Tag Archive: Featured

The Sad Saga of FTX & Sam Bankman-Fried

(12/13/22) It's "CPI Tuesay" [an this show was aire BEFORE toay's CPI release]. Expectations are for weaker numbers, which woul spike markets at the open, which the Fe woul hate. The Fe meeting commence toay--an they alreay know what the CPI number is. What happens when the reality of this year's rate hikes hit next year? Christmas shopping for Mrs. Roberts is always a challenge. PPI was hot; will CPI follow suit? What happens if......

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Breite Risikostreuung oder Konzentration bei Aktien? Leben von Dividenden – www.aktienerfahren.de

Link zu meinen Onlinekursen: https://thomas-anton-schuster.coachy.net/lp/finanzielle-unabhangigkeit Vortrags- und Seminartermine, sowie kostenlose Anforderung des Aktienbewertungsblatts: https://aktienerfahren.de

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US CPI ahead of FOMC Outcome Tomorrow

Overview: The dollar softer against the G10 currencies ahead of today’s CPI report and the FOMC meeting the concludes tomorrow. Emerging market currencies are most mixed. The Hungarian forint leads the complex with around a 1% gain on news of a preliminary deal struck with the EU. The South African rand is the worst performer, off around 0.8%, as impeachment proceedings against Ramaphosa proceed. Global equities are mostly higher today after the...

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Weg vom Bargeld – hin zum komplett digitalen Geld?

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BX Swiss: Test Trades in Swiss Francs via a Decentralized Public-Blockchain.

Together with major Swiss banks, the Swiss stock exchange BX Swiss is taking the financial market infrastructure for tokenized securities to the next level. In a test, trades on BX Swiss were settled for the first time directly in Swiss francs via a decentralized public-blockchain. The test was conducted as part of a proof of concept under the auspices of the Capital Markets Technology Association (CMTA). In the process, structured products were...

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BX Swiss: Test Trades in Swiss Francs via a Decentralized Public-Blockchain.

Together with major Swiss banks, the Swiss stock exchange BX Swiss is taking the financial market infrastructure for tokenized securities to the next level. In a test, trades on BX Swiss were settled for the first time directly in Swiss francs via a decentralized public-blockchain.

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CPI, FED, EZB, großer Verfall 🧨️🧨️🧨️

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Kostenfrei beim exklusiven Community-Treffen dabei sein: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7345339532793300236?source=YT (zeitlich begrenzt!) Nach einem starken November, der den S&P 500 kurz über seine EMA200 ausbrechen sah, hat sich der Dezember ganz anders verhalten. Der S&P 500 hat seit dem Monatswechsel 3,6% verloren. Die Woche wird es entscheidend sein, was die EZB, die FED die BOE...

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New Swiss rail timetable expands offer to tourist regions

Swiss Federal Railways has launched a new timetable, which offers more regional services and direct links between eastern and western Switzerland, and additional connections to popular tourist regions.

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Mache nicht DAS wenn du reich werden willst! (Der Trottel-Effekt 🤡) #shorts

👉 https://betongoldwebinar.com/yts 🔥Jetzt Gratis Immobilien-Webinar ansehen! Gerald Hörhan ist der österreichische Selfmade Multi-Millionär mit Lederjacke und 50+ Millionen EUR Immobilienportfolio, und erklärt auf diesem Kanal, wie auch in seiner Investmentpunk Academy, finanzielle Grundlagen und komplexes Finanz-Insider-Wissen einfach, kurzweilig und verständlich. Als erfolgreicher Investmentbanker mit Harvard Abschluss, verdiente er sich schnell...

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Geld von der KFZ Versicherung zurück bekommen #shorts

Depot eröffnen & loslegen: ⭐ Flatex (in Österreich keine Depotgebühr): *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/flatex.at ⭐DADAT (Dividendendepot für Österreicher/Innen): *https://minimalfrugal.com/dadatdepot ► Trade Republic: (um 1€ Aktien kaufen): *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/traderepublic ► Smartbroker: *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/smartbroker ► Comdirect: *http://www.minimalfrugal.com/comdirect ► Onvista:...

