Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Digitale Identität

Das einfache, sichere und staatlich zertifizierte System zur digitalen Identifikation – die E-ID – wird in der Schweiz Wirklichkeit. Eine starke Allianz von SBB, Swisscom, Credit Suisse, Raiffeisen, UBS, ZKB, SIX und Mobiliar wird die digitale Identität nun mit Hochdruck vorantreiben.

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Apocalypse at Bern’s Natural History Museum

The story of the end of the world is man-made fiction, from both ancient and recent times. Now the Natural History Museum in Bern has dedicated an exhibition to the subject. It’s frightening and fascinating in equal measures, and shows how heavily apocalypse features in pop culture and religion. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss …

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Swiss schools offer training for a life on the stage

At the beginning of 2009 a professional qualification for stage dancers was introduced in Switzerland. It’s something that’s been attracting international students to the country, and to this ballet school in Basel. (SRF, The three-year “Federal Certificate of Proficiency” for stage dancers is offered in Switzerland at the Zurich Dance Academy, where it was first introduced; …

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Amazon coming to Switzerland

According to the newspaper Bilanz, Amazon has signed an agreement with Swiss post to provide rapid customs clearance. The head of postal customs, Felix Stierli, confirmed discussions with the company.A maximum customs clearance time of 3 hours will allow 24-hour delivery, one element of Amazon’s Prime offer.

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Börsen-Talk vom 1. Dezember 2017

Remo Rosenau äussert sich im Börsen-Talk zum CEO-Abgang bei Julius Bär und zu anderen Ereignissen an der Schweizer Börse. Der Leiter Research bei der Neuen Helvetischen Bank wagt auch eine SMI-Prognose fürs 2018.

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Thomas Seiler, CEO U-blox

U-blox möchte gar keine Aufträge von Grossfirmen wie Apple, sagt CEO Thomas Seiler im Interview mit cash. Er äussert sich zum Geschäftsverlauf in diesem Jahr und dazu, ob ein Firmenverkauf ein Thema ist.

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WEF founder flags need for solidarity

In an interview with newspaper NZZamSonntag, Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, says that WEF is more relevant than ever. “We’re the witnesses to a transformation from a unipolar to a multipolar world. In this situation, the attempt to build bridges and work together is more important than ever,” the 80-year-old German engineer and economist told the newspaper.

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Demographic Dysphoria: Swiss Village Offers Families Over $70,000 To Live There

Across the world, demographic dysphoria is taking shape, creating numerous headaches for governments. To avoid the next economic downturn, governments are searching for creative measures to increase population growth and deliver a sustainable economy. In Europe, a near decade of excessive monetary policy coupled with a massive influx of refugees have not been able to reverse negative population growth– first spotted in 2012.

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Switzerland’s 1.3 billion franc payment to EU proves divisive

Switzerland’s deal with the EU involves a financial contribution. The sum announced by the Federal Council is CHF 1.3 billion over the next 10 years.The arrangement, announced on Thursday to coincide with a visit by european commission president Jean-Claude Juncker, extends a previous 10 year deal.

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Stress rises among Swiss workers

A recent report by Travail.Suisse shows around 40% of Swiss workers report feeling often or very often stressed by their work.Stress and emotional exhaustion is a daily reality for many says Travail.Suisse. Between 2015 and 2017, the percentage suffering work related stress or emotional exhaustion has risen from 38% to 48%.

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Richest get richer – Switzerland’s top 300

The wealthiest people in one of the world’s wealthiest nations - Switzerland, have increased their assets by CHF60 billion over the past year. According to the latest edition of the German-language business magazine, Bilanz, the 300 richest residents of the country have assets totalling CHF674 billion.

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Les banques centrales demandent aux banques commerciales de créer la monnaie. La preuve.

M Marc Luckx Ghisi, ancien conseiller de M Jacques Delors apporte la preuve que nous défendons depuis des années sur ce site: Les banques centrales ne créent pas de monnaie. Elles s’endettent auprès des banques commerciales!

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Where an average Swiss household spends its income

A recent report from Switzerland Federal Statistical Office shows how an average Swiss household spends its income. In 2015, the mean income was CHF 9,946 per month, including all forms of income and any 13th month payment received at the end of the year.

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How one Swiss hospital slashed food waste

For a month, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital has weighed all of the food it throws away. The result was a real eye-opener for the hospital, and now the hospital chefs are introducing some drastic changes. (SRF/  — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and …

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Second class-action law suit lodged against Tezos

A second class-action lawsuit has been lodged in the United States against the founders of the tokenised blockchain project Tezos, and the Swiss-based foundation that houses hundreds of millions of dollars of investors’ money. The law firm Silver Miller Law presented its complaintexternal link in Florida this week, following a California lawsuit issued last monthexternal link.

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Finding investment opportunities in a turbulent world

Leading fund manager gives examples of how to position yourself on the right side of change. Watch full #InvestecWealth Forum video:

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Paul Weibel, Swiss Life Schweiz

Der Leiter des Privatkundengeschäfts zum Hypothekengeschäft der Swiss Life.

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Swiss Watchmaker Optimistic about Business Prospects

The chief executive of the Swatch Group, a leading Swiss manufacturer of watches and jewelry, is upbeat about business prospects for the coming year. Nick Hayek says the Swatch Groupexternal link hopes to reach the ambitious target of a 7%-9% increase in sales this year.

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New Gold-Backed Debit Card Launched In Partnership With MasterCard

In recent years, there has been a major debate about the respective merits of gold versus Bitcoin, even though many, not all, gold bulls are also supporters of the latter. Gold advocates generally view favourably Bitcoin’s inherent characteristics of decentralisation, finite supply and ability to operate (so far) outside of the usual interference by western central banks.

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Victoria Mio, Fondsmanagerin bei Robeco

Die China-Spezialistin über den Reiz chinesischer Aktieninvestments.

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