Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

“Gnomes Of Zurich” In Panic As Saudi Corruption Crackdown Sparks Flood Of Money Laundering Inquiries

There are two divergent views on the crackdown on corruption by Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), which led to the arrest and detention of 200 princes, ministers and former ministers. On one hand, it was a masterstroke which will earn political capital with the Saudi people and catalyse an Arab Spring in which MBS is a modernizing reformer who will liberalise Islam.

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Börsen-Talk vom 8. Dezember 2017

Die Börsenhausse wird 2018 mit etwas verhaltenerem Wachstum weiter gehen, sagt Marc Brütsch im Börsen-Talk. In jedem Fall aber erwartet der Chefökonom der Swiss Life ein stärkeres Wachstum der Schweizer Wirtschaft.

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Making fun of migration stereotypes

Tama Vakeesan was born in Switzerland to Tamil parents from Sri Lanka. This week she interviews Arman and Sascha from Austria, who have made a feature film (“Die Migrantigen”), poking fun at migration stereotypes. Omar, a former criminal, and his friends live in the fictional town of Rudolfsgrund. They all eat kebabs and they’re all broke, …

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Where there’s a will, there’s a way

Tama Vakeesan was born in Switzerland to Tamil parents from Sri Lanka. This week she talks to Ola, who’s 20, and fled the war in Aleppo, Syria, with her family a year ago. Since then, Ola has not only learnt German by taking free classes and practicing with friends, she has also set up and run … Continue reading »

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SWISS expands Zurich flights, fears airport restrictions

Switzerland’s national airline has enjoyed a profitable year and expects continued success, but its chief executive says restrictions at Zurich Airport are making it difficult to meet passenger demand. Thomas Klühr, the head of the Lufthansa-Group-owned Swiss National Airlines SWISS, told the NZZ am Sonntag newspaper that developments such as the bankruptcy of German carrier Air Berlin have led to increased demand for certain European routes.

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Frustrated Investors File Lawsuits Against World’s Largest ICO

ere's the latest sign that the massively fraudulent ICO market is headed for a collapse. Tezos’s investors are still waiting to learn when they can expect to receive the digital tokens that they paid a premium for during the company’s record-setting crowdsale. But as reports of abuse, internal strife and outright embezzlement have surfaced in the press, three groups of angry investors have filed class action lawsuits accusing the company of fraud...

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Study shows Swiss soils are suffering

A first nationwide report on the health of Swiss soils has shown that virtually all are polluted and that the resource is not being put to sustainable use. The report, published Thursday by the Federal Office for the Environment in collaboration with the offices for agriculture and spatial development, brings together information about soil health that until now has been gathered in isolation through separate cantonal or regional research projects.

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UBS launches world’s first performance-based healthcare investment

The Zurich-based UBS Optimus Foundation has announced the launch of the first Development Impact Bond (DIB) in the field of healthcare. If successful, it could save over 10,000 lives in India. The foundation, which is the philanthropic arm of the Swiss bank UBS, will invest a total of $3.5 million (CHF3.45 million) to help reduce mother and infant mortality rates in the state of Rajasthan in northwestern India.

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Beer sales slowly dry up in Switzerland

Swiss beer fans can enjoy an increasingly diverse selection(Keystone/Angelika Warmuth) The amount of beer consumed in Switzerland declined last year, as it did for wine. Yet the number of specialist craft microbreweries continues to rise. Between October 2016 and September 2017, the Swiss drank 461 million litres of beer (54.5 litres per person) – down 0.2% on the previous reporting period, according to the Swiss Breweries...

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Swiss village offering to pay people to live there inundated with applications

After the Swiss mountain village of Albinen hatched a plan to pay parents (CHF 25,000 each) and children (CHF 10,000 each) to move there, it has been inundated with applicants. Articles about the offer have been published by Time, The Sunday Times, The Sun, El Pais, and many other publications. Rather than celebrating, the picturesque town’s administration is unhappy. It published a statement on its website accusing the media of false reports that...

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Darwin Airline planes grounded

Switzerland’s Darwin Airline, the Lugano-based regional carrier, was forced to halt all its flights on Tuesday after its licence was revoked by the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) over financial problems.

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Digitale Identität

Das einfache, sichere und staatlich zertifizierte System zur digitalen Identifikation – die E-ID – wird in der Schweiz Wirklichkeit. Eine starke Allianz von SBB, Swisscom, Credit Suisse, Raiffeisen, UBS, ZKB, SIX und Mobiliar wird die digitale Identität nun mit Hochdruck vorantreiben.

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Apocalypse at Bern’s Natural History Museum

The story of the end of the world is man-made fiction, from both ancient and recent times. Now the Natural History Museum in Bern has dedicated an exhibition to the subject. It’s frightening and fascinating in equal measures, and shows how heavily apocalypse features in pop culture and religion. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss …

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Swiss schools offer training for a life on the stage

At the beginning of 2009 a professional qualification for stage dancers was introduced in Switzerland. It’s something that’s been attracting international students to the country, and to this ballet school in Basel. (SRF, The three-year “Federal Certificate of Proficiency” for stage dancers is offered in Switzerland at the Zurich Dance Academy, where it was first introduced; …

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Amazon coming to Switzerland

According to the newspaper Bilanz, Amazon has signed an agreement with Swiss post to provide rapid customs clearance. The head of postal customs, Felix Stierli, confirmed discussions with the company.A maximum customs clearance time of 3 hours will allow 24-hour delivery, one element of Amazon’s Prime offer.

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Börsen-Talk vom 1. Dezember 2017

Remo Rosenau äussert sich im Börsen-Talk zum CEO-Abgang bei Julius Bär und zu anderen Ereignissen an der Schweizer Börse. Der Leiter Research bei der Neuen Helvetischen Bank wagt auch eine SMI-Prognose fürs 2018.

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Thomas Seiler, CEO U-blox

U-blox möchte gar keine Aufträge von Grossfirmen wie Apple, sagt CEO Thomas Seiler im Interview mit cash. Er äussert sich zum Geschäftsverlauf in diesem Jahr und dazu, ob ein Firmenverkauf ein Thema ist.

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WEF founder flags need for solidarity

In an interview with newspaper NZZamSonntag, Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, says that WEF is more relevant than ever. “We’re the witnesses to a transformation from a unipolar to a multipolar world. In this situation, the attempt to build bridges and work together is more important than ever,” the 80-year-old German engineer and economist told the newspaper.

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Demographic Dysphoria: Swiss Village Offers Families Over $70,000 To Live There

Across the world, demographic dysphoria is taking shape, creating numerous headaches for governments. To avoid the next economic downturn, governments are searching for creative measures to increase population growth and deliver a sustainable economy. In Europe, a near decade of excessive monetary policy coupled with a massive influx of refugees have not been able to reverse negative population growth– first spotted in 2012.

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Switzerland’s 1.3 billion franc payment to EU proves divisive

Switzerland’s deal with the EU involves a financial contribution. The sum announced by the Federal Council is CHF 1.3 billion over the next 10 years.The arrangement, announced on Thursday to coincide with a visit by european commission president Jean-Claude Juncker, extends a previous 10 year deal.

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