Debt isn’t the problem if you have enough income to pay the interest on the debt. You can learn more about the red flags of when debt becomes a problem in my study here: #principles #howcountriesgobroke |

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Because I think that the United States and a number of other countries are at risk of going broke, the way countries with reserve countries go broke, I am passing along my free study so that you can review my recommendations of policy that should be done.
You can download it for free at this link:
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I’ve explained how to navigate business and debt cycles in my new book, "How Countries Go Broke". You can read the first parts of my free study here:
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The cycles moving from extremes of very low interest rates to high interest rates is disruptive and can be political.
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I’m at Davos and it’s clear that the global budget deficits require the most urgent attention from policy makers. I have conducted a study and have a solution. If you want a clear picture of what’s happening, and what we can do about it, I urge you to read my new free study “How Countries Go Broke." You can find Part One here:
#WEF25 #RayDalio

When I entered my third phase in life I wanted to pass along the things I’ve learned to you all, first in the form of Principles of Life, Work, and now Debt.
My new book, How Countries Go Broke, is the most pressing book that I have ever done. It deals with the debt crisis that we are dealing with right now. Please sign up at the link here:
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One principle that I’ve really learned is “Pain + Reflect = Progress.”
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Here are timeless and universal truths. Knowing your principles gives you great power. What are your principles?
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Regardless of what side you voted for, it is important to know what is ahead. I believe the new Trump administration will focus on: 1) domestically reform 2) internationally preparing for the possibility of conflict.
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Tags: Featured,newsletter,Ray Dalio
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