Tag Archive: Featured

FX Daily, February 18: Markets Chill

The bout of profit-taking in equities continued today, and most markets in Asia Pacific and Europe are lower. China's markets re-opened but struggled to sustain early gains. However, the Shanghai Composite rose by about 0.5%, and a smaller increase was recorded in Taiwan and an even smaller gain in Australia.

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Switzerland tops global e-commerce index

Switzerland is the best equipped country for online shopping, according to a United Nations comparison of more than 150 states.

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The United Nations in Geneva – before and during the pandemic

With the exception of a few organisations and institutions that continue to operate in person, such as the UN Human Rights Council, which is currently conducting its Universal Periodic Review process, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the WHO and some permanent missions to the United Nations, most day-to-day business and multilateral activities are conducted online.

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BITCOIN BOOM: Is It Right Time to Buy Bitcoin? – Robert Kiyosaki

BITCOIN BOOM: Is It Right Time to Buy Bitcoin? - Robert Kiyosaki

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Trading Wochenanalyse für KW07/2021 mit Marcus Klebe – DAX – DOW – EUR/USD – Gold #Chartanalyse

In dieser Analyse blickt Marcus Klebe auf die vergangene Handelswoche im DAX, Dow, EUR/USD und Gold und bespricht wichtige charttechnische Bereiche und mögliche Bewegungen für die kommenden Handelstage.

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If America Splits Up, What Happens to the Nukes?

Opposition to American secession movements often hinges on the idea that foreign policy concerns trump any notions that the United States ought to be broken up into smaller pieces. It almost goes without saying that those who subscribe to neoconservative ideology or other highly interventionist foreign policy views treat the idea of political division with alarm or contempt. Or both.

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Rüdiger Born: Charttechnik aktuell bei Dax und Dow

Dax und Dow schaue ich mir in diesem schwächelnden Marktumfeld genauer am Chart an. Im Dow sehen wir sogar den Rutsch unter einen Trendkanal. Was bedeutet das für Trader?

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Fiat Geld und Kollektive Korruption. Eine hintergründige Analyse

Ein Vortrag von Thorsten Polleit, aufgenommen am 29. Januar 2021 in Frankfurt a. M. von Manuel Teubert.

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Money, Interest, and the Business Cycle

The banks very often expand credit for political reasons. There is an old saying that if prices are rising, if business is booming, the party in power has a better chance to succeed in an election campaign than it would otherwise. Thus the decision to expand credit is very often influenced by the government that wants to have “prosperity.” Therefore, governments all over the world are in favor of such a credit-expansion policy.

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Uncle Sam Was Back Having Consumers’ Backs

American consumers were back in action in January 2021. The “unemployment cliff” along with the slowdown and contraction in the labor market during the last quarter of 2020 had left retail sales falling backward with employment. Seasonally-adjusted, total retail spending had declined for three straight months to end last year.

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2021-02-14 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Alasdair MacLeod

We have two global problems. The potential bankruptcy, in fact, almost certain bankruptcy of the Eurozone and the ending of the Euro. And at the same time, in America with dollars being printed to create a wealth effect, when that bubble pops the dollar will similarly have virtually no future and probably wipe it out. And, I'm talking about the very near future, because I don't think it's going to take very long for this to go wrong.

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Stiftung in Liechtenstein: Errichtung und Aufbau von Verwaltungsstrukturen im Sinne des Stifters

Neben Steuervorteilen sind Stiftungen in Liechtenstein auch aus vielen anderen Gründen attraktiv. Im Dialog mit Prof. Dr. Dr. Gierhake erörtert Christoph Juhn die Details zur Errichtung einer Stiftung in Liechtenstein und den steuerlichen Implikationen bei der Übertragung des Stiftungsvermögens. Vor allem aber liegt der Fokus des Gesprächs auf den Aufbau von unabhängigen Organen, die den Vorstellungen des Stifters zum Zweck der Stiftung Gestalt...

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Rüdiger Born: Indizes schwach – was für uns Trader machbar ist

Im folgenden Video schaue ich mir die US-Indizes an. Die zeigen aktuell eine fallende Tendenz. Was ist für uns Trader möglich? Wollen Sie meine täglichen Analysen im “Trade des Tages” erhalten? Dieses Angebot ist für Sie völlig kostenfrei! Melden Sie sich dafür einfach hier an. Trade des Tages von Rüdiger Born und seinem Analystenteam BORN-4-Trading … Continue reading »

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FX Daily, February 17: Follow-Through Dollar Buying after Yesterday’s Reversal Tests the Bears

Overview:  After reversing higher yesterday, the US dollar sees follow-through gains today, leaving the euro around a cent lower from yesterday's highs. Sterling's surge is also being tempered. Most emerging market currencies are lower as well. 

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Swiss competition watchdog to investigate Mastercard

The competition authority suspects the global credit card firm of using its position to prevent the rollout of a new, more uniform, ATM system across Switzerland.

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Julian Hosp Live

Hat dir das Video gefallen? Gib mir nen DAUMEN HOCH ? bzw. TEILE dieses Video um gemeinsam AT, DE und CH #cryptofit zu machen!

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Austrian Economics is the Science of Business Success

For any size and any type of business, the generation of value requires more than strategy, planning, and executional excellence. It calls for the establishment, communication, and internalization of value-generation principles, solidly founded and consistently applied.

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When Is The Big Payday For GOLD ?

When Is The Big Payday For GOLD ? - Alasdair Macleod |Gold Standard

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Was viele über Konsum und Frugalismus denken (aber nicht stimmt)!

Mittlerweile betreibe ich einige Projekte und es macht mir ungemein Spass, an diesen zu arbeiten. Ich gebe mir viel Mühe, alle Projekte wie z.B. den Sparkojoten, das Finanzrudel oder den Amazing Online-Shop auf Kurs zu halten. Falls ihr euch für eines der Projekte interessiert, checkt sie gerne ab.

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Noch 50 Punkte bis zum Allzeithoch – “DAX Long oder Short?” mit Marcus Klebe – 16.02.2021

JFD ist eine führende Unternehmensgruppe, die Finanz- sowie Investmentdienstleistungen und -aktivitäten anbietet. Die Muttergesellschaft, JFD Group Ltd, wurde im Dezember 2011 gegründet und ist heute ein international lizenzierter, globaler Anbieter von Multi-Asset-Trading- und Investmentlösungen.

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