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Ray Dalio & Deepak Chopra on Life and Death

Since I released my book Principles: Life & Work in 2017, several remarkably successful people from all walks of life contacted me to tell me that they used basically the same largely-unknown principles in their own lives and asked me to brainstorm about principles with them. I thought it was interesting that these principles worked across so many domains and are not well known, so I arranged to brainstorm with them about these principles on the condition that we would record and share our conversations to help others. Deepak Chopra, whom I respect greatly, was my most recent brainstorming partner. Here is our incredibly interesting and valuable conversation.

P.S. You might want to get my book, Principles: Life & Work, here:

Key Sections:
00:00 - Introduction
02:00 - We Come from Different Worlds and See the Same Life Truths
04:11 - The Force of Evolution
09:45 - Embracing Reality
14:53 - What is Success and How to Achieve it
22:00 - Seeing Yourself as Part of the Whole
29:46 - Advice for Entrepreneurs
39:29 - Think for Yourself
41:38 - Learning from our Mistakes
43:31 - The Importance of Love
45:25 - Principles for the End of Life
52:28 - Dealing with Death
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About Ray Dalio
Ray Dalio
Raymond Thomas Dalio is an American billionaire hedge fund manager and philanthropist who has served as co-chief investment officer of Bridgewater Associates since 1985. He founded Bridgewater in 1975 in New York. Within ten years, it was infused with a US$5 million investment from the World Bank's retirement fund.
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