Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Mark Yusko: Tech Stocks Today Remind Me of the Dot-Com Bubble

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Mark Yusko: Tech Stocks Today Remind Me of the Dot-Com Bubble

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Experience Spectacular: The Investec Derby Festival 2017

The highlights from the 2017 Investec Derby Festival.

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Renewed debate over banking laws for expats

New efforts are underway in parliament to ensure that the Swiss abroad can keep banking and other aspects of a financial life in Switzerland. Since the 2008 global financial crisis, an increasing number of Swiss citizens in other countries have been experiencing trouble keeping a bank account in Switzerland, especially if they reside in the United States.

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Biking still faces uphill battle in Switzerland

As the bicycle celebrates its 200th year, advocacy group Pro Velo Switzerland says there is still a lot of unfulfilled potential when it comes to Switzerland’s use of the two-wheeled mode of transport.On June 12, 1817, a German aristocrat named Karl Drais rode 14 kilometres (8.7 miles) on pedal-less wooden beam with two wheels of his own invention.

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Switzerland signs up to corporate tax dodging remedy

Switzerland has officially agreed to a raft of measures to combat the tax avoidance tricks of multinational companies. More than 100 countries have pledged to tackle the so-called base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) shenanigans. Huge companies, such as Starbucks, Amazon and Fiat, have been publically taken to task by the European Union and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) over the way they distort their tax bills.

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Few tenants take advantage of rent controls

Anyone who rents a home in Switzerland (more than 60% of households) could qualify for a rent reduction after the Federal Housing Office reduced the reference rate on June 1. However, not everyone bothers to ask, and not all those who do get a positive response from landlords.

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Swiss government moves a step closer to axing capital withdrawals from pensions

Swiss pensions have three parts. The first is a standard payment based on the number of years you have paid social security taxes (AVS / AHV). The second (2nd pillar) is based on a personal pot of money built up from compulsory salary deductions. And the third is a personal pot derived from optional tax deductible savings, known as a 3rd pillar.

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World’s longest railway tunnel victim of own success

Almost 10,000 passengers and around 67,000 tonnes of freight pass through the 57-kilometre-long Gotthard Base Tunnel each day. Opened a year ago on June 1, the Gotthard's success is putting the structure to the test.

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Negative Rates: The New Gold Rush… For Gold Vaults

Negative interest rates and the populist uprising that spurred the UK to vote for Brexit and Americans to elect Trump has helped reignite a rush into physical safe haven assets like gold and silver, which however has led to a shortage of safe venues where to store the precious metals (unlike bitcoin, gold actually has a physical dimension).

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Börsen-Talk vom 9. Juni 2017

Wann steigen die Kurse an der Schweizer Börse wieder und bei welchen Titeln lohnt sich ein Einstieg? Research-Leiter Remo Rosenau gibt im Börsen-Talk Auskunft.

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Switzerland not the most expensive in Europe for some mobile packages

Yesterday, the price comparison website Verivox published a study comparing mobile phone costs across 13 european countries. On most measures Switzerland was the most expensive, and by a wide margin. A plan including 100 minutes of talk and 1 Go (gigaoctet1) of data per month costs an average of CHF 25 per month in Switzerland

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Matt Ridley: The EU Won’t Survive in Its Present Form

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Matt Ridley: The EU Won’t Survive in Its Present Form

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Ist unser Geldsystem etwa doch teuflisch?

In seinem Standpunkt „Wie entsteht Geld“ (Inside Paradeplatz vom 31.5.2017) bekräftigt Marc Meyer seine These, dass die herrschende Geldschöpfungstheorie grundlegend falsch sei, weil sie auf Goethes Mephisto basiere. Schon vor vielen Jahren hat sich Meyer für eine alternative Theorie der Geldschöpfung eingesetzt. Dass er deswegen seine Stelle verlor und ein Leben lang vom Arbeitsmarkt der Banken ausgeschlossen wurde, ist ein Skandal.

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Giant carbon-sucking commercial plant launches in Zurich

The world’s first commercial plant to extract carbon dioxide at industrial scale from the air and sell it directly to a buyer opened near Zurich on Wednesday. The machine pipes the gas to a nearby greenhouse to help grow vegetables. The Swiss firm Climeworks external linkturned on the so-called ‘Direct Air Capture (DAC)’ plant in the farming village of Hinwil, Switzerland. The plant aims to supply 900 tonnes of CO2 annually to a nearby greenhouse...

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BioTime’s CEO: Human Aging Will Soon Become a Thing of the Past

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BioTime’s CEO: Human Aging Will Soon Become a Thing of the Past

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Bern museum sells part of controversial inheritance

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Alois Vinzens, CEO Graubündner Kantonalbank

Der Schweizer Hypothekarmarkt steht wegen der Digitalisierung vor einem Umbruch, sagt Alois Vinzens, CEO der Graubündner Kantonalbank, im Interview mit cash. Die SNB-Negativzinsen sieht er bis 2019 auf dem derzeitigen Stand.

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