Category Archive: 2.) Trade Balance News Service Bunt [FR]

Record exports in the 2nd quarter of 2024

After a tepid first quarter, Swiss foreign trade regained momentum in the second quarter of 2024. In seasonally adjusted terms, exports jumped by 6.6% and reached a record level. Imports increased by 2.2%. The trade balance closes with a historic quarterly surplus of 12.4 billion francs.

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L’OFDF mandate un prestataire de service de base pour la RPLP

Le renouvellement et la modernisation du système pour la perception de la redevance sur le trafic des poids lourds liée aux prestations (RPLP) prennent forme. Les détenteurs de véhicules immatriculés en Suisse pourront à l’avenir choisir entre des systèmes de saisie proposés par différents prestataires.

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Swiss Trade Balance November 2022: pharmaceuticals weigh down exports

In November 2022, seasonally adjusted exports plunged by almost a tenth while imports increased by 1.4% month on month. At the exit in particular, the chemical-pharmaceutical sector weighed down the result. The trade balance closes with a small surplus of half a billion francs.

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Swiss Trade Balance October 2022: declining foreign trade

In October 2022 and after two consecutive monthly increases, seasonally adjusted exports fell by 1.1% (real: −1.8%). However, they remain on a positive trend. Imports fell by 1.4% over one month (actual: −0.8%), but have stagnated since the middle of the year. The trade balance ends with a surplus of 3 billion francs, the highest recorded in the last six months.

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Swiss Trade Balance 3nd quarter 2022: foreign trade remains in rise

Also in the 3rd quarter of 2022, Swiss foreign trade experienced a positive development: while exports increased by 1.3%, imports grew by 0.8%. However, the latter have lost their vigor since the middle of the year. Both imports and exports nevertheless posted a record quarterly result. The trade balance closes with a surplus of 8 billion francs.

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Swiss Trade Balance 2nd quarter 2022: 8th consecutive quarterly increase

Swiss foreign trade strengthened further in both traffic directions in the 2nd quarter of 2022, reaching new highs. Exports increased by 0.9% and imports by 2.4% compared to the previous quarter. Prices have risen both at entry and exit. The trade balance closes with a surplus of 7.6 billion francs.

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Swiss Trade Balance May 2022: surge in imports towards a level record

In May 2022, Swiss foreign trade strengthened in both directions of traffic: seasonally adjusted exports increased by 1.2% while imports jumped by 10.3%. The latter thus confirmed their upward trend despite strong fluctuations. Due to the different pace of growth at the outflow and the inflow, the trade balance surplus stood at CHF 2.0 billion.

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Swiss Trade Balance Q1 2022: foreign trade chain record upon record

Swiss foreign trade also grew in the 1st quarter of 2022, climbing to a record level. Imports strengthened further (+6.7%) while exports lost ground somewhat (+1.2%). Both at entry and exit, prices stood at very high levels. Due to different trends in the two directions of traffic, the trade balance surplus fell sharply (–2.8 billion francs).

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Swiss Trade Balance February 2022: chemicals-pharma propels exports to a record level

In February 2022, seasonally adjusted exports jumped 15.4% – after their setback in the previous two months – while imports fell 2.9%. The output boom was driven by the strength of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. For the first time, the trade balance surplus passed the 5 billion franc mark.

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Customs in 2021: more product piracy and non-compliant animal imports

The figures for the year 2021 from the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (OFDF) are again marked by the COVID pandemic. Due to the boom in e-commerce, the number of shipments seized for product piracy has once again increased significantly. Cases in the field of animal protection have also increased sharply. In addition, the number of records of migrants who entered Switzerland irregularly was higher than in 2020. Receipts increased...

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Swiss Trade Balance Year 2021: exports climb to one record level

After a year 2020 strongly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, Swiss foreign trade proved to be very dynamic in 2021. Exports thus jumped by 15.2% – reaching a record level – while imports swelled by 10 .1%. The different pace of growth at entry and exit explained the jump in the trade surplus to the imposing level of 58.7 billion francs.

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Swiss Trade Balance October 2021: chemistry-pharma tarnishes the foreign trade table

In October 2021, Swiss foreign trade lost its vigor. Exports declined 1.4% and imports 2.3% from the previous month. The chemicals and pharmaceuticals sector weighed on the results in both directions of traffic. The trade balance closed with a surplus of 4.4 billion francs, similar to that of previous months.

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Swiss Trade Balance Q2 2021: export record

Swiss foreign trade showed dynamism in the second quarter of 2021. Exports rose 3.2% to a record level. They posted a fourth consecutive quarterly increase since the drop recorded at the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Imports continued the momentum of the previous quarter and increased 3.8%. The trade surplus stood at 11.5 billion francs.

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Swiss Trade Balance Q1 2021: exports go back above their pre-Covid-19 level

During the 1st quarter of 2021 and on a seasonally adjusted basis, exports increased by 4.8% (+ 2.7 billion francs; actual: + 4.9%), signing a third consecutive quarterly increase. At 58.1 billion francs, they not only exceeded their pre-crisis level, but also their second largest quarterly result. Imports increased by 1.7% or 805 million francs (actual: + 1.9%).

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Swiss Trade Balance: 2020 salt exports: lowest in 30 years

Swiss foreign trade in salt has plummeted since 2010. Over the past ten years, exports have plunged 91% to 6,084 tonnes and imports by 69%. In 2019 and 2020, the amount of salt imported was greater than that exported, a phenomenon that had not occurred since 2009.

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Swiss Trade Balance An exceptional year 2020: border crossings closed and online commerce booming

Bern, 04.03.2021 - The 2020 statistics of the Federal Customs Administration (AFD) are strongly influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to reduce the risk of transmission of the coronavirus, Switzerland has reintroduced systematic checks at national borders for the first time since joining Schengen, imposed entry restrictions and temporarily closed small border posts.

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Swiss Trade Balance January 2021: foreign trade starts the year on a positive note

After declining in December 2020, Swiss foreign trade again showed a strong increase at the start of 2021. In January and in seasonally adjusted terms, exports rose 5.4% to 18.9 billion francs and imports by 3.3% to 15.3 billion. In both directions of trafficking, the boom relied heavily on chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The trade balance closed with a surplus of 3.6 billion francs.

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Swiss Trade Balance Foreign trade 2020: historic decline against the backdrop of a pandemic

Switzerland's 2020 foreign trade will bear the brunt of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic: exports (-7.1% to 225.1 billion francs) and imports (-11.2% to 182.1 billion) posted a historic decline. Never before have they suffered such a significant quarterly decline as in the second quarter of 2020. Foreign trade has fallen back to its level recorded three years earlier. The trade balance closed the year with a record surplus of CHF 43.0...

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Swiss Trade Balance November 2020: exports are on the rise

In November 2020, Swiss foreign trade stood out with an increase in both directions of traffic. In seasonally adjusted terms, exports advanced 4.8% and imports 4.2%. Falling over the previous two months, exports resumed their growth path and the trade balance closed with a surplus of 3.1 billion francs.

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Swiss Trade Balance October 2020: foreign trade falters

In October 2020, Swiss foreign trade took off. In seasonally adjusted terms, exports stagnated (-0.4%) while imports fell 3.3%. The slowdown recorded since this summer in both directions of traffic has thus been confirmed. The trade balance closed with a surplus of 2.9 billion francs.

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