Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

UBS Systematic Allocation Portfolio Funds Review – Full year 2018

In the video, you’ll find out more about the current performance of the UBS SAP Funds as well as the following topics: • The effect of geopolitical events on performance. • The influence of the most important central banks and economic indicators.

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Nearly Half of Swiss Admit to Stealing

Either at work, at a restaurant, on public transport or in a shop, nearly half of Swiss admit to stealing, according to a survey by 49% of the 1,500 questioned in the survey admitted to pocketing something without paying.

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Novartis Stockpiles Drugs in UK to Ensure Supply

Swiss pharmaceuticals giant Novartis says a no-deal Brexit could hurt patients and that it is stockpiling medicines in the UK to help ensure continuity of supply. In a press releaseexternal link on Friday, it said that after the British parliament’s rejection of Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal, “the risk of UK exiting the EU without a deal is increased and this will be hugely impactful for patients, particularly around the supply and...

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UBS Vitainvest Funds Review – 2018 – Anno intero

In questo video scoprite di più sull’andamento attuale dei UBS Vitainvest Funds e sui seguenti temi: • effetto degli eventi geopolitici sulla performance • influenza delle principali banche centrali e indicatori economici • andamento di azioni e obbligazioni.

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UBS Vitainvest Funds Review – Année 2018

Dans la vidéo, découvrez-en plus sur le développement actuel du UBS Vitainvest Funds ainsi que sur les thèmes suivants: • Répercussion d’événements géopolitiques sur la performance. • Influence des principales banques centrales et indicateurs économiques. • Évolution des actions et des obligations.

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UBS Vitainvest Review – Gesamtjahr 2018

Im Video erfahren Sie mehr zur aktuellen Entwicklung der Vitainvest Funds sowie zu folgenden Themen: • Auswirkung geopolitischer Ereignisse auf die Performance • Einfluss der wichtigsten Zentralbanken und wirtschaftliche Indikatoren • Entwicklung der Aktien und Anleihen

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Chinese Courts Frustrate Anti-Fake Watch Measures

The Sino-Swiss free trade agreement (FTA) is having only a limited effect on the fight against fake watches, according to a Swiss official. Steps taken by Beijing to counter fraud are often not being enforced by courts.

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Mark Denham, Leiter der europäischen Aktienanlagen beim Asset Manager Carmignac Gestion

Mark Denham vom französischen Fondshaus Carmignac erwartet im europäischen Aktienmarkt baldige Kursgewinne. Zurückhaltend äussert er sich aber zu grossen SMI-Titeln – besonders einem Schweizer Blue Chip misstraut er.

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Karen Tse, founder of International Bridges for Justice

There is so much talk about the lack of women at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos that their stories and achievements often get lost. Numbers are important, but as 16-year-old Greta Thunberg showed today, it only takes one woman (or in this case girl) to inspire millions. — is the international branch …

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A Swiss agribusiness perspective on the future of food

The future of food has been on the menu at the World Economic Forum (WEF) this week. The central question: how can the world feed 9.8 billion people by 2050 and save the planet? — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to …

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Switzerland signs more post-Brexit deals with UK

Swiss President and Finance Minister Ueli Maurer has signed two agreements with the UK as part of the government’s strategy to maintain smooth ties after Brexit. The agreements on road transport and non-life insurance were signed with UK Chancellor Philip Hammond at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos on Friday, said the finance ministry.

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Swiss small businesses sound optimistic note for exports

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Switzerland are optimistic about export business at the start of 2019, a new survey has found, with over half expecting foreign sales to grow during the year. “The export climate will remain favourable for Swiss SMEs in 2019,” wrote the authors of a Switzerland Global Enterprise and Credit Suisse survey published on Thursday.

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Dr. Genya Dana on precision medicine

Dr. Genya Dana of the WEF Fourth Industrial Revolution Centre in San Francisco talks about how Big Data is advancing precision medicine. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and …

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Practice what you preach

The inspiration behind the school strike movement that’s bringing young people onto the streets all over Europe, has arrived in Switzerland. Greta Thunberg, who’s 16, got there the eco-friendly way and is planning to get her message across at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos. — is the international branch of the …

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Half of Swiss happy with their finances

A recent survey suggests that half of Swiss residents are satisfied with their financial situation. 6% said they have trouble making ends meet. In addition, 28% expect their finances to improve in 2019. Fewer women (25%) are optimistic than men (33%). 18% expect their finances to worsen and 54% expect no change.

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Swiss organic farm output doubles

Between 1999 and 2017 the amount of organic food produced on Swiss farms more than doubled. In 1999, 5.3% of Switzerland’s farm output was organic. By 2017 this figure had risen to 11.7%. In 1999, Swiss farms produced CHF 562 million worth of organic food. In 2017, they produced CHF 1.2 billion.

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An ecopreneur teams up with Nestlé at WEF

TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky explained, “Through Loop, consumers can now responsibly consume products in specially-designed durable, reusable or fully recyclable packaging made from materials like alloys, glass and engineered plastics. When a consumer returns the packaging, it is refilled, or the content is reused or recycled through groundbreaking technology.” — is the international branch …

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Ice-skating robots showcase Swiss innovation

Ice-skating robots have proven a popular ambassador for Swiss innovation on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum. While companies and innovators are excited about their tremendous potential, the rise of robots is a source of anxiety for many who worry their jobs will disappear. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting …

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Switzerland scores well on youth job market conditions but suffers from skills mismatch

A recent report places Switzerland second in a ranking of 33 european countries on conditions in the youth labour market in 2016 – youth are those between 15 and 24. Switzerland’s overall score of 5.67 out of 7.00 is close to Denmark’s 5.72. Switzerland’s highest scores are for employment rate (6.01) and working conditions (5.77), with education (5.36) and smoothness of transition to work (5.52) coming in lower.

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cash-Talk vom 18. Januar 2019

Das Problem der Leerstände bei Schweizer Mietwohnungen hinterlässt langsam Spuren, sagt Expertin Ursina Kubli von der Zürcher Kantonalbank im cash-Talk. Dennoch wird die Zahl leerstehender Wohnungen 2019 weiter steigen.

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