Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.

Pictet & Mater — Furnishing a sustainable future (Abridged version)

Long before environmentalism became a popular concern, Henrik Marstrand created Mater in 2006, a Danish furniture company that prides itself on timeless design with sustainability at its core. Designing and producing all their own pieces, Marstrand’s new line of outdoor chairs and tables was based on original designs from Nanna and Jørgen Ditzel and is made from recycled fishing nets and ropes. This initiative is helping to offset the five million...

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Weekly View – Reality check

The short-term pull-back in stock prices last week on the back of persistent virus concerns in the US and elsewhere shows the market remains jittery despite the massive run-up in prices since late March. May data from China showed a relatively fast rebound on the supply side of the economy, but a much slower take-off in consumption, suggesting a ‘reverse square root’ kind of recovery for economies rather than the ‘v’-shaped one markets have been...

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Yanis Varoufakis, ex-Greek Finance Minister, DiEM25 Co-Founder, high profile Economist: Talk + Q&A

We were delighted to host a special online event on Thursday 18th June 2020 with Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek Finance Minister and high profile Economist, academic and writer as well as the Co-Founder of Democracy in Europe Movement (DiEM25) and The Progressive International with Bernie Sanders. He discussed some very fascinating topical issues including “Resilience …

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Yanis Varoufakis on “our generation’s 1929”.

Yanis Varoufakis describes how the nationalism, xenophobia and brazen racism of 2020 can be traced back to 2008. A short clip from our film Out Of The Ruins.

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Swiss Trade Balance May 2020: signs of recovery in foreign trade

After its historic setback of the previous month, foreign trade recovered a few colors in May 2020. Imports posted a seasonally adjusted increase of 9.8% to 13.6 billion francs; however, they are still below their March 2020 level. Although exports fell again (-1.2%), they eased compared to April. The trade balance closed with a surplus of 2.8 billion francs.

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Yanis Varoufakis on “oligarchy with elections”.

A short clip from our film Out Of The Ruins, in which Yanis Varoufakis, ex-finance minister of Greece, talks about how Aristotle would be very puzzled by what we call democracy.

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Wieso Du mit Aktien nicht reich wirst!

► Höre Dir meinen Podcast an! Du findest ihn bei • Google Podcasts: • iTunes:ür-die-erfolgreiche/id1455853622 • Spotify: Nachweislich sind Aktien in den letzten 50 Jahren, die rentabelste Geldanlage ohne Einsatz von Fremdkapital gewesen....

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Am Aktienmarkt kommt jetzt der Lackmustest

Billionen schwere Konjunkturprogramme und eine beispiellos lockere Geldpolitik sollen der Corona-Rezession massiv entgegenwirken. Jetzt muss sich erweisen, ob die Weltwirtschaft tatsächlich das Schlimmste hinter sich hat und wieder nach oben dreht. Ist der Optimismus an den Aktienbörsen also berechtigt oder verfrüht? Immerhin lauert eine zweite Infektionswelle und sind Aktien ohnehin extrem hoch bewertet. Kommt das …

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Pictet Perspectives Trailer

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Pictet Perspectives Trailer

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Supplementary accommodation: 0.7 percent increase in overnight stays in 2019, but decrease in demand for holiday homes

15.06.2020 - In 2019, supplementary accommodation posted a total of 16.7 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 0.7% compared with 2018. With 11.4 million units, Swiss visitors represented more than two-thirds of demand (68.6%), i.e. a rise of 2.4%. Foreign visitors registered a 2.8% decrease with 5.2 million units. With 4.4 million overnight stays (-3.8%), European visitors accounted for the majority of stays by foreign guests.

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Anish Kapoor and Yanis Varoufakis: Another Now #10 | DiEM25 TV

Donate ? Join us! ? Tonight, Yanis Varoufakis is joined by amazing artist Anish Kapoor. The coronavirus crisis is revealing that the powers that be of the European Union have learned nothing from the Eurocrisis. They are currently betraying the interests of the majority of Europeans in the same way that they have …

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Crash oder Kauf-Chance?

► Folge mir bei Instagram: ► TIPP 1: Sichere Dir meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs – 100% gratis: Heute morgen hat der Dax mit einer Kurslücke von 400 Punkten zur Unterseite eröffnet. Ist das der Auftakt zu einer neuen Korrektur, vielleicht sogar zu einem Crash, oder wird das eine Kaufgelegenheit? Ich nenne …

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Pictet — Perspectives: Near-Term Investment Themes and Challenges

Markets are pricing in fully several optimistic scenarios, yet there are attractive plays in investment grade credit and equities. Meanwhile, over the summer, we await a clearer picture on how realistic this optimism proves to be over the longer term.

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Pictet — Perspectives: Near-Term Investment Themes and Challenges

Markets are pricing in fully several optimistic scenarios, yet there are attractive plays in investment grade credit and equities. Meanwhile, over the summer, we await a clearer picture on how realistic this optimism proves to be over the longer term.

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in May 2020: -4.5 percent YoY, -0.5 percent MoM

15.06.2020 - The Producer and Import Price Index fell in May 2020 by 0.5% compared with the previous month, reaching 97.6 points (December 2015 = 100). This decline is due in particular to lower prices for pharmaceutical and chemical products as well as for petroleum products. Compared with May 2019, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products fell by 4.5%.

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Gegenmodelle zu den gefährlichen Ideen von Markus Krall Hans-Werner Sinn KenFM Attila Hildmann Xavie

499 r Naidoo. - Extinction Rebellion Scientists4Future Niko Paech Fridays for Future Christian Felber GWÖ Greta Thunberg Carla Reemtsma Luisa Neubauer Gradido Degrowth Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Postwachstum Bhutan Bruttonationalglück Permakultur Cradle2Cradle Bonobo-Kommunismus Quelle Greta Thunberg Fridays for Future Markus Krall Christian Felber Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie GWÖ Hans-Werner Sinn Gradido Cradle2Cradle Permakultur Bhutan...

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Die gefährlichen Irrtümer von Markus Krall Hans-Werner Sinn Fridays for Future Christian Felber GWÖ↓

497 Extinction Rebellion Greta Thunberg KenFM Carla Reemtsma Luisa Neubauer Gradido Verschwörungstheoretiker Niko Paech Degrowth Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Postwachstum Bhutan Bruttonationalglück . - Permakultur Cradle2Cradle Bonobo-Kommunismus Quelle Greta Thunberg Fridays for Future Markus Krall Christian Felber Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie GWÖ Hans-Werner Sinn Gradido Cradle2Cradle Permakultur Bhutan Bruttonationalglück Sahra Wagenknecht Niko...

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Freisicht – Julien Backhaus

In der gestrigen Folge von “Freisicht” (10. Juni 2020) habe ich mit dem Verleger und Buchautor Julien Backhaus über das “Gründerland” Deutschland, sein neuen Buch “EGO – Gewinner sind gute Egoisten” und die Bildungspolitik in Deutschland gesprochen. Vor allem die aktuelle Krise bietet unserer Meinung nach große Chancen, die Bildungspolitik zu revolutionieren und eine neue …

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Meine 3 größten Fehler als Investor!

► Höre Dir meinen Podcast an! Du findest ihn bei • Google Podcasts: • iTunes:ür-die-erfolgreiche/id1455853622 • Spotify: ► TIPP 1: Sichere Dir meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs – 100% gratis:

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