Tag Archive: Featured

Droht eine atomare Eskalation? – Ernst Wolff im Gespräch mit Krissy Rieger

Kostenlose unzensierte News-Beiträge: ►► https://www.meinopinio.com/blog Mehr zu Krissy Rieger: Finanzkanal ►► / @chrisrieger91 Zweitkanal ►► / @krissy.rieger2 Instagram ►► https://www.instagram.com/krissy.rieg... Twitter ►► https://twitter.com/krissyrieger?lang=de Telegram ►► https://t.me/KrissyRieger ____________________ 📅 Alle Termine und die Links zu meiner Vortragsreihe finden Sie hier: 👉 https://ernstwolff.com/#termine Auf dem...

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Gold: Allzeithoch! Startet JETZT die große Rallye?

► Hier kannst Du meinen Kanal abonnieren → https://www.youtube.com/erichsengeld?sub_confirmation=1 „Endlich“ werden viele Gold-Besitzer und auch die Gold-Spekulanten sagen. Denn: Gold bricht zur Oberseite aus und Gold beweist hier momentan auch relative stärke! Das gibt Anlass für Optimismus. Ich möchte in diesem Video darüber sprechen, wie man von dieser Gold-Rallye aus meiner Sicht am besten profitiert. ► Mein exklusives „Lars Erichsen“-Depot:...

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The Politician BehindTrump v. Anderson Still Doesn’t Understand Why She Lost

The US Supreme Court released its ruling on Trump v. Anderson this week and unanimously slapped down the Colorado Supreme Court which had tried to disqualify candidate Donald Trump from the Colorado ballot using section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the US constitution.

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Weaponizing the Dollar and the Blowback Effect

🔔 SUBSCRIBE TO MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ON YOUTUBE ➤ http://bit.ly/mmx-youtube The United States has weaponized the dollar, leveraging it to achieve foreign policy objectives. But is the U.S. playing with fire? Is it setting itself up for significant blowback? In this episode of the Money Metals' Midweek Memo, host Mike Maharrey explains how the U.S. has turned the dollar into a weapon and the risk it takes by using its privilege as the issuer of the...

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Traders prepare for BOC rate decision and Chair Powell. What USDCAD levels are play?

Fed's Powell testifies on Capitol Hill. Bank of Canada right decision at 9:45 AM.

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TSLA stock price forecast and technical analysis, do not buy yet

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Anzeige gegen Ricarda Lang scheitert!

Anzeige gegen Ricarda Lang durch AfD-Stadtrat gescheitert! Meine Depotempfehlung 3,9 % Tagesgeld-Zinsen und 5,3% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Depot* 📊 Tracke deine Dividenden mit dieser App http://myfinances24.de/mydividends24 📒 Mein Buch! Der Rationale Kapitalist ►►http://amzn.to/2kludNT 🎧JETZT auch als Hörbuch bei Audible ►► https://goo.gl/iWvTRR Haftungsausschluss: Anlagen in Wertpapieren und anderen Finanzinstrumenten...

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Juvenal’s Greatest Poser: “Who Will Guard the Federal Reserve?”

[This article was first published in the New York Sun.]“Who will guard these guardians?” That poser of Juvenal, satirist of Rome, is an immortal question — nowhere more pertinent, though, than in deciding who should oversee the Federal Reserve.

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Smedley Butler Explains the Latest Excuse for American Intervention in Ukraine

Senior Fellow Alex Pollock drew my attention to an important quotation by Smedley Butler: 1935 speech and later a book by Major General Smedley D. Butler (USMC), includes  “… A racket is best described, I believe, something that is not what it seems to the majority of people.

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US Dollar enters fourth day of consecutive losses ahead of Powell testimony

The US Dollar trades softer across the board on Wednesday. US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is heading to Capitol Hill for his semi-annual testimony. The US Dollar Index snaps an important support, looking bleak ahead of the ECB decision and NFP data.

