Tag Archive: Featured

FX Daily, February 26: Fed Hike Ideas Give the Beleaguered Greenback Support

A poor seven-year note auction and ideas that the first Fed hike can come as early as the end of next year spurred a steep sell-off in bonds and equities. Technical factors like the triggering of stops losses, large selling in the futures market, which some also link to hedging of mortgage exposure (convexity hedging), also play a role.

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The end of central banking as we know it

The severest crisis the European Central Bank (ECB) ever faced coincided with the early days of a new Executive Board. Over the past year and a half, the board’s six members, including the ECB’s president and vice president, have all been replaced, either because they resigned, or because their eight-year mandate expired. 

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Switzerland GDP Q4 2020: +0.3 percent QoQ, -1.6 percent YoY

Switzerland’s GDP growth slowed to 0.3 % in the 4th quarter after reaching 7.6 % in the 3rd quarter.  Major losses were recorded in the services directly affected by the tightening of the containment measures. Other industries continued to recover. On the whole, the second wave of the coronavirus until the end of 2020 had much less of an impact on the economy than the first wave did last spring.

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Record fall in Swiss hotel occupancy in 2020

In 2020, the number of overnight stays in Swiss hotels fell by 40% to 23.7 million, a fall of 15.8 million nights compared to 2019. The fall, driven by Covid-19, is the largest fall in overnight stays in Switzerland since the end of the 1950s, according to Switzerland’s Federal Statistical Office.

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Der Plan Enteignung der Weltbevölkerung! Unsere Freiheit ist in echter Gefahr!

Max Otte (* 7. Oktober 1964 als Matthias Otte in Plettenberg) ist ein deutsch-US-amerikanischer Ökonom. Er ist Leiter des von ihm im Jahr 2003 gegründeten Instituts für Vermögensentwicklung (IFVE) und als Fondsmanager tätig. Otte ist langjähriges CDU-Mitglied. Seit Juni 2018 ist der Vorsitzender des Kuratoriums der AfD-nahen Desiderius-Erasmus-Stiftung.

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Zinsen steigen bereits: Beginn der Hyperinflation?

Jens Weidmann, Präsident der Deutschen Bundesbank, spricht bereits von der drohenden Inflation und die Zinsen steigen. Ist das der Beginn der Hyperinflation, liegt die Deflation bereits hinter uns, oder droht uns gar Stagflation? Der gelernte Investmentbanker und Selfmade Multi-Millionär Gerald Hörhan aka. der Investmentpunk, erklärt in diesem Video den Zusammenhang zwischen steigenden Zinsen und Inflation und wie du dein Vermögen sicherst, wenn es...

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Want More Entrepreneurship? Embrace Long-Term Legal Stability.

Prudent economic calculation becomes more difficult as legal and regulatory regimes are subject to frequent changes and political upheaval.  Original Article: "Want More Entrepreneurship? Embrace Long-Term Legal Stability." This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack.

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Das Geld soll abgeschafft werden

Videoinhalte: Banken, Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Geld, Kapital, Aktien, Börse, Immobilien, Politik, Medien, Gold, Silber, Edelmetalle, Bitcoin, Kryptowährung, Währungskrise, Währungsreform, Finanzpolitik, Finanzmarkt, Banken, Finanzcrash, Eurocrash, Bankencrash, Geldanlage, Eurokrise, Wirtschaftskrise, Pleite, Bankrott, Inflation, Kredite, Profit, Systemwechsel, Reset,

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What We Learned from the Texas Shutdown [2/23/21]

After #Snovid21, the outrageous power bills added insult to injury. Now the questions are who's to blame and how to fix it. There is great opportunity for productive stimulus spending in the wake of the deep freeze, by weatherizing existing power sources, and building more capacity--including the use of clean, efficient Nuclear energy in Texas.

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Episode 13: The Pressing Problem With “Money Printing”

The phrase “money printing” conjures images of a giant printing press spitting out sheets of hundred dollar bills somewhere in the basement of the Fed. But is that what’s actually happening lately? Absolutely not. Join John Flaherty and Monetary Metals CEO Keith Weiner for a conversation that will likely make you say “WOW!” or “Whaaat?” or maybe even “Oh, NOW I get it…”

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William White: INSIDER der Notenbanken sieht große Krise (Ep.15)

William White hat als Erster vor der großen Finanzkrise von 2008 gewarnt. Auch jetzt warnt er wieder vor Ungemach. Seine Stimme sollte Gehör finden denn er ist der Notenbank Insider schlecht hin. Er hat für die Notenbanken in England und Kanada gearbeitet sowie bei der obersten Notenbank der Notenbanken der Bank of international Settlement in Basel. ► Vorbestellung Du möchtest mein neues Buch vorbestellen? Entweder über Amazon:...

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Swiss press divided over phased easing of Covid restrictions

Is the government showing some backbone or being cowardly by keeping to its gradual pandemic reopening plans? The Swiss media can’t agree. For the German-speaking Neue Zürcher ZeitungExternal link broadsheet, the government – which confirmed its measures on Wednesday – is simply being obstinate.

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Frauen im BVG benachteiligt? Vorsorge für Frauen in der Schweiz Teil 2

Wir illustrieren das Problem der Eintrittsschwellen im BVG. Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf https://www.fintool.ch ?? Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: https://www.fintool.ch ►Unser FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/fintool ►Unser LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fint... ►Unser INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/fintool.ch/...

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Swiss To Vote In Referendum On Government’s Emergency COVID-19 Measures

Via 21stCenturyWire.com,After mounting a national campaign, and the work of determined local organisations, Swiss campaigners have managed to trigger a referendum for ending the government’s destructive COVID regulations.

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Oil and Debt: Why Our Financial System Is Unsustainable

How much energy, water and food will the "money" created out of thin air in the future buy? Finance is often cloaked in arcane terminology and math, but the one dynamic that governs the future is actually very simple.

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Weitere Impulse & Nennungen aus dem Video: Markus Krall aktuell über Krise & Zusammenbruch der Wirtschaft - Dr. Markus Krall gibt Einschätzung zu Gold, Immobilien & Geldanlage in der Wirtschaftskrise - Interessante Tipps & Strategien von Markus Krall aktuell im Video...

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Bank, ETF oder Versicherung insolvent: Was dann? Sondervermögen erklärt

Eure Bank, der ETF-Anbieter oder Eure Versicherung ist pleite? Saidi erklärt, warum das (k)ein Grund zur Panik sein muss.

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The Greatest Thing the Roman Empire Ever Did Was Go Away

The Roman Empire is often presented as the fabric of Western civilization. The languages, laws, religion, mores, and implements of the Western political imaginary come in large part, in one way or another, from Rome. The Roman Empire has been rebooted time and again by invaders and latecomers, from the Ostrogoths to Charlemagne to Mussolini; transferred (in reality or in rhetoric) to Byzantine, to Moscow, to the Habsburgs, and even to Washington,...

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Blase platzt über Nacht Es ist zu spät

2007 2008 Staatliche Eingriffe in den Markt, kein Marktversagen, vom Staat programmierte Sache. Clinton Community Reinvestment Act (Kredite an nicht Krediwürdige herausgeben) Veruntreuung von Aktionärsgeld, Menschen in den Ruin getrieben, Weg in den Untergang geebnet

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Why Dominion’s Defamation Lawsuits Are Garbage

Dominion Voting Systems is suing MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for $1.3 billion. This comes in the wake of other Dominion lawsuits against Trump advisors Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell. All are accused of lying about Dominion’s supposed complicity in using the company’s vote-counting software to favor presidential candidate Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

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