Tag Archive: Featured

Swiss Voters Approve ‘Burqa Ban’

Swiss voters have narrowly approved a proposal to ban face coverings in public spaces. The measure comes just over a decade after citizens voted to ban the construction of minarets, the tower-like structures on mosques that are often used to call Muslims to prayer.

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Fue PRESIDENTE del NASDAQ y provoco la MAYOR ESTAFA PIRAMIDAL de la Historia: INVIRTIO 10.000 USD y GANO 18 Millones. De ALBAÑIL a MILLONARIO: Esto lo TIENES que SABER para Decidir el Mejor MOMENTO para Invertir: _2-IaNlxk DESCUBRIÓ el SECRETO del TRADING y Convirtió 5.000 Dolares en 16 Millones: LA TEORIA DE DOW. Aprende con CHARLES HENRY DOW porque "Los PRECIOS lo Descuentan Todo":

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Printing Money in Times of Corona

The coronavirus has dominated all of our lives in recent months. Radical paths were taken by politicians in the form of lockdowns to contain the pandemic. But we should recognize that even if the coronavirus is a (major) challenge for us, we always have to keep a holistic view of world events.

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The Cannibalization Is Complete: Only Inedible Zombies Remain

Poor powerless Fed, poor starving cannibals, poor zombies turning to dust. That's the American economy once the curtains are ripped away. Setting aside the fictional flood of zombie movies for a moment, we find the real-world horror is the cannibalization of our economy, a cannibalization that is now complete.

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Das sind die wirklichen Probleme!

Thorsten Polleit (* 4. Dezember 1967) ist ein deutscher Ökonom. Er ist Chefökonom der Degussa Sonne/Mond Goldhandel, Partner der Polleit & Riechert Investment Management LLP, Präsident und Gründer der deutschen Abteilung des libertären Ludwig von Mises Institute und Honorarprofessor an der Universität Bayreuth. Er tritt für eine marktwirtschaftliche Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsordnung ohne solche Störungen ein.

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Markus Krall | Eine enorme Inflation wird den Wert des Geldes verschlingen!

Videoinhalte: Banken, Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Geld, Kapital, Aktien, Börse, Immobilien, Politik, Medien, Gold, Silber, Edelmetalle, Bitcoin, Kryptowährung, Währungskrise, Währungsreform, Finanzpolitik, Finanzmarkt, Banken, Finanzcrash, Eurocrash, Bankencrash,

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Per Bylund and Mark Packard: Radically Reshaping Business Thinking via Subjective Value

In a recently published paper titled "Subjective Value In Entrepreneurship," Professors Bylund and Packard apply the principle of subjective value to generate significant new avenues of thinking for entrepreneurial businesses to pursue.

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DO NOT buy the dip!

  ? Vereinbare jetzt dein kostenfreies Beratungsgespräch: https://jensrabe.de/DONOTBuyTheDip?Bestelle jetzt das neue Buch “Optionsgewinne mit System”: https://duo-strategie.com

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Biden Showers States with Bailout Money, Are Tax Hikes Next?

As Washington prepares to pump another $1.9 trillion in stimulus into the economy, asset prices are lifting. From food to housing to equities to precious metals, inflationary pressures are being felt in all markets this week. Read the full Transcript here: https://www.moneymetals.com/podcasts/2021/03/12/dollar-debasement-accelerates-with-biden-bailout-002240 Do you own precious metals you would rather not sell, but need access to cash? Get...

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 3.12.21

Bob Thompson of Raymond James in Vancouver joins us to discuss the recent price action in the precious metals as we look ahead to next week's meeting of the FOMC. You can submit your questions to [email protected] Visit our website https://www.sprottmoney.com​​​​ for more news.

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SMP update 2


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How to crunch covid-19 data | The Economist

Data analysis has been crucial to better understanding, tracking and preventing the spread of covid-19. The Economist's data journalists give an insider’s steer on how their analysis and presentation of data has shaped our coverage of the pandemic. See all our data journalism in The Economist's graphic detail section: https://econ.st/3qEZnMD Keep up to date with our data journalism by signing up to “Off the Charts,” our new weekly newsletter:...

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More parcels, fewer letters: pandemic dents Swiss Post finances

The Covid-19 pandemic cost the state-owned Swiss postal service CHF139 million ($150 million) last year, which was largely responsible for driving down profits by 30%. Swiss Post delivered a record 182.7 million parcels in 2020, up nearly a quarter in volume from the previous year.

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More rare earth metals detected at Swiss wastewater plants

Rare earth metals like cerium and gadolinium, which are used in industry and hospitals, are increasingly being detected at Swiss wastewater plants, new research shows.

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Freisicht mit Marie-Christine Ostermann

Heute, 10. März, habe ich im Rahmen meines Instagram-Formats "Freisicht" mit der Unternehmerin und jetzt auch Spiegel-Bestsellerautorin Marie-Christine Ostermann gesprochen. Im Februar erschien das von ihr herausgegebene Buch "Zukunfts Republik".

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Conspiracies, Flawed Democracy, & Socialist Policy [3/9/21]

The late Tom Clancy has a new political thriller release coming soon (how does he do that?) and there are theories as to how long President Joe Biden will remain in that role with VP Harris waiting in the wings with a copy of the 25th Amendment at the ready.

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JOLTS Revisions: Much Better Reopening, But Why Didn’t It Last?

According to newly revised BLS benchmarks, the labor market might have been a little bit worse than previously thought during the worst of last year’s contraction. Coming out of it, the initial rebound, at least, seems to have been substantially better – either due to government checks or, more likely, American businesses in the initial reopening phase eager to get back up and running on a paying basis again.

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70’0000 CHF Krypto Portfolio eines 24 Jährigen! ? | Sparkojote #DividendenDienstag

Der #DividendenDienstag Livestream findet jeden Dienstag um 18:00 Uhr auf Instagram statt, zusammen mit Johannes Lortz philosophieren wir über #Dividenden #Aktien, das Investieren, die Börse und vieles mehr.

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Charlie Munger vs Robinhood

Investing on Robinhood is not really free according to Charlie Munger. In this episode of Compound Money Quietly, you will learn how Robinhood makes money and much more.

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In Some Countries, Lockdowns May Be the “New Normal”

Like many mainstream economists who make predictions that inform and shape government policy, medical experts make predictions which can determine how a government addresses a perceived problem. A good example here is Professor Neil Ferguson, who led the flawed Imperial College covid-19 study which played a major role in the lockdowns implemented throughout Europe, and even in the US and Canada.

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