Tag Archive: Featured

Max Otte: Mit diesen Aktien können Sie endlich ruhig schlafen

Jetzt unser Anleger-Magazin Smart Investor kostenlos testen! https://bit.ly/3Qqnhck Ob es noch zum Crash kommt oder nicht: Gewisse Basisinvestments sollte jeder Anleger im Depot haben. Welche Aktien Fondsmanager Max Otte auch in stürmischen Zeiten ruhig schlafen lassen, verrät er im Interview. Die Tech-Giganten Amazon und Microsoft gehören zu jenen Aktien, die bei vielen Anlegern als Langzeitinvestments beliebt sind. Auch Max Otte, Fondsmanager...

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Warum wir wie Ray Dalio auch unsere Short Positionen deutlich erhöhen – Was uns 2023 erwartet

Investiert in EUCH: LONG & SHORT BÖRSENBRIEF: ▶︎ https://www.homm-longshort.com * Coming soon... https://florian-homm.com/ - Einzigartiges AI-Projekt für volatile Märkte - Kooperation mit einem europäischen FinTech - Investmentvehikel ab Q1/2023 für ausgewählte Anleger verfügbar Auf der Website eintragen und up to date bleiben: https://florian-homm.com/ Schaut euch auch den Vortrag dazu an: _VG5No Warum steigt der Markt? Wie investiere ich...

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Als Schüler & Teenager Vermögen aufbauen: So geht’s!

Als Schüler/Teenager Vermögen aufbauen! Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/depot?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=517&utm_campaign=comdirect-depot&utm_term=kostenlos-25&utm_content=yt-desc *📈 In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►► https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/campus?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=517&utm_campaign=ff-campus&utm_term=4-wochen&utm_content=yt-desc 🧠 ℹ️ Weitere Infos zum...

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ACHTUNG: Das sagt Dir keiner über ETFs!

ETFs gelten als die günstigsten und einsteigerfreundlichsten Anlageinstrumente. Jedoch sollte man vor einem langfristigen Einstieg einiges beachten. Welche Risiken ETFs momentan bergen, erläutere ich dir in diesem Video. 0:00 Allgemeinwissen 2:45 Wie viel verdient BlackRock 5:19 Thema Indizes und Sektoren 9:48 Das Tech- Problem 13:05 Augenöffner 19:51 Erschreckendes Beispiel 23:00 Das bedeutet es für dich Vereinbare jetzt Dein kostenfreies...

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Ich VERGLEICHE für euch 3 DIVIDENDEN-Strategien !

💰Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits bei einer Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► http://sparkojote.ch/swissquote * (only for swiss residents) Ich VERGLEICHE für euch 3 DIVIDENDEN-Strategien ! Welche ist die beste Dividendenstrategie? Dividenden Wachstum, Dividenden Aristokraten oder High-Yield? Dazu heute ein Vergleich, wie ich darüber denke und welche Strategie ich bevorzuge. Welche dieser Strategien ist euer Favorit und verfolgt Ihr? Schreibt es gerne in die...

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Solar power plant to be built on Lake Lei dam

A large alpine solar power plant is to be installed on the dam wall of Lake Lei near Ferrera in southeastern Switzerland. The 1,800 square-metre plant is being built by the Zurich Electricity Company. Located at an altitude of 1,930 metres, the plant will comprise more than 1,000 solar units with a total output of 350 kilowatts, equivalent to the consumption of 160 households.

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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken lands in Africa two weeks after Russian FM Lavrov’s visit

US top diplomat Antony Blinken is in Africa to woo the nations, which have largely steered clear of backing Washington against Moscow in the Ukraine war.

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Tips for Buying a Medicare Supplement Policy

The clock is ticking and it gets louder the closer you get to the magic age of 65. That’s when you sign up for Medicare. But there’s more than one way to receive Medicare coverage. There are Medicare Advantage plans, sometimes referred to as all-in-one plans, because they provide medical coverage and can also provide benefits for vision, dental, hearing, and prescriptions.

