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What will China do in 2022?

China’s Xi Jinping seems likely to have his third term in office ratified by the Communist Party Congress in 2022. What could that mean for China, and for the rest of the world?

00:00 What will China do in 2022?
02:38 Chinese nationalism is at an all time high
03:39 The death of private enterprise in China?
04:15 China’s relationship with the United States
05:50 Will China invade Taiwan?
07:12 Understanding China is our most important job.

Read our special report on the Chinese Communist Party:

China’s economy: what’s its weak spot? Watch here:

How is Xi Jinping rewriting history? Listen to, or read the story here:

How are China’s capital markets changing? Listen here:

Is Taiwan part of China? Watch here to find out:

Learn more about China’s methods of surveillance here:

China is keeping its borders closed, and turning inward:

How long can China’s zero-covid policy last?

What does the case of Peng Shuai show about a one party rule?

In Xinjiang, officials are trying to stamp out Uyghur identity:

China still steals commercial secrets for its own firms’ profit:

How is Xi Jinping trying to heal the party’s wounds?

Is China already the world’s most dominant economy?

This is an excerpt from a longer event, exclusive to subscribers to The Economist. To watch this event in full or join a live discussion, go to the subscriber-events hub.
Full story here Are you the author?
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