Tag Archive: Featured

Markus Krall enthüllt schockierendes – Was HIER ABLÄUFT ist nicht mehr normal!!! HÖR DIR DAS AN!!!

Markus Krall enthüllt schockierendes - Was HIER ABLÄUFT ist nicht mehr normal!!! HÖR DIR DAS AN!!!

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INFLATION ist Diebstahl – wie wir uns schützen können!

Bei meiner Recherche für mein sechstes Buch habe ich die wahre Inflation errechnet und war schockiert! 2020 lag diese bei 13,7%. Offiziell wurde uns gerade mal 1 Prozent berichtet. Was stimmt nun und wie berechnet man die wahre Inflation? Die EZB druckt so viel Geld wie noch nie. Viele befürchten jetzt eine Inflation. Selbst die Bundesbank geht von 3% aus. Andere von deutlich mehr. Kommt jetzt die große Geldentwertung? Was ist Inflation und wie...

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FX Daily, March 11: Risk Extends Gains Ahead of the ECB

Overview: Even though the NASDAQ closed lower yesterday and the reception of the 10-year Treasury auction did not excite, market participants are growing more confident.  Led by China, the major markets in the Asia Pacific region rallied.  The Shanghai Composite's 2.35% gain not only snaps a five-session slide but is the largest rally since last October.

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Swiss government expects fast economic recovery in 2021

After a weak start to the year, Switzerland’s economy should recover rapidly from a heavy coronavirus-driven slump to grow by 3% in 2021, the government said on Thursday. Gross domestic product will fall “significantly” in the first quarter of this year, after Covid-19 restrictions last December, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (Seco) said in a statement.

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Investor podcast with Peter Phan – Harnessing Charlie Munger to invest better | Rask

Peter Phan is the Portfolio Manager of Castlereagh Equity. Many Australian investors already know Peter from his time blogging and due to his activity on Twitter.

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Outsiders to Rob Us of Our Property

Strains in the Debt, Dollar, and Banking COMEX & BASEL III Impacts Gold/Silver Ratio Price Inflation Impacts: People End Up Starving, Middle Class Wiped Out Outsiders Rob the Population of Their Property It’s Going to Be Very Nasty You’ve Got to Think About Your Community What Are You Really Going to Do?

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What Gold Says About UST Auctions

The “too many” Treasury argument which ignited early in 2018 never made a whole lot of sense. It first showed up, believe it or not, in 2016. The idea in both cases was fiscal debt; Uncle Sam’s deficit monster displayed a voracious appetite never in danger of slowing down even though – Economists and central bankers claimed – it would’ve been wise to heed looming inflationary pressures to cut back first.

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Free Meng Wanzhou

Reminder: Our online conference “The National Security State and the Kennedy Assassination” continues today, Wednesday, March 10, at 7 pm Eastern time. We now have 650 registrations. This week’s speaker is Michael Swanson, author of the book The War State: The Cold War Origins Of The Military-Industrial Complex And The Power Elite, 1945-1963 and his newly released book Why the Vietnam War?

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Per Bylund and Mark Packard: Radically Reshaping Business Thinking via Subjective Value

In a recently published paper titled "Subjective Value In Entrepreneurship" Professors Bylund and Packard apply the principle of subjective value to generate significant new avenues of thinking for entrepreneurial businesses to pursue.

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ENCORE PRESENTATION | The Real Investment Show [3/18/21]

NOTE: This is an Encore Presentation of show segments previously broadcast SEG-1: Inflation: Expectations vs Reality (2/25/21) SEG-2: Jobs Numbers: BLS vs Jerome Powell? (2/11/21) SEG-3: The Fed's Two Elephants in the Room (3/4/21) SEG-4: Will Operation Twist Get Another Turn? (3/4/21)

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Why a Green New Deal Is More Expensive Than Joe Biden Realizes

One of President Biden’s first executive actions was to declare January 27 “Climate Day.” This ad hoc holiday provided an opportunity for his administration to celebrate the latest rationale for economic central planning. The day’s festivities began with three executive orders on climate change, science, and technology.

