Tag Archive: Featured

Deja Vu: Treasury Shorts Meet Treasury Shortages

Investors like to short bonds, even Treasuries, as much as they might stocks and their ilk. It should be no surprise that profit-maximizing speculators will seek the best risk-adjusted returns wherever and whenever they might perceive them.

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Antal Fekete, Gold, and Central Banks

On the fourteenth of October 2020, Antal E. Fekete, the Hungarian-Canadian economist who saw himself as a monetary theorist following the tradition of Carl Menger, died in Budapest. Behind him was an eventful and fruitful life which was quite typical of the crazy last century. His experiences eventually filled Fekete with dark forebodings for the current century.

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Die Millionen-Glatze wird LIVE geschnitten

Mittlerweile betreibe ich einige Projekte und es macht mir ungemein Spass, an diesen zu arbeiten. Ich gebe mir viel Mühe, alle Projekte wie z.B. den Sparkojoten, das Finanzrudel oder den Amazing Online-Shop auf Kurs zu halten. Falls ihr euch für eines der Projekte interessiert, checkt sie gerne ab.

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Markets, Gold, Bonds – Ross Clark. Hyperinflation – Marc Faber. Real Estate – Steve Saretsky. AMY.V

Ross Clark – Markets, Capitulation in Gold, Bonds. Special Offer! For New Subscribers 2 Months for $200 OR 25% Off For One Year. Offer Ends March 14, 2021.

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Nonviolent Solutions to Social Problems

Bob discusses three separate items all related to nonviolence: (1) Gene Sharp’s work, (2) Bob’s old dream of how to topple a tyrant, and (3) the winners of the Louis CK contest. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Gene Sharp’s book, From Dictatorship to DemocracyThe trailer for the documentary “How to Start a Revolution”Sharp’s list of 198 methods of nonviolent actionThe original Louis CK clip that inspired Bob’s...

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Bullsh*t-Talk: There is so much Bullsh*t-Talk in Finance and Investments (English)

In the keynote speech, Prof. Dr. Erwin W. Heri talks about the manipulation of representations and content by financial players. Learn in the video how you can recognize such content! More about this? Visit us on https://www.fintool.ch ?? Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: https://www.fintool.ch ►Unser FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/fintool ►Unser LinkedIn:...

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ECONOMÍA DOPADA – Más Deuda, Más Riesgo

Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - https://twitter.com/dlacalle ☑ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lacalledanie ☑ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dlacalle ☑ Página web - https://www.dlacalle.com ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - https://www.amazon.es/Daniel-Lacalle/e/B00P2I78OG ¡Un saludo!

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Gold And Silver Prices 2021 – Max Keiser Interview

What's happening to gold and silver prices 2021? Max Keiser of The Keiser Report talks to GoldCore CEO Stephen Flood about what's going on with gold and silver and bitcoin. With gold and silver prices dropping while bitcoin rallies Max Keiser asks if Bitcoin is putting gold in it's shadow and acting like a store of wealth and if Bitcoin can replace gold as a hedge against inflation. Stephen warns about the impact of higher yields on stock...

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FX Daily, March 9: Turn Around Tuesday Strikes

It is not clear the trigger, but risk-taking appetites rebounded smartly today after the NASDAQ completed a more than 10% pullback from its highs yesterday.  Ironically, the Dow Jones Industrials set new record highs yesterday too.  Most equity markets in the Asia Pacific region rallied.  The notable exceptions were South Korea and China. 

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Most adults in rich nations face long wait for vaccine, distributor warns

More than half of adults in rich countries will still be waiting to receive a first dose of coronavirus vaccine in 15 months’ time, the head of a logistics group distributing jabs has warned. Detlef Trefzger, chief executive of Kuehne+Nagel, one of the world’s largest haulage companies, said: “This already is fast. This sounds shocking for some people, but we have to be realistic.”

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Swiss Trade Balance: 2020 salt exports: lowest in 30 years

Swiss foreign trade in salt has plummeted since 2010. Over the past ten years, exports have plunged 91% to 6,084 tonnes and imports by 69%. In 2019 and 2020, the amount of salt imported was greater than that exported, a phenomenon that had not occurred since 2009.

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Yanis Varoufakis with Daniel Denvir

This event was a partnership between Lannan Foundation and Haymarket Books. Audio and video have been edited to highlight the guest speakers.

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Gives His Predictions on Stock Market Collapse, Gold, US Dollar

Gives His Predictions on Stock Market Collapse, Gold, US Dollar

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Negativzinsen: Deutschland verbrennt seit 10 Jahren Geld

Negativzinsen sind nichts Neues: Es gibt sie schon seit 10 Jahren! Dass das schwer zu glauben ist, liegt an einem grundlegenden Denkfehler, den wir beim Thema Zinsen gerne machen. Die Erklärung dazu gibt es in diesem Video.

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Wie man sich in Jungen Jahren ein 355k Portfolio aufbaut

Wie man sich in Jungen Jahren ein 355k Portfolio aufbaut. Heute erzähle ich euch wie ich es bereits mit 24 Jahren zu einem Portfolio von 355k geschafft habe. Erfahrt die Basics und welche Schritte ihr beachten solltet. Schreibt mir auch gerne in die Kommentare wie weit ihr seid und was ihr davon haltet.

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The Crouching Tiger Trade

There are five things to look for when there’s nothing to see. There’s an inclination to scan markets and look for volatility. Oftentimes, it’s better to look for an edge in a market that isn’t moving. The crouching tiger will soon roar. The hidden dragon will breathe fire. LET'S CONNECT! Facebook ► http://facebook.com/forexlive​ Twitter ► https://twitter.com/ForexLive​ Homepage ► http://www.forexlive.com/

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MARKUS KRALL: Bald wird es PASSIEREN, Wache JETZT auf !!!

Markus Krall (* 10. Oktober 1962) ist ein deutscher Volkswirt, Unternehmensberater und Autor. Seit September 2019 ist Krall Mitglied und Sprecher der Geschäftsführung der Degussa Goldhandel GmbH. Er steht der Österreichischen Schule nahe. Rezipiert wurde er als „Crash-Prophet“ mit umstrittenen gesellschaftlichen Forderungen, beispielsweise der Einschränkung bzw.

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Weekly Highlights from The Real Investment Show for Week Ending

It was the week of The Big Thaw, and Texas got back to business: * What Happens When the Fiscal Sugar Rush Wears Off * How You Know You're Investing at the Peak of the Market * The Tik-Tok Investing Couple (what could possibly go wrong??) * The Fed's Two Elephants in the Room - Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA, & Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP

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Alasdair MacleodFiat Monetary System Collapse $15,000 to $50,000 Gold Price Prediction

  Full Document transcript go to:https://www.financialanalysis.tv Contact advertising: Would you like to place ads on my youtube channel? Email: [email protected]: akira10k Join discussion on Topic on Fan Page https://www.facebook.com/Economicpredictions/

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The Fedcoin is Coming, 8 March

Before we talk about Fedcoins, let’s look at the old school non-digital, non-blockchain, coin. Gold. And silver. Since January 4, the price has dropped about $244. And the price of silver has fallen about $4. Are these buying opportunities? Or the end of the brief gold bull market of 2020 (i.e. Covid)?

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