Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Marc Steinkat, CEO Commerzbank Schweiz

Trotz einiger Aufhellungstendenzen in der Branche rechnet Marc Steinkat, CEO der Commerzbank Schweiz, mit einem weiterhin anspruchsvollen Umfeld in der Schweizer Bankenlandschaft, wie er im cash-Video-Interview sagt.

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Jobless in Switzerland need more education, say social groups

Two leading Swiss organisations for social action and further education have called for big investment in training opportunities for the unemployed. At a press conference on Monday in Bern, the Swiss Conference of Social Institutions and the Swiss Federation for Further Education called on the state to invest in a schemeexternal link that they say could send 75,000 unemployed back into the job market.

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Swiss fact: nearly 50 percent of Swiss GDP comes from 4 cantons

Switzerland is made up of 26 cantons – technically six are half cantons1 – each with its own distinct taxes, education system, hospitals and government. Land area varies significantly, from 37 sq/km Basel-Stadt to 7,105 sq/km Graubünden.

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Swiss franc could hit 1.22 by year end, according to economists

According to Le Matin, economists at Swiss Life think the rise of the Swiss franc could be over and predict it will weaken to 1.22 to the euro by the end of the year. At the same time they point to risks that could send the currency in the opposite direction, such as the election in Italy, Brexit negotiations and uncertainty surrounding government in Germany.

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Swiss inheritance wealth doubles in last 20 years

The Swiss are passing on more inheritance wealth to family, friends and other beneficiaries than ever before - the CHF63 billion ($65 billion) bequeathed in 2015 is double that of 20 years ago, according to the NZZ am Sonntag newspaper.

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Simplicity on the skyline

Swiss architects Herzog and de Meuron have visited their museum construction site in Hong Kong’s Victoria harbour for the first time. The 60,000-square-metre museum dedicated to art, design, architecture and film is scheduled for completion in 2018. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland …

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The number of people on welfare continues to rise in Switzerland

In 2016, around 273,000 people, 3.3% of the population, received welfare in Switzerland. The number (not the rate) was 2.9% higher than the year before and 15.7% higher than 5 years earlier when the rate was 3.0%. Rates of those receiving government aid varied significantly by canton, ranging from 0.8% in Appenzell Innerrhoden to 7.4% in Neuchâtel.

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Swiss want only five bilateral treaties under EU framework agreement

According to an unpublished list that was revealed in some Swiss papers, Switzerland wants only five of around 120 bilateral treaties with the European Union to figure in a future institutional framework agreement. A reportexternal link on foreign economic policy published on Wednesday stated that an institutional framework agreement would apply to those bilateral agreements that allow access to certain areas of the European Union's (EU) internal...

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Swiss companies leaking executives abroad

Multinational companies based in Switzerland are increasingly moving experienced executives abroad to run production sites in lower-cost countries, according to a jobs placement company. The trend has been blamed on regulatory uncertainty in the Swiss marketplace.

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Trump to attend WEF gathering in Davos

United States President Donald Trump plans to attend the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland later this month, his spokeswoman said on Tuesday. In a statement, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, said Trump was looking forward to attending the annual gatheringexternal link of world leaders and business executives in the mountain resort in southeast Switzerland.

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Switzerland has more job vacancies than jobseekers

Speaking to Tages-Anzeiger, Cornel Müller, director of marketing at x28, Switzerland’s largest job search aggregator, said there was a large jump in the number of jobs available in Switzerland compared to one year ago.

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Stefan Gerlach, Chefökonom EFG

EFG-Chefökonom Stefan Gerlach über die wirtschaftlichen Aussichten Europas.

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Jens Haas, Leiter der Investmentbank der Credit Suisse in der Schweiz.

Die Investmentbank der Credit Suisse sieht bei den Schweizer Unternehmen auch 2018 grossen Übernahme-Appetit. Umgekehrt bleiben aber auch Schweizer Firmen stark auf dem Schirm von kapitalstarken ausländischen Anlegern.

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Börsen-Talk vom 22. Dezember 2017

Alfred Herbert lässt sich die Vorfreude auf 2018 nicht vermiesen: Der cash-Guru erwartet weiter Schwung im SMI. Im Börsen-Talk nennt er Aktienfavoriten und sagt, welchem lange kritisch beäugten Sektor er wieder traut.

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cash Immo-Talk mit Martin Waeber, Immoscout24

Wohneigentum kaufen oder ein Haus bauen bleibt 2018 wegen der tiefen Hypo-Zinsen günstig. Das Problem allerdings: Nur noch ein kleiner Teil der Schweizer Bevölkerung kann sich Wohneigentum überhaupt noch leisten.

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The radio course that helps refugees find work

Tama Vakeesan was born in Switzerland to Tamil parents from Sri Lanka. This week she visits the ‘Klipp und Klang’ radio school. The students, who are refugees, conduct radio interviews with managers of various enterprises to find out what sort of skills they need for different types of work. They also learn how to apply for jobs. …

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Number of unemployed in Switzerland drops by 4 percents

The Swiss unemployment rate fell from 3.3% in 2016 to 3.2% in 2017, according to figures released by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) on Tuesday. In terms of actual numbers, 143,142 people were registered as unemployed, a decrease of 6,175 compared with the year before.

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Trade Unions Call for Fewer Hours, More Gender Equality

The Swiss Trade Union Federation is demanding shorter work weeks, compensation for pension losses and enforcement of equal pay for men and women. At its annual media conference in Bern on Thursday, the Swiss Trade Union Federationexternal link pointed out that employees have been suffering since the financial crisis.

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Kinderflohmarkt mit Topsy und seinen Freunden | UBS Topsy

Kinderflohmarkt mit Topsy und seinen Freunden. Ein YouTube-Trickfilm von UBS Schweiz: UBS Schweiz – Ihre Bank seit über 150 Jahren. Topsy und seine Freunde verkaufen tolle Sachen auf dem Kinderflohmarkt und erhalten einen Zustupf für ihr Sparkässeli. Spiel und Spass mit dem Sparfuchs Topsy – der Kinderwelt von UBS für Kinder bis acht Jahren. …

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Sommerspiele auf dem Spielplatz mit Topsy und seinen Freunden | UBS Topsy

Sommerspiele auf dem Spielplatz mit Topsy und seinen Freunden. Ein YouTube-Trickfilm von UBS Schweiz: UBS Schweiz – Ihre Bank seit über 150 Jahren. Es ist Sommerzeit! Topsy und seine Freunde haben Spass mit vielen verschiedenen Spielen auf dem Spielplatz. Spiel und Spass mit dem Sparfuchs Topsy – der Kinderwelt von UBS für Kinder bis …

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