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History of SNB Sight Deposits, 2014

Details: SNB Monetary Data, the Recent History

This data contains more history, if you are directed via Google directly here, see the for an overview see page 1 of this post.

For an overview and context read here. “Other deposits” contain liabilities towards the Swiss confederation, foreign banks and non-banks. They are NOT subject to the money multiplier by local banks, therefore they are sterilized. Full details about money supply see here.


Week ending on October 31, 2014: 367 bln. CHF (of which 57 bln. “other sight deposits”)

Week ending on September 30, 2014: 368 bln. CHF (of which 58 bln. “other sight deposits”)

Week ending on August 29, 2014: 368 bln. CHF (of which 58 bln. “other sight deposits”)

Week ending on August 1, 2014: 368 bln. CHF (of which 58 bln. “other sight deposits”)

Week ending on June 30, 2014 :368 bln. CHF (of which 67 bln. “other sight deposits”)

the following in million CHF:

Week ending on May 30, 2014: 367 372 million (of which 63 332 mil. “other deposits”)

Week ending on March 21, 2014, 367 776 million (of which 50 816 mil. “other deposits”)

Week ending on March 7, 2014, 366 561 million (of which 52 337 “other deposits”)

Week ending on February 21, 2014, 366 666 million (of which 50 037 “other deposits”)

Week ending on February 7, 2014, 365 896 million (of which 48 977 “other deposits”)

Week ending on January 24, 2014, 365 915 million (of which 47 066 “other deposits”)

Week ending on January 17, 2014, 365 068 million (of which 43 597 “other deposits”)

Week ending on January 10, 2014, 363 823 million (of which 43 039 “other deposits”)


Week ending on December 27, 363 606 million (of which 45 087 “other deposits”)

Week ending on November 29, 367’785 million (of which 47’961 “other deposits”)

Week ending on November 8, 368’634 million (of which 50’876m “other deposits”)

Week ending on November 1, 369’044million (of which 51’478m “other deposits”)

Week ending on October 25, 369’657 million (of which 50’409m “other deposits”)

Week ending on September 13, 369’482 million francs (of which 51’382m “other deposits”).

Week ending on August 30, 370’131 million francs (of which 49’266m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on August 9, 369’900 million francs (of which 49’498m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on July 19, 370’142million francs (of which 47’707m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on July 5, 370’043 million francs (of which 49’083 m. “other deposits”). –> Other deposits: Postfinance becomes a bank. See remark on page 1.

Week ending on June 28, 370’785 million francs (of which 73’923 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on June 21, 371’052 million francs (of which 93 601 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on June 07, 370’484 million francs (of which 95 080 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on April 26, 371’624 million francs (of which 87 402 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on April 19, 371’327 million francs (of which 87 001 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on March 29, 370’831 million francs (of which 87 032 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on March 22, 371’128 million francs (of which 88 149 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on March 15, 370’755 million francs (of which 88 591 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on March 8, 370 523 million francs (of which 87 496 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on March 1, 370 905 million francs (of which 84 761 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on February 22, 370 970 million francs (of which 82’922 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on February 15 : 370’267 million francs (of which 85’242 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on February 8: 370’065 million francs (of which 89’839 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on February 1: 370’420 million francs (of which 88’486 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on January 25: 371’282 million francs (of which 87’764 m. “other deposits”).

Week ending on January 18: 371’124 million francs (of which 86’794 “other deposits”).

Week ending on January 11: 369’839 million francs (of which 86’156 “other deposits”)

Week ending on January 04: 368’833 million francs (of which 86’194 “other deposits”):



Week ending on December 28: 369’642 million francs (of which 81’115 “other deposits”)

Week ending on November 30: 373’346 million francs (of which 80’242 “other deposits”)

Week ending on November 23: 373’909 million francs (of which 79’350 “other deposits”)

Week ending on November 16: 373’044 million francs (of which 80’344 “other deposits”)

Week ending on November 9: 372’503 million francs (of which 80’981 “other deposits”)

Week ending on November 2: 372’538 million francs (of which 81’859 “other deposits”)

Week ending on October 26: 373’291 million francs (of which 79’981 “other deposits”)

Week ending on October 19: 373’360 million francs (of which 81’917 “other deposits”)

Week ending on October 12: 372’956 million francs (of which 79’814 “other deposits”)

Week ending on October 5: 372’734 million francs (of which 81’673 “other deposits”)

Week ending on September 28: 373’416 million francs (of which 82’171 “other deposits”)

Week ending on September 21: 373’731 million francs (of which 81’425 “other deposits”) —> RECORD HIGH

Week ending on September 14: 373’297 million francs

Week ending on September 7: 370’673 million francs

Week ending on August 31: 365’976 million francs (of which 77’017 m. “other deposits”)

Week ending on August 24: 362’112 million francs

Week ending on August 17: 356’676 million francs

Week ending on August 10: 353’304 million francs

Week ending on August 03: 352’055 million francs -> plus 42 bn. in 1 month

Week ending on July 27: 341’543 million francs (of which 70’620 mil. “other deposits”)

Week ending on July 20: 331’167 million francs (of which 69’769 mil. “other deposits”)

Week ending on July 13: 320’783 million francs (of which 71’502mil. “other deposits”)

Week ending on July 6: 316’901 million francs (of which 71’740 mil. “other deposits”)

Week ending on June 29: 310 970 million francs (of which 73’134 mil. “other deposits”) -> plus 58 bn. in 1 month

Week ending on June 22: 300 894 million francs (of which 72 938 mil. “other deposits”)

Week ending on June 1: 252 326 million francs (of which 66 919 mil. “other deposits”) -> plus 34 bn. in 1 month
Week ending on April 27 : 218 513 million francs (of which 59 749 mil. “other deposits”)
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on SeekingAlpha.com and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.
See more for 1) SNB and CHF

Permanent link to this article: https://snbchf.com/snb/2014-snb/history-of-snb-sight-deposits/

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