Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Two-thirds of Swiss see artificial intelligence as job threat

Only 34% of Swiss people believe their jobs are not at risk from automation and machine learning, according to a survey commissioned by the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Almost half of the 2,092 people surveyed by the Link Institute for SBC felt that some of their daily tasks could be done by machines and algorithms, while 15% were convinced that robots could do much of their work.

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Switzerland: home to one of Europe’s oldest monasteries

In the east of Switzerland, in Val Müstair, is one of the oldest churches in Europe. Here, in the Middle Ages, Charlemagne was venerated as a saint. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. …

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Hackers wanted

The federal government hopes to allow Swiss citizens to vote online in the 2019 federal elections. A new platform has been developed but before launching it, any weaknesses need to be found out: that’s why a hacker position has just been opened. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider … Continue reading...

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Skills Shortage on the Rise in Key Professions

Switzerland’s talent shortage is more pronounced in 2018, a new survey has found. Technical, financial, and medical professions are most affected, while job seekers in the hospitality, retail, and administrative sectors face the greatest competition.

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Taxes and insurance eat up almost 30percent of Swiss household income

Swiss households spend an average of 29% on mandatory payments like taxes, social contributions and health insurance. Figures released by the Swiss Statistical Office on Monday reveal that, based on 2016 data, a Swiss household had an average income of CHF7,124 ($7,140), of which CHF2,910 was eaten up by unavoidable expenses.

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Swiss investigate cause of deadly bridge collapse

Scientists at a lab near Zurich are investigating why a bridge collapsed in Genoa in August, killing 43 people. Scientists at a specialist lab in Switzerland are trying to determine why a bridge collapsed in the Italian port of Genoa in August this year, killing 43 people. The Federal Laboratory for Materials Science and Technology, …

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How CERN’s rotting photos were restored

Mouldy slides captured in the 80s at the CERN particle physics laboratory in Geneva and left to rot have been made into artwork. Mouldy slides captured in the 1980s at the CERN particle physics laboratory in Geneva and left to rot, have been made into artwork. The slides were mostly copies of negatives dating from … Continue...

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Bankers are no longer Switzerland’s top earners

The pharmaceutical industry and insurance companies have overtaken banking as the best paid sectors in Switzerland, according to the NZZ am Sonntag. In 2016, bank executives took home an average gross salary of CHF220,000 ($220,394) per year, which is CHF 40,000 less than ten years ago.

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Börsen-Talk vom 16. November 2018

Die Finanzmärkte werden kaum in ruhigere Fahrwasser kommen, sagt Janet Mui. Im cash-Börsen-Talk sagt die Ökonomin des Vermögensverwalters Schroders, welche Sektoren sich für Aktienanleger eignen, und welcher nicht.

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Markus Bernhard, CEO Mobilezone

Mobilezone erhielt immer wieder Übernahme-Anfragen, möchte aber in erster Linie selber Firmen kaufen, sagt Markus Bernhard im cash-Interview. Er verrät Details zur Dividende und den Abräumer bei den Smartphones 2018.

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Swiss civil servants incur CHF121 million in expenses

The expenses of Swiss civil servants added up to CHF 121.7 million ($122 million) last year, according to the SonntagsBlick newspaper. Counting the 34,800 full-time positions in the federal administration in 2016, that level of spending amounts to almost CHF3,500 per civil servant.

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Minimum return on Swiss pensions unchanged

A government commission looking at the rate, called for a reduction to 0.75%, while unions demanded a rise to 1.25%. In the end the Federal Council decided to take the middle road and leave the rate at 1% for 2019. The rate is the minimum pension funds must apply to employment related 2nd pillar pension assets in 2019.

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Home-care services increase, nursing home stays stagnate

Better at home than in a home: almost 350,000 people made use of assistance and home-care services (Spitex) last year, 10,000 more than in 2016. In contrast, the number of residents of old-age and nursing homes remained constant at 149,000, 15% of them for a short stay. Spitex, a Swiss non-profit organisation that provides in-home nursing services like changing bandages and administering medicine, chalked up nearly 16 million hours of home care and...

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Switzerland’s rising rate of farm suicide

The high and rising suicide rate among Switzerland’s male farmers stands in contrast to the declining rate among rural men working in other professions, according to a new study by the University of Bern published by the newspaper SonntagsZeitung. The rate among rural men working outside farming is 33 per 100,000, compared to 38 per 100,000 among farmers, a rate that has risen since 2003.

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In The Lift at Investec with the All Blacks and Bryan Habana

“I have dreamt about this day, guys!” Things get Out of the Ordinary in a lift at Investec…ft. the All Blacks, Bryan Habana and Cindy Poluta.

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Financial institutions raided over mobile pay deals

The Swiss Competition Commission has searched the premises of Credit Suisse and UBS, PostFinance and the credit card companies Swisscard and Aduno for allegedly boycotting mobile payment methods such as Apple Pay and Samsung Pay. The Competition Commission said on Thursday it had opened an investigation on Tuesday.

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Sinking or swimming in a tough climate

Sinking or swimming in a tough climate — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: Channel: Subscribe:...

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A special kind of home for people with dementia

Around 150,000 people have dementia in Switzerland, with the figure set to double in the next 20 years. So the question of how best to care for sufferers of the disease is all the more pressing. An unconventional residential community for people with dementia has been created in Hasle-Rüegsau in Emmental. A team from Swiss …

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The Swiss return of Nazi ‘Angel of Death’ Josef Mengele

After the Second World War, Josef Mengele – a war criminal and the man behind experiments on human beings at the Auschwitz concentration camp – fled to South America. There he managed to hide and escape justice until his death. However, he returned to Europe once as a tourist – and came to Switzerland. — …

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Ageing cheese with music

A cheesemaker in Emmental has been ageing his cheese with music, a different genre for each wheel. The idea behind this crazy experiment is to find out if sound waves can influence the cheese’s taste like humidity and temperature do. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep …

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