Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Swiss railways – you get what you pay for

The slowcoaches in the study, carried out by consultants SCI Verkehr for the German Pro-Rail Alliance, were France and Spain, which spent €37 and €36 per person respectively.

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Novartis sued by bird flu guinea pig

When the H5N1 virus broke outexternal link among birds in Europe in 2005, scientists feared it could be transmitted from human to human and cause a pandemic. The pharmaceutical industry across Europe rushed to develop a vaccine.

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Singapore sentences ex-BSI banker to more jail time

A political storm has raged for two years in Malaysia over the scandal at 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), which is the focus of money-laundering investigations in at least six countries, including Switzerland and the United States.

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Swiss to help Indian tax-dodging investigation

The decision was reached on Thursday by the Federal Administrative Court in St Gallen, which rejected an appeal by two Indian citizens and two companies that are subject to requests by the Indian taxman following up on data included in the Falciani files.

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Out Of The Ordinary Moments: James Anderson

Taking the last wicket at Trent Bridge.

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Daniel Kalt, Chefökonom UBS Schweiz

UBS-Ökonom Daniel Kalt zum Arbeitsmarkt für die über 50-Jährigen.

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Swiss economic mission starts with Russia

Schneider-Ammann, traveling with a large business delegation, was wrapping up a two-day visit to Russia on Tuesday. Switzerland, as a non-EU member, did not impose sanctions against Russia, but it also tried to keep up EU and US relations by blocking attempts to circumvent the sanctions, which include travel bans and asset freezes via Switzerland.

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Estate in alpeggio UBS – Top Performer

Cerchiamo aiutanti per l’alpeggio. Candidatevi subito per un lavoro estivo di due settimane e vincete un buono da CHF 5000:

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Un été à l’alpage UBS: Top Performer

Nous cherchons des assistants pour l’alpage. Postulez maintenant pour un job d’été de 2 semaines et gagnez un bon d’une valeur de 5000.-

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UBS alpine summer – Top Performer

We are looking for helpers on the Alp. Apply now for a two-week summer job and win a voucher worth 5,000 francs:

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UBS Alpsommer: Top Performer

Wir suchen Helfer für die Alp. Jetzt für zweiwöchigen Sommerjob bewerben und Gutschein im Wert von 5000 Franken gewinnen:

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G20 – what’s in it for Switzerland?

Switzerland’s main trading partner is the European Union, and the single nation that does the most trade with the Swiss is Germany. So, it stands to reason that a G20 summit in Germany is especially important for Switzerland’s competitive economy. What came out of the recent gathering in Hamburg for the Swiss?

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Victorinox named an official pocketknife supplier to US army

The US Defense Logistics Agencyexternal link (DLA), the Department of Defense’s largest logistics combat support agency, had indeed added the Victorinox knife to its list, a DLA spokesperson told the Swiss News Agency on Monday, confirming a report in the Luzerner Zeitungexternal link newspaper.

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A pop art revival in Aargau

The pop art movement emerged in America in the 1960s and soon made its way to Switzerland. It stood for everything that was new.The Aargauer Kunstmuseum is now staging an exhibition of Swiss pop art. Two artists talk about their work. (SRF/  — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its …

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Swiss papers: Riot images overshadow talks

he G20 summit in Hamburg resulted in a mixed bag for the host, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and an agenda overshadowed by the images of violent protesters, Swiss news media reported. A report in the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung, or NZZexternal link, described an outcome in which Merkel could only “partially delight”. She set climate change and trade as top priorities, but the

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Swiss block sale over concern about Pakistani nuclear programme

Swiss government officials say they denied an export permit to a domestic manufacturer because of indications that its products would have supported the production of Pakistani nuclear weapons. The decision by Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECOexternal link) prevented the undisclosed Swiss company from being able to sell its valves abroad for use in ventilation systems.

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Switzerland vs France – the shopping basket price challenge

Our snapshot comparison of a 14-item list of basic groceries has revealed a +€27.74 (CHF30.38) difference between Switzerland (COOP supermarket in Lausanne) and France (Carrefour supermarket in Ferney Voltaire, near Geneva). The Swiss basket of items was +91% more expensive. Our mini poll took place at the end of June. You can read more about …

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G20 demos draw Swiss involvement

Swiss news media reported on Sunday that at least one Swiss was among those arrested at violent protests during the Group of 20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. Swiss newspaper SonntagsBlick said the train bringing Swiss protesters back home to Switzerland was stopped and searched at the border, and that the head of police in Bern suggested there might have been fewer police injured in Hamburg if they used rubber bullets like police do in the Swiss...

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Ethical Coffee Company to bow out of capsule business

The timing may seem strange: over the past year, the Ethical Coffee Company (ECC), which has long been embroiled in patent-related battles with capsule giant Nespresso, has seen several verdicts go in its favour. But ECC founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gaillard revealed to Le Temps on Thursday that the company will be retiring from the capsule market over the next six months.

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Swiss at table in G20 finance talks

The financial aspect to the talks, one of two main “tracks” for discussions at the two-day summit, will focus on coordinated steps to stabilise the global economy, structural measures to promote growth and reform proposals for the international financial system, according to the Swiss State Secretariat for International Financial Matters, or SIF.

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