Tag Archive: Featured

Dollar Soft as Markets Await Fresh News and Rumours

The dollar is coming under pressure again; markets are finally waking up to the fact that a stimulus deal before 2021 is unlikely; 10-year Treasury yields have been trading in a narrow range for months.

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FX Daily, October 20: Narrowly Mixed Markets as Clearer Direction Sought

The capital markets lack a clear direction today. This is reflected in narrowly mixed equities, bonds, and currencies. The spreading contagion is giving rise to new economic concerns, among other things, and the UK-EU talks are struggling to resume, while Pelosi-Mnuchin talks in the US continue to drag.

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Swiss Trade Balance Q3 2020: foreign trade regains color

After its historic decline in the second quarter, Swiss foreign trade showed a clear recovery in the third quarter of 2020. In seasonally adjusted terms, exports swelled by 6.5% and imports by 11.5%. The two traffic departments, however, remained well below their record level for the second quarter of 2019. The trade balance closed with a surplus of 8.2 billion francs.

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Coronavirus: 14,000 new cases reported this week in Switzerland

On 16 October 2020, Switzerland’s Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) reported 3,105 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection over 24 hours, bringing the reported weekly total to 14,054, a figure 135% higher than the week before.

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The Progressivism of the Future Is Really Just the Socialism of the Past

The world is currently in the midst of a newly aggressive drive to bring about a new socialist order through a powerful and "efficient" technocratic state. This new order has been labeled as "progressive," but it is merely the latest version of the socialist impulse which we have seen before in the form of socialism and communism. 

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Will the Stock Market Be Dragged to the Guillotine?

The Fed's rigged-casino stock market will be dragged to the guillotine by one route or another. The belief that the Federal Reserve and its rigged-casino stock market are permanent and forever is touchingly naive. Never mind the existential crises just ahead; the financial "industry" (heh) projects unending returns of 7% per year, or is it 14% per year?

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If We Want to Increase Demand in the Market, We Must First Increase Production

An individual’s demand is constrained by his production of goods. The more goods an individual produces, the more of other goods he can secure for himself.

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Drivers for the Week Ahead

Some are holding out hope but we think the stimulus package remains dead; Fed releases its Beige Book report Wednesday; there is a full slate of Fed speakers this week. Fed manufacturing surveys for October will continue to roll out; weekly jobless claims will be reported Thursday; BOC releases results of its Q3 Business Outlook Survey Monday.

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FX Daily, October 19: Sterling Sparkles in Dollar Setback

Investors have not let the surge of the virus or uncertainty over the UK-EU talks or US fiscal stimulus to stand in their way.  Sterling is leading the major currencies higher, returning to the $1.30 area, while global equities are trading higher.

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Coronavirus: new rules from tomorrow as cases rise fast in Switzerland

On 18 October 2020, after an extraordinary meeting, Switzerland’s Federal Council announced masks would become mandatory across all of Switzerland. In addition, certain gatherings of more than 15 people are to be banned and employers are required to follow recommendations for staff to work from home.

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Swiss economy to slide less than feared, according to new forecast

An updated forecast published this week by the Switzerland’s federal government is less negative than forecasters feared in the middle of the year.

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EM Preview for the Week Ahead

Risk assets are coming off a tough week. The dollar was bid across the board except for the yen, which outperformed slightly. The only EM currencies to gain against the dollar were KRW and CLP. The major US equity indices somehow managed to eke out very modest gains but stock markets across Europe sank as the viral spread threatens to slam economic activity again.

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Bob Murphy Analyzes “The Hunt” and “The Purge” Movies as an Anarchist

Bob offers his commentary on the movies “The Hunt” and “The Purge”—both produced by Blumhouse Productions—and focuses on whether The Purge storyline offers a challenge to Rothbard’s depiction of anarcho-capitalism.

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Central Banks and the Problem with Playing God

Today’s Western institutions have long been deemed to be sacrosanct. As a matter of fact, though, nation-states are increasingly met with reservation or even outright resentment. Public trust in government is near historic lows, and pillars like the media or democracy are suffering from a loss of confidence.

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Zug and Geneva boost attractiveness with corporate tax cuts

Canton Geneva has made the biggest jump in the annual Credit Suisse ranking of attractive business locations, moving up ten spots to sit just behind Zurich.

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5 Estate Planning Myths That Can Derail Your Estate Plan

You spend a lifetime earning, saving, acquiring. But the old adage is true—you can’t take it with you. So, what do you do with your assets when you’re gone? How do you want them distributed? That’s where a good estate plan comes in.

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The Jacksonians’ Bank War: Liberty versus Power

The Jacksonians saw central banking for what it was: a way of making the rich even richer, while ripping off ordinary people. We remember the Jacksonians not just because they were right about the central bank, but because they were also very successful in their fight against the Bank and its allies.

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Coronavirus: tough restrictions needed to avoid deaths, says WHO director

Tough restrictions are absolutely necessary to save lives, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned, as a second Covid-19 wave emerges in Europe.

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FINMA-Aufsichtsmitteilung 08/2020: LIBOR-Ablösung im Derivatebereich

Die Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA empfiehlt den von der LIBOR-Ablösung betroffenen Beaufsichtigten, das neue Rückfallprotokoll der International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) frühestmöglich zu unterschreiben.

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Roche poised to launch mass Covid testing

Swiss drug firm Roche says it is to launch a new Covid-19 antigen test before the end of the year, allowing faster, higher-volume testing. One of the most potent use cases could be at airports to ease the severe restrictions on air transport.

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