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Credit Suisse Launches Probe Into Collapsed Greensill Trade-Finance Funds

Roughly a weekand a-half has passed since Credit Suisse gated funds containing $10BN in assets packaged by Greensill, the troubled financial innovator that suckered in former British PM David Cameron, SoftBank and legions of clients and investors with its stated mission to "democratize" supply-chain finance.

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Markus Krall enthüllt schockierendes – Was HIER ABLÄUFT ist nicht mehr normal!!! HÖR DIR DAS AN!!!

Mein Hauptkanal wurde leider von Youtube vor einigen Monaten gelöscht. Auf diesem Kanal hatte ich schon über 3.100 Abonnenten. Kommentare unter der Gürtellinie werden von mir gelöscht!!!

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Garantierte RENDITE mit dieser STRATEGIE! (nicht)

Viele Junge Leute haben zu viel Vertrauen in das, was ihnen von Leuten im Internet erzählt wird. Daher gebe ich euch in diesem Video ein paar Ratschläge an die Hand um mit einer gewissen Portion Skepsis durchs Leben gehen zu können und nicht zu viele Enttäuschungen erleben zu müssen. Wie seht ihr das Ganze, seid ihr eher skeptisch oder habt ihr schnell Vertrauen?

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How covid-19 is boosting innovation | The Economist

Covid-19 has accelerated the adoption of technologies and pushed the world faster into the future. As businesses and organisations look towards the post-pandemic era, what lessons can be learned about innovation? Read more here: https://econ.st/3t6T7yM Chapters 00:00 - How has covid-19 boosted innovation? 01:20 - Drone deliveries 04:20 - How crises lead to innovation 06:47 - How restaurants have innovated 09:29 - Inequality between companies 10:48...

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No more free rides in free trade deals

The Swiss narrowly voted in favour of a free trade deal with Indonesia on Sunday. Will future agreements also have to win popular support? Jessica covers the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to big global companies and their impact in Switzerland and abroad.

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FX Daily, March 10: Markets are not Yet Convinced that Yesterday’s Move Signaled a Trend Change

Fear that yesterday's reversals represent little more than one-day wonders is contributing to the overall consolidative tone today. Most equity markets in the Asia Pacific region and Europe edged higher. China's stocks tumbled yesterday, despite reports of official assistance, were mixed with the Shanghai Composite posting small gain and Shenzhen a small loss.

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Successful Model by Inversion Process

#Charlie Munger #Berkshire Hathaway #Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway #Successful Model #Inversion Process #Inverse the problem #ABIS #stocksome #stock

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Gold im Wettkampf mit der Zinsangst und anderen Anlageformen

Da Gold keine laufende Rendite abwirft, sind Zinsen grundsätzlich sein größter Feind. Doch wegen der Zins-Abrüstung wurde lange Jahre die Friedenspfeife geraucht. Zuletzt jedoch wurde das Kriegsbeil wieder ausgegraben. Da die Inflation ihre hässliche Fratze zeigt, rüstet der Zins-Feind erneut auf. Tatsächlich scheint die Zinswende stattzufinden. Doch neben Zinsanlagen suchen auch weitere Anlageklassen den Streit mit Gold. Ist Gold also auf dem...

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DAX mit geschwollener Brust – “DAX Long oder Short?” mit Marcus Klebe – 10.03.2021

JFD ist eine führende Unternehmensgruppe, die Finanz- sowie Investmentdienstleistungen und -aktivitäten anbietet. Die Muttergesellschaft, JFD Group Ltd, wurde im Dezember 2011 gegründet und ist heute ein international lizenzierter, globaler Anbieter von Multi-Asset-Trading- und Investmentlösungen. Sie bietet gebührenfreien Handel mit echten Aktien und Krypto-CFDs sowie extrem wettbewerbsfähige Handels- und Investmentpreise für mehr als 1500...

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