Tag Archive: Featured

Don’t Really Need ‘Em, Few More Nails Anyway

The ISM’s Non-manufacturing PMI continued to decelerate from its high registered all the way back in July 2020. In that month, the headline index reached 58.1, the best since early 2019, and for many signaling that everything was coming up “V.”

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The far-reaching impact of the US election

The 2020 election was a roller coaster experience for both sides and for all International observers who understood its massive economic and geopolitical implications for the rest of the West.

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The Great Reset vs. The Great Reset

In baseball, there is a situation where a base runner is sprinting to home plate and can’t see what is happening behind him. Totally focused on scoring, he doesn’t know if the outfielder is throwing a ball that will reach home plate first. That’s where we get the phrase “out of left field.” (If the ball were coming from right field, the runner could actually see it.)

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Dollar Stabilizes but Weakness to Resume

There are new efforts to pass another round of stimulus sooner rather than later; we warn against getting too optimistic; US bond yields rose in anticipation of stimulus; Fed Chair Powell and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin gave somewhat conflicting outlooks for the US.

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Warum die Anhänger des freien Marktes die Sozialisten unterschätzen

Die breite Masse der Menschen hängt keiner eigenen Idee an, weder einer guten, noch einer schlechten. Stattdessen suchen sie sich unter den vielen von intellektuellen Vordenkern erdachten Ideologien eine aus. Ihre Wahl aber ist verbindlich und bestimmt den Gang der Dinge. Wenn die Masse schlechte Grundsätze bevorzugt, ist das Unheil nicht mehr abzuwenden.

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FX Daily, December 4: The Employment Report may not Give Greenback much of a Reprieve

After wobbling late yesterday on what appears to be old news from Pfizer about a disruption of the vaccine's supply chain, equity markets have recovered, and risk appetites remain intact.   With more than 1% gains in South Korea's Kospi and Taiwan's Taiex, the MSCI Asia Pacific benchmark secured its fifth consecutive weekly gain. 

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Charles Hugh Smith on Parallels of the Great Fire of Rome 64 AD to Today

Charles Hugh Smith on Parallels of the Great Fire of Rome 64 AD to Today http://financialrepressionauthority.com/2020/12/03/the-roundtable-insight-charles-hugh-smith-on-parallels-of-the-great-fire-of-rome-64-ad-to-today/ Receive trading ideas weekly from Yra: https://cedarportfolio.com/yra-signup-form

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There Have Actually Been Some Jobs Saved, Only In Place of Recovery

The ISM reported a small decline in its manufacturing PMI today. The index had moved up to 59.3 for the month of October 2020 in what had been its highest since September 2018. For November, the setback was nearly two points, bringing the headline down to an estimate of 57.5.

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There is No Denying that Cash is Trash!

Governments are likely to continue printing money to pay their debts with devalued money. That’s the easiest and least controversial way to reduce the debt burdens and without raising taxes.

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Why Commies Hate Your Thanksgiving Dinner

In 1923 Lenin released a propaganda pamphlet titled Down with the Private Kitchen. It explained how private dinners with one's family are reactionary, bourgeois, and generally something requiring total destruction.

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FX Daily, December 03: Euro Rally Stalls while Brexit Concerns Trip Sterling

The selling pressure that drove the dollar lower yesterday has abated, and the greenback is paring yesterday's loss, though the dollar-bloc currencies are showing some resilience. EC negotiator Barnier briefed ministers that the same three issues that have bedeviled the trade talks with the UK remain unresolved (fisheries, level playing field, and a conflict resolution mechanism).

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BIS, Swiss National Bank and SIX announce successful wholesale CBDC experiment

Project Helvetia shows the feasibility of two proofs of concept (PoCs), using “near-live” systems to settle digital assets on a distributed ledger with central bank money.

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Dollar Plumbs New Depths With No Relief In Sight

Stimulus talks continue but the goalposts have indeed been moved; the good news is that a package before year-end is looking more likely; optimism regarding stimulus continues to buoy US yields. ISM services PMI is expected at 55.8 vs. 56.6 in October; weekly jobless claims data will be reported; Fed Beige Book report was suitably downbeat.

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Tesla Isn’t A Car Company

We have the luxury, the honor, of speaking to a lot of individual investors here at Alhambra. Whether they are clients or future clients (optimism is my default condition), the most common view of stocks is that they are overvalued and a fall – a large fall – is inevitable. And there is no stock that embodies that view more than Elon Musk’s Tesla Incorporated. It was once known as Tesla Motors but Musk changed the name in early 2017. There may...

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Double Your Gift Today!

Dr. Gary Schlarbaum, one of our generous supporters, has again offered to match all donations received through December 7. That means your $10 donation becomes $20, your $25 donation becomes $50, and so on.

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FX Daily, December 2: Euro Rally Stalls while Brexit Concerns Trip Sterling

The selling pressure that drove the dollar lower yesterday has abated, and the greenback is paring yesterday's loss, though the dollar-bloc currencies are showing some resilience. EC negotiator Barnier briefed ministers that the same three issues that have bedeviled the trade talks with the UK remain unresolved (fisheries, level playing field, and a conflict resolution mechanism).

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Issuance calendar for Confederation bonds and money market debt register claims in 2021

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) and the Federal Finance Administration (FFA) advise as follows:

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Swiss Consumer Price Index in November 2020: -0.7 percent YoY, -0.2 percent MoM

02.12.2020 - The consumer price index (CPI) fell by 0.2% in November 2020 compared with the previous month, reaching 101.0 points (December 2015 = 100). Inflation was –0.7% compared with the same month of the previous year. These are the results of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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When Governments Confiscate Wealth to Fund Government Programs

The entrepreneurs try to undertake only such projects as appear to promise profits. This means that they endeavor to use the scarce means of production in such a way that the most urgent needs will be satisfied first, and that no part of capital and labor will be devoted to the satisfaction of less urgent needs as long as a more urgent need, for whose satisfaction they could be used, goes unsatisfied.

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In October, Money Supply Growth Remained Near All-Time Highs

In October, money supply growth fell slightly from September's all-time high, although growth still remains at levels that would have been considered outlandish just eight months ago. October's easing in money-supply growth comes after eight months of record-breaking growth in the US which came in the wake of unprecedented quantitative easing, central bank asset purchases, and various stimulus packages.

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