Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Government plans to tackle high roaming charges

Switzerland is one of the most connected countries on the planet, but mobile and internet users in still grumble about lack of choice, unwelcome cold-calling from companies, and high roaming charges when travelling abroad.

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The number of Swiss brewers continues to rise despite declining beer consumption

A recent report shows a 2% drop in average Swiss beer consumption in 2016. Over the last 20 years it has dropped 4% to 54.9 litres per person. On its own this would be no cause for alarm, however in 2016, the number of breweries in Switzerland rose by 21% to 753. Since 2011, the number is up 118% from 345. The website lists 794 breweries in Switzerland so it is possible that the number has grown further since government statistics were...

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Switzerland’s home ownership illusion

When 10-year mortgage interest rates fall to 1%, home ownership becomes a very attractive alternative to renting. A recent report on home ownership shows why home ownership remains out of reach of the average Swiss household despite very low interest rates.The report, by Credit Suisse, says that despite the strong desire for people to own their own home, fewer and fewer households are able to afford them as the years go by.

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Swiss retailers called on to remove palm oil from their products

Two Swiss NGOs have started a petition calling for Swiss retailers to reduce or remove palm oil from their products. Present in many processed foods, cosmetics and detergents, the ingredient has a bad reputation. The NGOs Bread for All and the Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund want to see a reduction in palm oil consumption. They believe voluntary initiatives by the palm oil sector to clean up the industry have done nothing to address the real problems...

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UBS Der Alp Praktikant – Intro

Stefan, ein 28-jähriger Zürcher, hat sich in einem mehrstufigen Bewerbungsprozess durchgesetzt. Für zwei Wochen tauscht er Smartphone gegen Mistgabel und Szene-Bar gegen Heustock. Bergbauer Res und seine Familie freuen sich auf den Städter. Bevor das Abenteuer startet, haben wir unsere beiden Hauptakteure getroffen. Mehr zum ungleichen Paar sehen Sie in unserem Intro-Film oder auf

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The alp apprentice – intro

Stefan, a 28-year-old Zuricher, completed a multi-stage application process. For two weeks, he’ll now wield a pitchfork instead of a smartphone and hang out among haystacks instead of at nightclubs. Mountain farmer Res and his family are looking forward to welcoming the city dweller. Before the adventure began, we met our two protagonists. Find out …

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Le stagiaire d’alpage – introduction

Stefan, Zurichois de 28 ans, a franchi toutes les étapes du processus de candidature. Pendant deux semaines, il troque son smartphone et les bars de la ville contre une fourche à fumier et une grange. Le paysan de montage Res et sa famille se réjouissent d’accueillir le citadin. Avant le début de l’aventure, nous sommes … Continue...

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L’alpigiano stagisti – introduzione

Stefan, zurighese di 28 anni, si è imposto al termine di un articolato processo di selezione. Per due settimane metterà da parte lo smartphone per impugnare il forcone e lavorare tra mucchi di fieno anziché in un bar alla moda. Res, contadino alpigiano, e la sua famiglia non vedono l’ora di incontrare questo ragazzo di … Continue...

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The last human right

Assisted suicide has been legal in Switzerland for decades, in fact it’s even seen as the last human right. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the … Continue reading...

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The world’s steepest funicular

Switzerland has the world’s steepest funicular, able to surmount a 47-degree incline. Engineers in canton Schwyz had to develop a completely new sort of railway for it. Tests are currently underway to put the novel technology through its paces. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is …

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Switzerland’s most expensive apartments in Zurich, Maloja and Lavaux

According to data from, Switzerland’s most expensive apartments are found in Zurich, Maloja – home to Saint-Moritz, and Lavaux-Oron. One square metre will cost you CHF 12,250 (US$ 13,000) in Zurich, CHF 11,500 in Maloja and CHF 11,250 in Lavaux-Oron. Lavaux-Oron contains posh parts of Greater Lausanne, such as Lutry, and the UNESCO-listed wine terraces of Lavaux on the shore of Lake Geneva.

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Henry Blumenthal on navigating an “accelerating present”

In a world where “data is the new oil” and AI is replacing most jobs as we know them, how do we navigate all the change? Get all #InvestecWealth Forum insights here: Henry Blumenthal, Chief Executive, Investec Wealth & Investment SA, opened the #InvestecWealth Forum with insights on the impact of AI on our …

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Swiss employee associations not opposed to a 60 hour week

Swiss employee associations are not opposed to a 60 hour week. Several parliamentary initiatives aim to loosen Swiss labour rules. The first aims to allow staff and employers more flexibility regarding hours worked and time off. The second aims to loosen rules on recording hours of work by managers and specialists. Another initiative aims to extend this to include employees with shareholdings in start-ups.

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Finding a place to rent getting easier in Switzerland

A recent Credit Suisse report, entitled: Tenants Wanted, says capital continues to flow into Swiss real estate, boosting the supply of rental properties. Against a backdrop of negative interest rates at Switzerland’s central bank, investors continue to plough money into constructing new residential properties. At the same time, declining immigration has hit the demand for rental apartments.

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How to get along with sharks

Erich Ritter is one of the world’s leading researchers into shark behaviour and believes they have a reputation for being dangerous that they don’t deserve. He has devised a highly-sought after protocol for how humans can better interact with sharks. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is …

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Prévoyance 2020: comment la Confédération a prévu la baisse illimitée de vos rentes LPP

La baisse du taux de conversion à 6% ne serait-elle qu’un début? Avec Prévoyance 2020, vos rentes LPP pourraient bien subir un jour ou l’autre quelques réajustements supplémentaires. Il suffirait d’une nouvelle crise financière…Alors que des milliers de foyers helvétiques comptent sur les revenus de leurs capitaux LPP pour maintenir leur niveau de vie à la retraite, de telles espérances pourraient très bientôt devenir parfaitement...

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Nestlé Skin Health to shed almost 200 jobs

Nestlé Skin Health will cease operations at its Egerkingen factory in canton Solothurn and move manufacturing activities abroad, threatening 190 positions. “Production volumes in Egerkingen are and have been very low, resulting in underutilisation of assets and hence additional pressure on manufacturing cost,” the company, which creates skin, hair and nail products, said in a statement on Thursday.

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Highest Swiss Property Prices Recorded in Zurich

Zurich remains the dearest location for Swiss property at CHF12,250 ($13,000) per square metre. However, houses in Lucerne have gained the most in value over the past decade, with one square metre costing CHF8,500, up 82% on 2007.

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Spending cuts for asylum seekers proposed

The government wants to cut its financial contributions to asylum seekers as part of efforts to tighten the asylum procedure in Switzerland. The payments for individuals, currently around CHF6,000 ($6,312), could be reduced by a third, according to the Swiss News Agency.

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Cabinet Called on to Join EU’s no-roaming Charges Deal

The cantonal government of Graubünden has demanded that the cabinet sign Switzerland up to European Union rules abolishing roaming charges. Without such an agreement, the Swiss tourist industry is at a disadvantage, the Graubünden government said in a letter sent last week to Swiss president, Doris Leuthard, according to the Swiss News Agency.

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