnings…. and especially in liquor stores…

    – the virus seems to target mostly mum and dad businesses and barbershops, who always have much fewer customers walk through their doors…

    – the virus also targets our food chain, since it managed to close meat packing companies, and forced farmers to discard their harvest in record time… (USA)

    – construction and supermarket workers have a natural immunity, but would obviously still need to be vaccinated…

    – also, police uniforms hold the cure for the virus… no social distancing, not even masks are needed, as long as you wear a police uniform…

    – it doesn't affect children, except for a few who got it… same with animals…

    – also, imposing mandatory cloth masks to prevent too much oxygen to people's brains, and spraying beaches and streets with bleach, as well as spraying chemical airborne disinfectants from airplanes over densely populated areas have been known to do miracles for people's lungs affected by this strange virus…

    – we would need millions of ventilators… unless we suddenly won't need any ventilators…

    – and we need to commandeer all private hospitals to keep them open solely for the avalanche of virus victims, and the avalanche of TikTok videos by overworked hero doctors and nurses…

    – categorized as an 'invisible enemy', one that can never be definitively beaten and always lurking in the shadows, much like the war on terror…

    – it loves New York too – a really cosmopolitan virus…

    – there is a Celebrity Strain, and a highly Deadly Strain of the virus…

    – even more amazing, in Sweden you can hug your grandkids, yet the UK strain forbids that…

    – in India alone, the killer virus managed to lock 1.3 billion people in their homes indefinitely, after decimating 1000 of them, within just a few short months…

    – every loss of life from this virus is tragic… however, pushing 150-500 million people into starvation worldwide is a necessary price to pay…

    – experts have pointed out that this seasonal virus could easily be defeated by forever abolishing families, individual privacy, untraceable cash money, and all small independent farms and businesses…

    – we all may have it by now, yet although asymptomatic, we can still infect people and test negative… or test positive… and our antibodies may, or may not give immunity…

    – only a heavily government funded, hastily tested and mandatory vaccine can save us by injecting it in 7 billion people, every year, for a constantly mutating virus, the particular strain of which has long been history…

    – also, be careful not to spread fake news or dangerous misinformation online about this virus… make sure you leave that to the professionals over at CDC, Global and the rest of the reliable mainstream media journalists around the world.

    1. Bob Gillis

      I'd like to make a pamphlet out of this, Well put.


    Bill Gates is evil and so is the economist they have always peddled an agenda.

  5. FreeDeliveryPrinting

    An anonymous source told the New York Times that the woman's symptoms
    were consistent with transverse myelitis (TM). “Concerns over
    associations between TM and vaccines are well known. A review of
    published case studies in 2009 documented 37 cases of transverse
    myelitis associated with vaccines, including Hepatitis B,
    measles-mumps-rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and others in
    infants, children and adults.


    Bill Gates invested 10 Billion on Vaccines and is expected to earn 200 Billion. Those words are from Bill Gate's mouth.

  7. Yahusha Ha Mashiach Yahuah

    Death dealing Bill Gates depopulation vaccines will lead to impermanence of human existence on flat earth religiose globeheads. Religiose globeheads getting pierced with sharp hypodermic syringes is comparable to junkies.

  8. Dan w

    It's all been planned..wake up people

  9. b jenkins

    He sure has nervousish expressions

  10. John Kim

    I don't like him. But, he knows how to see the future.

    1. Bob Gillis

      With $ 100 Billion, you can manufacture the future.

  11. admtech69

    What does your gut tell you when you see Bill Gates speak?

    1. Bob Gillis

      Nervous misanthrope.

  12. Kreshnik Topallaj

    i dont undestend bilioners they now the secret and they use to bring desiese hahaja for mony or more mony or les for us .i hade an direct mesage from u now whoo .i asked mony but i asked what to doo with

  13. Kreshnik Topallaj


  14. Kreshnik Topallaj


  15. R VDL

    Look at his body language. That says enough.

    1. Bob Gillis

      Pretending you are helping people while planning to destroy them has got to be stressful.

  16. Thabang Nkopane

    Ever done research and then venture to various locations bearing the possible cures

  17. 詹家彰

    why this video doesn't have Auto generated subtitle

  18. Kevin

    The contrast of their image quality…

  19. Stephen Nixey

    Any one with any scientific research understands the Viral curve and can state when is will end! Coronaviruses have always come in one wave and that is it! They disappear apparently! But not to say this one will completely for a shot while

    This is a now a scientifically proven a Vitamin-D Pandemic and in spending billions on a vaccine they forgot something natural 'Vitamin-D'.

    Big money is looking for a Vaccine that will not be as efficient as Vitamin-D and adjusting world diets

    Look for government controlled Vitamin-D passing to big pharma a license and price hikes!

  20. Laura Fairborn

    Why dont you pay for it mr. Bill Gates instead of asking the US yet again while you speak so bad of the US

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