Tag Archive: Featured

The Fed Is Wrong to Make Policies Based upon the Phillips Curve

Speaking at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, on August 26, 2022, the chair of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, said the Fed must continue to raise interest rates—and keep them elevated for a while—to bring the fastest inflation in decades back under control.

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Max Otte: Wirtschaft leider nicht immer rational

▶︎ EINLADUNG ▶︎ „Die größten Gefahren für Ihr Vermögen“ - Online-Info-Veranstaltung ✅ Hier gratis anmelden: https://bit.ly/3JcmVU1 MAX OTTE ONLINE ▶︎ Privatinvestor TV: https://www.youtube.com/c/PrivatinvestorTV ▶︎ Max Ottes Webseite: https://max-otte.de/ ▶︎ Max Ottes Buch: "Weltsystemcrash: Krisen, Unruhen und die Geburt einer neuen Weltordnung" Hier bestellen: https://bit.ly/Max-Otte-auf-Amazon ▶︎ Max Ottes neues Buch: “Auf der Suche...

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Inflation & Zinsschock: Wie tief fällt der Markt? | Dr. Jörg Rahn & Rüdiger Born

Die jüngsten Inflationsdaten aus den USA hat die Hoffnung auf steigende Aktienkurse zerstört, die schnelle und deutliche Abwärtsbewegung zeigt wie fragil die Aktienmärkte gegenwärtig sind. Doch wie schlimm ist die Lage wirklich? Dr. Jörg Rahn, Chief Investment Officer eines multi-milliarden schweren Family Offices und Konjunkturzykliker, und Rüdiger Born, institutioneller Trader und Charttechniker, analysieren gemeinsam die gegenwärtige Situation,...

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Don’t Let a Tax Torpedo Sink Your Retirement Boat

(9/16/22) FedEx's dire predictions are echoing concern of others on the true health of the economy; delivery services are a bellwether of a coming recession. The Fed is in a box; Wal-Mart: If you want deals, we're giving you deals. James Taylor, "Inflation is Dead;" Identifying the Tax Torpedo; the bridge strategy of Tax Torpedo diffusion; when companies get hammered, and the opportunity that's created; America slips in the Global...

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Fears Over Rising Food Costs, Stagnant Wages Slam Markets

🔔 SUBSCRIBE TO MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ON YOUTUBE ➤ http://bit.ly/mmx-youtube Worse than expected inflation data has put a 75 basis-point rate increase firmly back on the table. Futures markets are now pricing in the possibility that the Federal Reserve will move by a full percentage point, though a three-quarters of a percent move is currently viewed as more likely. Do you own precious metals you would rather not sell, but need access to cash? Get...

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What is the future of the British monarchy?

In today’s world the idea of the monarchy is outdated, but it thrived under Queen Elizabeth II. The Economist’s Editor-in chief, Zanny Minton Beddoes, and Britain correspondent, Catherine Nixey, discuss what the Queen’s death means for the future of the crown. 00:00 - How has Britain reacted to her death? 02:36 - The impact of her death worldwide 03:48 - What is the future of the British monarchy? 04:45 - The new king will face challenges Find...

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Financial Tips for Millennials: Part 3

Part 3 of my 3 #financial #recommendations for #millennials: do the opposite of your instincts. #personalfinance #money #principle #raydalio #shorts @Yahoo Finance

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This is why you need gold in your portfolio #gold #inflation #hedgeagainstinflation #breakingnews

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Owners Equivalent Rent #cpi #inflation #usdollar #inflation #financialmarkets #news #breakingnews

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Why an Entrepreneur Mindset is Important – Alexandra Gonzalez-Ganoza, Danielle Vasinova

Millennials and GenZ are becoming their own boss more than any generation before them. According to Forbes, “In August alone, more than 4 million workers quit their job, following months of already-high quit rates.” So what does it take to quit your 9-5 and become your own boss? Your mindset! Today’s guest, Danielle Vasinova, shares how she evolved from actress and model to serial entrepreneur. Danielle says, “I don’t even think outside the box....

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US CPI DATA release #usdollar #inflation #news #financialmarkets

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Versicherungsbranche in der Krise? | WOV Talk mit Felix Früchtl

Am 01. Oktober auf der World of Value wird es auch um den Zustand der Versicherungsunternehmen gehen! Der Versicherungsexperte Felix Früchtl, Geschäftsführer der ProLife GmbH, klärt Sie dann u.a. darüber auf, ob die Lieblings-Sparform der Deutschen (Lebensversicherungen) noch als Anlagemodell und Altersvorsorge taugt.

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Fed Policy and Monetary Velocity with Dr. Lacy Hunt – Global Macro Update

This week I spoke with Dr. Lacy Hunt, executive vice president of Hoisington Asset Management and author of both “A Time to Be Rich'' and “Dynamics of Forecasting: Financial Cycles,Theory and Techniques.” We discussed the consequences of the Federal Reserve’s actions, the impact of higher interest rates, and the durability of inflation. In this edition you’ll hear Lacy and I discuss: - How the Fed’s slow shift from “lender of last resort” to...

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Userkommentar: YouTube SPAM, Hintergründe, Abwehr

✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► https://amazon.de/dp/B09RFZH4W1/ Teespring ► https://unterblog.creator-spring.com/ #SPAM, also unerwünschte Werbung, erhalten wir alle über E-Mail. Doch die Abwehr für unsere Postfächer ist massiv besser geworden. Jetzt versuchen sich #WhatsApp Spammer in den Kommentaren unter meinen #Videos und denen zahlreicher anderer Kanäle. Was dahinter steckt und dass man dabei nicht Flöhe husten hören sollte, erkläre...

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Critical Warning For Gold & Silver Price : This Is About To Happen – Alasdair Macleod | Gold Price

Critical Warning For Gold & Silver Price : This Is About To Happen - Alasdair Macleod | Gold Price ⬇ Inspired By: ⬇ #alasdairmacleod #Goldprice -------- 👇 Checkout These Similar Videos👇: ------- 🔑 Don't Forget To Subscribe For More: shorturl.at/twPQ2

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Etfs oder Aktien / Gerd Kommer #etfs #aktien #shorts

Keine Anlageempfehlung !

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Verändere deine Art der Bezahlung

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Bitcoin and Gold in 2022 | Webinar w/ Keith Weiner, Monetary Metals

We welcome the brilliant Keith Weiner to the Bitcoin & Gold in 2022 series. Keith is the Founder of Monetary Metals, a platform which has taken investment in gold to a new level, pioneering yield generation and gold financing. He will be talking to Charlie Morris about the "Money Illusion" and the importance of gold. The BOLD Chart Book: https://bytetreeam.com/downloads/2022-September-BOLD-Chart-Book.pdf JOIN OUR MAILING LIST:...

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Wunsch-Aktien in der Analyse: Allianz, BASF und Nvidia unter der Chartlupe

Cashkurs*Academy: Schnuppern Sie kostenlos in den Kurs Charttechnik rein – Jetzt den Code „Wunschanalysen“ einlösen und das erste Modul gratis belegen: https://bit.ly/CKA_charttechnik In diesem Video bespricht unser Experte Mario Steinrücken die von der Cashkurs*Community gewünschten Titel am Chart: Heute sehen Sie hier die kurz, knackigen Analysen von Allianz, BASF und Nvidia. Hier geht’s zum vollständigen Video mit weiteren spannenden Titeln...

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„Putin ist nicht schuld an der Inflation!“ brisantes Interview mit Dr Marc Faber.

Inflation sind Steuern.

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