Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Come funzionano le carte di credito? | UBS Kids

Oggigiorno le carte di credito sono quasi ovunque. Ma come funzionano? Te lo spiega Siro (13). Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni utili sul denaro, servizi e consigli su

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Cos’è un interesse? | UBS Kids

L’interesse può essere alto o basso. Elsa (10) ti spiega perché in entrambi i casi possono essere conveniente e che cos’è esattamente un interesse. Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni utili sul denaro, servizi e consigli su

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Cos’è il tasso di cambio in parole semplici | UBS Kids

Cos’è il tasso di cambio e perché varia in continuazione? Siro (13) ti spiega come funziona esattamente. Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni utili sul denaro, servizi e consigli su

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Valais counts on cheese production to save its farms

More and more farms have had to close down on account of the steady fall in the price of milk. Valais has decided to build a centre to promote and centralise cheese production in the canton. (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on …

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Börsen-Talk vom 28. April 2017

Für cash-Guru Alfred Herbert sind die Aktienmärkte aktuell zu stark von der Politik getrieben. Trotzdem traut er dem SMI einen weiteren Anstieg zu. Im Börsen-Talk empfiehlt er diverse Titel zum Kauf.

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The Road to the Investec Derby: Bet365 Classic Trial, Sandown.

All the key racing facts and figures you’ll need to know for the Investec Derby trials.

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Tidjane Thiam, CEO Credit Suisse

Nach den Quartalszahlen und dem abgeblasenen Börsengang der Schweizer Einheit steht bei der Credit Suisse die GV vom Freitag im Fokus. Im Interview sagt CEO Tidjane Thiam, was er von den Boni-Diskussionen hält.

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Joseph Jimenez, Konzernchef von Novartis

Nach vielen rückläufigen Quartalen sei Novartis bei Alcon erstmals wieder gewachsen, sagt der Novartsi-CEO im Interview. Dies sei aber erst der Anfang des Umschwungs.

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Investec Hockey Women’s League Finals Weekend.

Surbiton Hockey Club take victory for the fourth consecutive year in the Investec Women’s Hockey League Finals. Learn more about the Investec hockey sponsorship

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The Road to the Investec Derby: Investec Spring meeting.

All the key racing facts and figures you’ll need to know for the Investec Derby trials.

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Euro gains against Swiss franc on French election result

The official French presidential election results place Emmanuel Macron (23.8%) and Marine Le Pen (21.5%) in first and second places in the first round of the French presidential race. The run off between these two will take place on 7 May 2017, when most forecasters expect Macron to win and become France’s next president.

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Big bonuses contrast big losses at Credit Suisse, despite bonus haircuts

The management of Credit Suisse Credit Suisse reduced their bonuses by 40% after severe criticism from shareholders. The reduction amounts to around CHF 20 million. Some are still outraged. The group made a loss of CHF 2.7 billion in 2016 and one of CHF 2.9 billion in 2015.

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Swiss employers continue to discriminate against over 50s

Travail Suisse, an association representing Swiss employees, highlights once more the age discrimination faced by those over 50 in the Swiss job market. In March 2017, 26.8% of unemployed in the this age group had been without work for more than a year, compared to 2.3% of those between 15 and 24 and 14.1% of those aged 25 to 49.

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Swiss authorities clamp down on cannabis products

A large number of shops are illegally selling cannabis products containing the active ingredient, cannabidiol (CBD). The Bern cantonal chemist has strongly criticised the sale of these products, and the government is now adopting a tougher stance against illegal sales. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role …

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Close to a fifth of Swiss workers think corruption widespread, says survey

A survey conducted by the advisory firm EY shows a rise in perceived corruption in the workplace in Switzerland. 18% of workers surveyed by the firm in Switzerland now think bribery and corruption are widespread in the country. While high this figure is well below the 33% average for Western Europe and the 51% average across all of the 41 countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and India that the survey covered.

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Börsen-Talk vom 21. April 2017

Die Börsen sind durch die Wahlen in Frankreich und anderswo verunsichert. Ist dies berechtigt? Anlageexperte Thomas Steinemann analysiert die Stimmung und sagt, wie sich der Aktienmarkt im Sommer entwickeln wird.

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Börsen-Talk vom 21. April 2017

Die Börsen sind durch die Wahlen in Frankreich und anderswo verunsichert. Ist dies berechtigt? Anlageexperte Thomas Steinemann analysiert die Stimmung und sagt, wie sich der Aktienmarkt im Sommer entwickeln wird.

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Fall in Swiss property prices accelerates

Over the year ending 31 March 2017, apartment prices across Switzerland dropped by 6.8%, according to a property price report published by the Zurich-based research and consulting firm Fahrländer Partner FPRE.

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Il calendario dell’Avvento 2014 | UBS Topsy

Il calendario dell’Avvento UBS 2014 di Topsy. Un cartone animato YouTube di UBS Svizzera: UBS Svizzera – La vostra banca da oltre 150 anni. Per il periodo natalizio, Topsy e i suoi amici hanno sempre in serbo una fantastica sorpresa per gli animali della foresta. Che cosa sarà questa volta? Divertimento e giochi sono …

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Il calendario dell’Avvento 2015 | UBS Topsy

Il calendario dell’Avvento UBS 2015 di Topsy. Un cartone animato YouTube di UBS Svizzera: UBS Svizzera – La vostra banca da oltre 150 anni. Il Natale si avvicina! Topsy e i suoi amici addobbano il grande albero di Natale sulla piazza del mercato. Il coniglietto, il porcospino e il gatto li aiutano ad appendere …

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