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Proof: How Inflation is Affecting the Economy

Super Tuesday seems to have locked-up the next Presidential contest pairing; economic data is not so good, yet market exuberance continues. Fed speakers abound today ahead of the Fed's blackout period. A record-setting Yield Curve Inversion is underway, still without recession. Markets continue to trade in a narrow range, like clockwork; volatility actually declined. Are we at the top, and not a bubble? Correction this year is very likely; Bitcoin...

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MASSIVER Risikoanstieg im Bankensystem! So schützt Du Dein Vermögen… (Webinar mit Dominik Kettner)

► Krisen-Kompass am 19. März ab 19 Uhr. Melde Dich jetzt für das exklusive Webinar mit Prof. Dr. Max Otte bei Dominik Kettner an: https://kettner.shop/max-otte-newsletter ⭐ Kapitaltag 2024: Erlebe Max Otte, Markus Krall, Stefan Homburg und weitere spannende Redner live am 19. April. Jetzt Ticket sichern: https://kapitaltag.de/ Du dachtest dein Geld gehöre dir?! Dominik Kettner und Florian Günther befassen sich in diesem Gespräch mit der aktuellen...

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NVDA technical analysis, where is this rocket going? Watching 1050-1100

The most important to watch is Nasdaq futures but it there is no correction there yet, NVDA is eyeing 1000 round number and a bit higher, IMO, as shown in the NVDA technical analysis video. Go to www.ForexLive.com for additional views.

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Swiss Franc extends losses on Swiss interest rate outlook

The Swiss Franc (CHF) edges lower against the US Dollar (USD) on Wednesday as traders continue to bet on a less-inflationary outlook for Switzerland, supporting a relatively low interest rate policy and dampening foreign capital inflows. 

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Apartment Bridge Loans Are Collapsing

Stoked by ultra-loose monetary policy from the Federal Reserve, capital markets have been in a persistent bubble for several years. Printing trillions of new dollars and maintaining a zero-interest rate policy (“ZIRP”) was marketed by politicians and bureaucrats as supportive of the “main street economy,” but those trillions were directed primarily towards speculation in capital markets. 

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Be on the Lookout for These Lies in Biden’s State of the Union Address

On Thursday evening, President Joe Biden is set to give his third State of the Union address. The political press has been buzzing with speculation over what the president will say. That speculation, however, is focused more on how Biden will perform, and which issues he will prioritize.

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Europas höchste Sparquoten #sparen

Europas höchste Sparquoten 🏦 #sparen je Haushalt in Prozent des Bruttoeinkommens 📝 Quelle: eurostat, Sparquote privater Haushalte, Stand 2022 🎯 2015 haben wir es uns zur Mission gemacht, Menschen zu ermutigen, ihre Finanzen in die eigenen Hände zu nehmen. Angefangen als YouTube-Kanal mit Erklärvideos, haben wir uns innerhalb weniger Jahre zur größten Community für finanzielle Selbstentscheider im deutschsprachigen Raum entwickelt. 🔔 Möchtest du...

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Dissecting Lincoln

Thomas DiLorenzo, the president of the Mises Institute, has already reviewed Paul C. Graham’s Nonsense on Stilts: The Gettysburg Address and Lincoln’s Imaginary Nation (Shotwell Publishing, 2024) in characteristically excellent fashion, but the book is so insightful that some further comments are warranted.

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Reimagining Public Safety – The Case for Privatizing Security

Since the conclusion of World War II, each biennial session of Congress has ushered in a staggering 4-6 million words of additional legislation.

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China will fünf Prozent wachsen – Traum oder Wirklichkeit?

Die KP hat einen „rausgehauen“. Das Land der Mitte soll im Jahr des Drachen ca. fünf Prozent wachsen. Wo es genau herkommen soll, weiß im Moment nur Konfuzius. Konkrete Angaben, wo es herkommen soll, werden jedoch nicht gemacht. Wo kommt also das wundersame Wachstum her? Und was müsste passieren, damit der chinesische Aktienmarkt wieder rund läuft? Robert Halver mit seinem Blick auf das Land der Mitte

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