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Since 2012, the population with a migration background has increased by 4 percentage points in Switzerland

The share of the permanent resident population aged 15 or more with a migration background increased from 35% to 39% between 2012 and 2021, according to data from the Swiss Labour Force Survey (SLFS). With a few exceptions, the population with a migration background fares less well in many areas of life than the population without a migration background.

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The “Barbarous Relic” Helped Enable a World More Civilized than Today’s

One of history’s greatest ironies is that gold detractors refer to the metal as the barbarous relic. In fact, the abandonment of gold has put civilization as we know it at risk of extinction. The gold coin standard that had served Western economies so brilliantly throughout most of the nineteenth century hit a brick wall in 1914 and was never able to recover, or so the story goes.

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Mises’s Critiques of Social Darwinism and of the Concept of Class Struggle

In his 1922 book, Gemeinwirtschaft, Ludwig von Mises unmasks the intellectual distortion that is social Darwinism. Based on determining the dynamics of socialization through the principle of the division of labor, Mises shows that society is cooperative; that peace, not war, is the father of human progress.

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Inflation Firestorm Fuels Sound Money Movement

Sound money, in the form of physical gold and silver, look to be ending the year on a bullish footing. Meanwhile, things are looking positive on the sound money public policy front as well, thanks to some big wins at the state level in 2022 combined with renewed enthusiasm among our legislative allies as we head into the 2023 legislative season.

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The Blowback from Stripmining Labor for 45 Years Is Just Beginning

The clueless technocrats are about to discover that unfairness and exploitation can't be measured like revenues and profits, but that doesn't mean they're not real. Economists and financial pundits tend to make a catastrophically flawed assumption.

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Die Preise früher vs. jetzt #shorts

Depot eröffnen & loslegen: ⭐ Flatex (in Österreich keine Depotgebühr): *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/flatex.at ⭐DADAT (Dividendendepot für Österreicher/Innen): *https://minimalfrugal.com/dadatdepot ► Trade Republic: (um 1€ Aktien kaufen): *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/traderepublic ► Smartbroker: *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/smartbroker ► Comdirect: *http://www.minimalfrugal.com/comdirect ► Onvista:...

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How Inflation Affects The World, The Future of Inflation, Marc Faber’s Gloom, Boom, & Doom Report

Inflation has been a hot topic for months, and now that we’re experiencing it globally, we need to make sure we understand what really is going on behind the scenes. We are joined today by Marc Faber of Gloom Boom Doom, and we’re diving deep into what’s going on with the economy and how we can move in a high-inflation environment like we have today. Watch this video to hear what Marc says about inflation today, what we need to know, and how it...

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Why Wall Street’s Predictions are…Frivolous

(12/26/22) Wall St.'s preictions are a frivolous attempt; Golman S&P target of 5,000 i not happen. What happens in an earnings recession? Valuations are not a goo market timing tool. Hoste by RIA Avisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO Prouce by Brent Clanton, Executive Proucer -------- Watch the full show from which this segment is taken on our YouTube channel:...

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Klicke hier, um Dich gemeinsam mit Oli unabhängig zu machen: 👉 http://bit.ly/oli-ausbildung Meine Webseite: https://tradingcoacholi.com/ ►Mein Telegram Kanal: http://t.me/tradingcoacholi ►Folge Oliver auf Facebook: http://bit.ly/TOFBpage ►Folge Oliver auf Instagram: http://bit.ly/TOInst ►Oli macht auch TikToks: https://www.tiktok.com/@tradingcoacholi ►Abonniere Oliver auf YouTube: http://bit.ly/Oli-Kanal DIE TRADING COMMUNITY VON OLIVER KLEMM...

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Inflation Hits the Twelve Days of Christmas

(12/21/22) Inflation in The 12-ays of Christmas = $45,523, up 10-1/2%. Househol inflation is much higher than CPI. Why is there such a isconnect? Price Inflation/Shrinkflation; why prices may not come own as rapily (or as much) as Inflation recees. You'll never see sub-$2-oil again. Hoste by RIA Avisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO Prouce by Brent Clanton, Executive Proucer -------- Watch the full show from which this segment...

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