Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Official: Internal review clears Swiss arms shipments

The head of a Swiss federal office says its handling of export permits for arms manufacturers is improving in the wake of a criminal probe into past shipments. An internal review cleared a federal employee of wrongdoing after prosecutors questioned the handling of a Bernese arms manufacturer’s requests to ship weapons to Kazakhstan in 2008 and to New Zealand in 2009, said Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch, director of the State Secretariat for...

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Pharma remains king of Swiss exports

Pharmaceutical and chemical goods pushed Swiss exports to record highs in the first half of this year. The value of goods sold abroad peaked at CHF109.6 billion ($105 billion) in the first six months of 2017 - a 4.4% rise on the previous year. Swiss exports were further boosted by resurgence in demand from China that saw a 20% increase in value of goods sold.

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Swiss banker admits to helping Americans cheat taxes

A former Credit Suisse banker pleaded guilty on Wednesday to charges of aiding Americans in hiding millions of dollars from US tax authorities. Susanne Rüegg-Meier, who worked in the Zurich office of Credit Suisse between 2002 and 2011, entered the guilty plea while on trial in a federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, for conspiring to defraud the United States, said the US Justice Department in a statement.external link.

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Swiss-US meeting focuses on vocational education and jobs

Swiss Economics Minister Johann Schneider-Ammann on Tuesday expressed satisfaction with his two days of meetings with senior Trump administration officials, capping efforts to boost cooperation between Switzerland and the United States on education, jobs and trade. He also invited Ivanka Trump, the daughter and adviser to US President Donald Trump, and other Trump administration officials to visit Switzerland so that they can "explore ways of...

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Swiss government to take aim at high Swiss prices

Switzerland’s Federal Council wants to introduce new measures to lower prices in Switzerland to curb cross-border shopping, something that it says hurts Swiss businesses. Minister for Economic Affairs, Johann Schneider-Ammann, said in an interview with the newspaper Schweiz am Wochenende that he’s working on a package of measures to tackle high retail prices in Switzerland.

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Court sentence in multimillion fraud scheme

A massive money laundering case unfolded on Tuesday in a Swiss cantonal court where an Englishman, his wife and a financial adviser were found guilty in an elaborate multimillion-franc scheme. The district courtexternal link in the canton of Vaud sentenced the unidentified Englishman to a year in prison on charges of laundering nearly CHF7 million ($7.34 million), the Swiss News Agency reported.

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Börsen-Talk vom 21. Juli 2017

Der Wirtschaft der Euro-Zone läufts gut wie lange nicht mehr. Auch der Sorgenfall Griechenland stabilisiert sich, wie Anlagestratege Anastassios Frangulidis sagt. Eine neue Rezession wäre aber immer noch gefährlich.

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Börsen-Talk vom 21. Juli 2017

Der Wirtschaft der Euro-Zone läufts gut wie lange nicht mehr. Auch der Sorgenfall Griechenland stabilisiert sich, wie Anlagestratege Anastassios Frangulidis sagt. Eine neue Rezession wäre aber immer noch gefährlich.

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Switzerland Hosts Meeting on Tax Transparency

An international meeting on transparency and exchange of tax data is underway in the Swiss city of Geneva. The five-day gathering of the Global Forum peer review group is to examine the implementation of so-called group requests and the issue of the identification of beneficial owners, according to the State Secretariat for International Financial Matters.

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Ulrich Spiesshofer, CEO ABB

Der ABB-Chef kommentiert die Quartalszahlen.

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Number of vacant homes rises again in Vaud

At 1 June 2017, 3,650 empty homes, of which 2,655 were for rent and 995 for sale, were on the market in Vaud. This brought the vacancy rate to 0.9%, a rise of 0.1% compared to the year before. This rise follows an increase of 0.1% in 2016 from a rate of 0.7% in 2015. The market is considered balanced when the vacancy rate reaches 1.5%. The last time it was above this mark in Vaud was in 1999.

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Where there’s smoke, there’s political fire

A poster in a Swiss shop window advertises the sale of legal cannabis. The rising popularity of marijuana that doesn’t make you high – a product known as “cannabis light” or “CBD cannabis” – is causing a headache for Swiss politicians. It is sold in many Swiss shops and generates millions of Swiss francs in sales.

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UBS Investor Watch Schweiz

Ist Unberechenbarkeit der neue Normalzustand? Der UBS Investor Watch Report eine globale Researchplattform, die Ihnen dabei hilft, die Ansichten, Interessen und Sorgen vermögender Anleger in aller Welt zu verstehen:

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UBS worried about departing baby-boomers

Switzerland is facing a medium-term future of labour market shortages and ratcheting pension costs, according to the latest economic outlook report by UBS bank. The quarterly appraisal,external link launched Thursday in Zurich, highlighted a paradox in the current shape of the Swiss labour market.

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Swiss abroad react angrily to pension cut comments

The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) has reacted angrily to the recent remarks of a politician that questioned the role of expat pensioners. An apology: this is what the OSAexternal link have demanded of Petra Gössi, the Radical Party politician whose “unacceptable” remarks about the pensions of Swiss abroad provoked a flurry of reaction last month.

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Joseph Jimenez, CEO Novartis

Der Novartis-Konzernchef Joseph Jimenez zum Quartalsergebnis des Pharmakonzerns.

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Swiss franc more overvalued than 6 months ago according to Economist burger index

The Economist magazine’s 6-monthly Big Mac index shows the Swiss franc to be even more overvalued than it was in January 2017. The index, which compares the US$ price of a Big Mac around the world places Switzerland at the top with a price of US$ 6.74. This is 27.2% more expensive than the United States where the same burger costs US$ 5.30.

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Swiss private bank accepts bitcoin

Falcon has teamed up with cryptocurrency brokerage Bitcoin Suisse to offer the service. With the value of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies soaring in recent months, the bank said it was responding to demand from clients. It has also installed a bitcoin ATM at its Zurich HQ.

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Switzerland Opens Door To Bitcoin Asset-Management Business

Bitcoin and other cryptos have fallen sharply over the past month in a shakeout that saw some of the early longs decide to take their winnings and walk away. But a 20% drop from the all-time highs hasn’t done much to temper wealthy investors interest in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as alternative investments potentially worthy of diversification.

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Nos agriculteurs sont harcelés! Soutenons-les! LHK

La vache, source de pollution à cause du méthane contenu dans ses pets! En revanche, les blocs de béton construits sur les près,dans lesquels elles broutaient, ne polluent pas… Une offense à notre intelligence…

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