Tag Archive: Featured

This Bizarre and Dysfunctional System | Andrew Yang

Want a transcript?  Sign up for our free weekly e-letter, and you’ll get a transcript every week, plus a summary and link to the video: https://www.mauldineconomics.com/go/JM499G/MEC According to a recent poll by NBC News, 74% of Americans—Republicans as well as Democrats—now think that the country is moving in the wrong direction. What we need to turn the ship around, says Andrew Yang, a candidate in the 2020 presidential primaries, is new ideas...

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Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn – TOTALABSTURZ! DEUTSCHLAND am Ende! Der kranke Mann Europas ist zurück!

Wie wird sich die aktuell kritische Lage weiter entwickeln? Wir schauen uns regelmäßig an, was Experten wie Ernst Wollf, Dr. Markus Krall, Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn, Dirk Müller, Max Otte oder Marc Friedrich zur aktuellen Lage sagen. Wichtige Ereignisse zusammengefasst! Wird der Euro scheiten? Kommt die Bankenkrise? Wie schützen wir uns vor der Inflation? Kommt der Lastenausgleich? Hier auf dem Kanal von Finance Experience bekommt ihr täglich neue...

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FED Entscheidung: Fahrplan bis Jahresende? (überraschend)

Vor wenigen Stunden wurden die Arbeitslosenzahlen aus den USA veröffentlicht. Weitere relevante Daten werden nicht erwartet. Wie nun die weitere Aussicht auf die Märte ist, und was du wissen solltest, um keine Verluste durch falsche Erwartungen zu erleiden, erkläre ich dir im heutigen Video. KOSTENLOSES BUCH - "Börse ist ein Business" von Jens Rabe https://jensrabe.de/FEDFahrplanEndeBuch Nur für kurze Zeit. Solange der Vorrat reicht....

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ECB has a “come to inflation moment” and sends yields higher, EURUSD higher, stocks lower

The ECBs Lagarde along with the ECB were more hawkish on inflation saying that rates would need to rise significantly.  That has sent European yields higher, stocks lower and the EURUSD higher.  The Fed's more hawkish stance meanwhile has the USDJPY moving higher and the GBPUSD lower.  Things are moving.

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Otmar Issing zur aktuellen Inflationsentwicklung

Der ehemalige Chefvolkswirt der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB), Prof. Dr. Otmar Issing, über die aktuelle Preisentwicklung und was die Politik tun und lassen sollte,

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Are brain implants the future of computing?

Imagine brain implants that let you control devices by thought alone—or let computers read your mind. It’s early days, but research into this technology is well under way. Film supported by @mishcondereya 00:00 - Are brain implants the future of computing? 00:58 - Headsets are changing how brains interact with the virtual world 02:24 - What is a brain computer interface? 03:24 - What’s holding this technology back? 04:00 - How wearable BCIs can...

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Jerome Powell Releases the Krackens | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(12/15/22) Fed Reserve CHairman Jerome Powell left no room for misunderstand the FOMC's decidedly hawkish position, raising interest rates another 50-basis points, and promising more to come. Absent the possibility of pivoting, markets responded by selling-off, but holding the 20-DMA. The realization that the Fed is intent on creating higher unemployment and pain in the economy in order to quell inflation brings a new challenge to the 100-DMA....

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Is Recession Unavoidable in 2023?

(12/15/22) Fed Chair Jerome Powell was "a tad-bit more" hawkish at yesterday's FOMC Presser, announcing another 50-bp rate hike, with more to come in 2023, and no rate cuts possibly until 2024. Markets responded with a mixture of performance. Will Santa skip Broad & Wall this year? Will there be recession next year? A first-peek at Consumer Health comes from today's releases of data on manufacturing, retail sales, jobless claims,...

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‘Just another cheque’: Saudi National Bank’s move into Credit Suisse

When Credit Suisse asked its board member Michael Klein to find capital to help its painful restructuring push, the former Citibank executive with ties in the Middle East ended up in a series of meetings with a powerful Saudi bank little known outside the Gulf.

