Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Swiss Post Bus company invested heavily in France and lost millions

The Post has been operating its French subsidiary, CarPostal France at a huge financial loss, reported Swiss public television, SRF, on Monday. The company is also accused of having used a price dumping policy to unfairly increase its market share in France. According to an investigative report by SRF’s economics news bulletin “Eco”, CarPostal accumulated an operating loss of €1.8 million (CHF2.1 million) over the period between 2007 and 2016. The...

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Martin Nydegger, Direktor Schweiz Tourismus

2017 ist gemäss Martin Nydegger der Turnaround im Tourismussektor eingetreten. Im Video-Interview sagt der Direktor von Schweiz Tourismus, wie die Krise bewältigt werden konnte.

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Martin Nydegger, Direktor Schweiz Tourismus

2017 ist gemäss Martin Nydegger der Turnaround im Tourismussektor eingetreten. Im Video-Interview sagt der Direktor von Schweiz Tourismus, wie die Krise bewältigt werden konnte.

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Swiss News Agency calls for help in job cuts conflict

After three weeks of talks, management and staff at the Swiss News Agency (SDA-ATS) have not managed to reach an agreement on job cuts, and are now calling for the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) to mediate. Both sides agreed to the call. Their negotiations followed a strike in late January-early February over a plan to cut up to 40 jobs out of a total 180.

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Coop boycotts 150 Nestlé products over price disagreement

According to Swiss broadcaster RTS, Swiss retailer Coop, along with five other members of AgeCore SA, a Geneva-based purchasing alliance, have decided to boycott a large number of Nestlé products in the hope of striking a better deal on price. Sales to AgeCore SA members, which include Coop in Switzerland, Intermarché in France, Edeka in Germany, Conad in Italy, Colruyt in Belgium and Eroski in Spain, represents around 10% of Nestlé’s sales in...

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Investec’s insights into #Budget2018

Journalist and political commentator Justice Malala moderates a panel of Investec’s top commentators the day after #BudgetSpeech2018. Get more insights at The panel, starting at 14h00 on Thursday 22 February, will unpack how the budget will impact South Africa’s current economic landscape, investor and business confidence, and you as an individual. The panel consists …

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Swiss medical students follow their dream in Romania

It’s notoriously difficult to gain university places in medicine and veterinary science in Switzerland, so a growing number of Swiss are going to Romania to study instead. (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international …

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Vaud – vote on divisive dental tax and care plan

On 4 March 2018, voters in Vaud will vote on a plan to provide basic universal dental care funded by a tax on salaries. The initiative entitled: Reimbursement of dental care, Pour le remboursement des soins dentaires in French, claims that 10% of the population avoid the dentist because of the cost. They also claim links between poor dental health and cancer, diabetes and premature births. Their plan envisages the creation of a network of...

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Swiss financial watchdog publishes ICO guidelines

The Swiss financial watchdog has published guidelines on digital currency fundraisers - known as initial coin offerings - under which it will regulate some ICOs, either under anti-money laundering laws or as securities. The Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) says the guidelines “also define the information FINMA requires to deal with such enquiries and the principles upon which it will base its responses,” according to a press...

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Number plate sale sets new record at auction

A number plate for the Swiss canton of Zug has sold anonymously at auction for CHF233,000 ($253,353), breaking the previous record of CHF161,000. For now, the buyer of the “ZG 10” plate remains unknown, as the item was sold on Wednesday at an anonymous online auction. Several other car and motorcycle plates were auctioned off at the event, the proceeds of which brought more than CHF500,000 to the treasury of the central Swiss canton.

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Switzerland tops latest financial secrecy index

While Switzerland isn’t the most financially secretive nation in the Tax Justice Network’s recently published report, its combination of size and secrecy pushed it into first place, the worst rank in the Financial Secrecy Index 2018. Size is factored in because it measures the damage a nation’s financial secrecy has on the world, says The Tax Justice Network.

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Ticket cheats in Switzerland soon to be listed in a national register

Tickets cannot be bought on public transport in Switzerland. Passengers are required to have a ticket before boarding. Those caught on public transport without one will soon have their names put into a national register. This will ensure progressively higher fines are issued to repeat offenders.

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Judicial complaint filed over PostBus scandal

The Federal Office of Transport has filed a legal complaint to the Attorney General’s office and judicial authorities of Bern canton in connection with the scandal hitting the Swiss PostBus company. The complaint for possible breaches of administrative law, fraud and mismanagement is filed against unnamed persons.

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Swiss public accounts better than expected in 2017

Swiss government accounts closed with a surplus of CHF2.8 billion ($3 billion) for 2017, compared with a forecast deficit of CHF250 million, Finance Minister Ueli Maurer said at a press conference in Bern on Wednesday. This was due mainly to higher-than-estimated tax revenues.

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UBS Long Term Themes Equity Fund kurz erklärt: Wasserknappheit

Die für den Menschen geeigneten Trinkwasservorräte sind begrenzt und die Ressource Wasser ist ungleichmässig verteilt. Trotzdem steigt die Nachfrage nach sauberem Wasser ständig. Weitere Informationen finden sie auf:

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UBS Long Term Themes Equity Fund kurz erklärt: Energieeffizienz

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf: Strengere Regelungen und eine steigende Energienachfrage erhöhen den Bedarf an energieeffizienten Technologien. Nur mit wirksamen Energieeffizienzlösungen können Endabnehmer den Stromverbrauch an der Quelle senken.

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UBS LTT en bref: Efficacité énergétique

Pour plus d’informations, visitez: Le durcissement des réglementations et la hausse de la demande en énergie augmentent les besoins en technologies à haut niveau d’efficacité énergétique. Seules les solutions d’économie d’énergie efficaces permettent aux usagers de réduire leur consommation à la source.

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UBS Long Term Themes Equity Fund en bref: Raréfaction de l’eau

Les réserves d’eau potable sont limitées et les ressources hydriques inégalement réparties. Cela n’empêche pas la demande en eau salubre d’augmenter sans cesse. Pour plus d’informations, visitez:

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UBS LTT in short: energy efficiency

Stricter regulations and rising demand for energy drive the need for energy-efficient technologies. Effective energy efficiency is essential for enabling end-users to reduce power consumption at the source. For further information visit:

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UBS LTT in short: Water scarcity

The amount of water suitable for human consumption is limited and the resource is unevenly distributed. Despite this, demand for clean water is constantly growing. For further information visit:

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