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Germany Can Save Itself, and Possibly the World, by Abandoning Four Failed Policies

The following is a plea to Germany—the war is over and has been for three-quarters of a century. It's time to stop prostrating yourself for the supposed "good" of Europe. It's time to take complete control of your domestic and foreign policy, without interference from haughty, busybody world elites, and do what is best for yourself. You will be pleasantly surprised that what is good for yourself is also good for your neighbors and the...

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Africa Needs Conventional Fuels, Not Windmills and Solar Panels

The energy and climate goals that Western governments, the United Nations, and other organizations are pushing on Africa constitute a crippling blow to its economies. As the least developed region, Africa should unequivocally prioritize economic development. One would think that amid energy poverty in Africa, Western governments and “development” institutions would prioritize energy security for African countries over energy transition.

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Charlie Munger Investing Value #shorts 40

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The weekend forex technical report for the week of August 15, 2022

In this video, I preview the upcoming week in the forex market with the focus on the major currencies vs the USD.

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Bitcoin technical analysis and shorting BTCUSD close to $24500 since bulls might be giving up soon.

Today's daily candle, while closing only in apx 4 hours, is now showing a sign that bulls are NOT about to break the presented channel to the upside, following this 4th attempt to do so, on the daily timeframe. Even if we had a coin flip for this trade, the reward vs risk merits to short BTCUSD here. Why? Because the stop loss is half the take profit target for the first part of this trade plan, and only 25% of the profit target of the 2nd part,...

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Major Financial System Collapse! Buy GOLD & SILVER To Save Your Money!

Major Financial System Collapse! Buy GOLD & SILVER To Save Your Money! | Alasdair Macleod Forecast

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Warning! Recession Is Inevitable! This Will Hurt Ordinary People | Marc Faber

Warning! Recession Is Inevitable! This Will Hurt Ordinary People | Marc Faber ▶︎ Subscribe NOW to the channel, click here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUHDPhUWJ6GZDad-QLDdB1g/channels Marc Faber Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Faber Marc Faber is a Swiss investor based in Thailand. He is the publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report newsletter and the director of Marc Faber Ltd, which acts as an investment advisor and...

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Huobi steht vor Übernahme durch Justin Sun

Der derzeitige Hauptinvestor Huobis Leon Li hat offenbar den Vorstand darüber informiert, dass er 60 Prozent seines Investments in die Crypto-Börse verkaufen möchte – dies würde ungefähr 5 Prozent des Gesamtvolumens Huobis ausmachen.

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So spare ich 10-12% bei meinen Einkäufen!

Viele kritisieren zwar, dass das zu viel Zeit kostet, aber ich verstehe wirklich nicht, wie schwer es sein kann, ein paar Gutscheine herauszusuchen oder in einer App zu aktivieren. Ich meine überlege mal du gehst 1x pro Woche einkaufen und sparst dabei 10 Euro, dann sind das über 500 Euro, die du im Jahr sparen kannst!

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Week Ahead: More Evidence US Consumption and Output are Expanding, and RBNZ and Norges Bank to Hike

After two-quarters of contraction, many still do not accept that the US economy is in a recession. Federal Reserve officials have pushed against it, as has Treasury Secretary Yellen. The nearly 530k rise in July nonfarm rolls, more than twice the median forecast in Bloomberg's survey, and a new cyclical low in unemployment (3.5%) lent credibility to their arguments. If Q3 data point to a growing economy, additional support will likely be...

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Life Behind the Berlin Wall – Full Video

Channel of: https://www.youtube.com/c/izzitorg My Homepage: https://www.rainer-zitelmann.com/

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More energy blows are dealt to Europe, causing a cold chill to be even colder

When people ask why they should invest in gold or buy silver coins, we often explain that they should do so because they are a form of insurance. Many of us are taking steps right now to protect ourselves from the impact of inflation on our day-to-day spending, others are trying to manage the increase in interest rates and maybe you are preparing your home so your energy bills won’t be impossible to manage.

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