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Der Großer Martkausblick bei CapTrader | Mario Lüddemann

► Jetzt Termin vereinbaren und vom Experten beraten lassen! https://mariolueddemann.com/trading-beratung/ ► In wenigen Jahren zu deiner Million Willst Du wissen, wie das auch für Dich geht? Dann melde Dich hier zum kostenfreien Beratungsgespräch an: https://deinmillionendepot.com/termin-buchen/ - - - ► Für Trader: sicher dir hier kostenfrei mein E-Book, damit du dein kleines Konto groß tradest: https://mariolueddemann.com/aktuelles/#ebooks ► Für...

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The Greenback Recovers After the Initial Post-Fed Wobble

Overview: The US dollar has come back bid after losing ground against most currencies as the markets reacted to the FOMC decision and press conference. The Antipodeans and Scandis have been tagged the hardest, illustrating the risk-off mood, and arguably the weakening growth prospects. Countries that peg their currencies to the dollar have hiked rates, as has the Philippines and Taiwan. The Swiss National Bank and Norway have also lifted policy...

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Marktausblick | Jahresausblick 2023 | Mario Lüddemann | Ihre Fragen zu Einzelwerte

Trader und Investor Mario Lüddemann bespricht im aktuellen großen Marktausblick die Indizes von S&P bis zum FDAX, SLV, Tesla, Nvidia, Lufthansa, LVMH, MicroStrategy und vielen anderen Einzelwerten und am Ende ein Jahresausblick 2023 vom Börsenexperten Mario Lüddemann. 0:00:00 Begrüßung 0:00:50 Aktienmärkte DAX, S&P 500, NASDAQ etc. 0:12:20 Euro / US Dollar 0:17:34 Heico Corporation - HEI 0:20:08 Daimler Truck - DTG 0:21:34 Intuitive...

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Lieferkettenprobleme und Inflation belasten die Wirtschaft

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Was gewinnt: Fleiß oder Talent? 🤔🤔 #shorts

👉 https://betongoldwebinar.com/yts 🔥Jetzt Gratis Immobilien-Webinar ansehen! Gerald Hörhan ist der österreichische Selfmade Multi-Millionär mit Lederjacke und 50+ Millionen EUR Immobilienportfolio, und erklärt auf diesem Kanal, wie auch in seiner Investmentpunk Academy, finanzielle Grundlagen und komplexes Finanz-Insider-Wissen einfach, kurzweilig und verständlich. Als erfolgreicher Investmentbanker mit Harvard Abschluss, verdiente er sich schnell...

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Thomas Jordan: Introductory remarks, news conference

Ladies and gentlemen It is my pleasure to welcome you to the news conference of the Swiss National Bank. I would also like to welcome all those who are joining us today online. After our introductory remarks, the members of the Governing Board will take questions from journalists as usual.

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Martin Schlegel: Introductory remarks, news conference

I am pleased to give you an assessment of current developments with regard to cash. Since June, after many years of strong growth, we have seen a significant decline in banknote circulation. To contextualise this decline of approximately 10%, let me first say a few words about the above-average growth in recent years.

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Andréa M. Maechler: Introductory remarks, news conference

In my remarks, I will talk in more detail about the implementation of today’s monetary policy decision, which Thomas Jordan has already touched on. I will start, however, by giving you an overview of how we have steered interest rates since the switch to a positive SNB policy rate in September.

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Monopolies and Cartels Are "Communism for the Rich"

What's unfettered in America is "Communism for the Rich" and the normalization of corruption that results from the auctioning of political power to protect monopolies and cartels. The irony of constantly being accused of being a communist is rather rich.

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Monetary policy assessment of 15 December 2022

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Dimitri Speck – Platzt gerade die größte Finanz-Blase aller Zeiten? (ganzer Vortrag, 5.11.2022)

Blasen sind keine neuen Erscheinungen, ob Tulpen, Eisenbahnaktien, Immobilien, es gab sie immer wieder. Derzeit, in Zeiten ungedeckten Papiergeldes, sind die Assets im allgemeinen stark überhöht, wobei der chinesische Immobilienmarkt ein Extrem darstellt. Begleitet werden solche Blasen von noch extremeren Exzessen, wie BTC zeigte.

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