Even when covid-19 is under control, the long-term effects of the virus will be far-reaching. How will the coronavirus pandemic—and the way it has been handled—change the world? Read more here: https://econ.st/2yEhCg9
Further reading: Find The Economist’s most recent coverage of covid-19 here: https://econ.st/2QXX9sJ Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest covid-19 coverage: https://econ.trib.al/YD53WI6 Which emerging markets are being harmed the most by covid-19: https://econ.st/3dnCh76 Read our briefing on the debt the rich world will be left with: https://econ.st/2YIpRm3 How would-be autocrats are using the pandemic to grab more power: https://econ.st/2WwOcbR Read about China’s plans to crush new outbreaks of covid-19: https://econ.st/2yvOHuE |