Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.

WiWo-Talk mit Marcel Fratzscher: Warum verteidigen Sie die EZB-Politik?

WiWo-Talk mit Marcel Fratzscher: Warum verteidigen Sie die EZB-Politik?

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Is the Swiss Capital Account Able to Neutralise the Persistent Current Account Surpluses?

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European Banking Assets and Debt

Still in summer 2013, too much debt was an issue. By 2014 things have changed: Europeans have too many savings.

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Rencontres économiques d’Aix-en-Provence : interview de Peter Bofinger

Interview de Peter Bofinger, Professeur à l’Université de Würzburg

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Heiner Flassbeck Handelt jetzt!


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Swiss industrial production unimpressed by global slowing

Swiss industrial production rose by 3% in the first quarter 2013 compared with the same quarter of the previous year. Turnover rose by 3.7%. Details

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The End of Swiss Deflation

The yearly change of the Swiss consumer price index has risen from -0.5% to -0.1%, the end of deflation is near. Swiss inflation measured with the European standard HICP has even improved to +0.2% y/y. Details

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Heiner Flassbeck – The systemic crisis of the Euro – true causes and effective therapies Achieving Europe Konferenz für progressive Reformen, 26. Juni 2013, gehostet von Josef Weidenholzer, MdEP (SPÖ) Keynote speech by Heiner Flassbeck: “The systemic crisis of the Euro – true causes and effective therapies” Introduction by Robert Misik Europa steckt in der Krise, einer ökonomischen, finanziellen und sozialen Krise. Dies stellt uns vor neue Herausforderungen: Welche …

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In conversation with François-Paul Journe

Probably the most acclaimed watchmaker of the last decade, François-Paul Journe built in just 15 years a landmark brand in the watch industry. This short video, announcing a larger interview in the December edition of Pictet Report, summarises his tips for entrepreneurs.

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Frank Schäffler: Der Euro: (Wie) geht es weiter? – Vortrag bei der LHG Hohenheim —

Am 15. Mai 2013 sprach Frank Schäffler MdB zum Thema „Der Euro: (Wie) geht es weiter?” auf Einladung der Liberalen Hochschulgruppe Hohenheim, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Landesverband Liberale Hochschulgruppen Baden-Württemberg, an der Universität Hohenheim. Das Thema, welches seit langem das Mediengeschehen dominiert, stieß auch im vollen Hörsaal im Hohenheimer Schloss auf reges Interesse. See more …

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Italian Retail Prices Remain close to Switzerland, Germany Far Cheaper

Disinflation Finally Starting in Italy The Swiss site is run by the Swiss Consumer Association. Their price data shows that a food basket is 46% more expensive when compared between the German “Kaufland” shop and the Swiss “Coop”. Going to France into “Leclerc” gives you an advantage of 38% against Coop. However, for a …

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Reasons for the Spanish Housing Bubble

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Frank Schäffler – Rede zur Übertragung der Bankenaufsicht an die EZB 13.06.2013

Rede von Frank Schäffler MdB im Plenum des Deutschen Bundestages anlässlich der Übertragung der Bankenaufsicht an die Europäische Zentralbank

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WiWo Lunchtalk, 13. Juni 2013: Marcel Fratzscher, verstößt die EZB gegen deutsche Gesetze?

WiWo Lunchtalk, 13. Juni 2013: Marcel Fratzscher, verstößt die EZB gegen deutsche Gesetze?

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SNB’s Danthine: Credit – is the sky the limit?

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Swiss second after Australia/NZL as for Employment Growth Since December 2007.

Employment growth since Dec '07: Oz +8.1%, Switzerland +6.9%, Germany +5.8% Canada +4.3% Sweden +2.6% UK +0.9% Dutch +0.7% USA -2.1% Japan -2.3% Italy -3.1%

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Swiss Inflation Rises, Services Up 0.6 percent YoY, Goods Swiss Origin +0.3 percent, Energy Tames

Cheaper energy prices and long-lasting contracts help against inflation. Swiss inflation increased by 0.1% against April. According to Swiss Statistics, on a year basis, the CPI fell by 0.5%. Major reasons for lower figures were the 6.3% YoY decrease in energy prices, 4.5% YoY lower clothes and footwear price and technological improvements in communication that caused … Continue reading »

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Polybahn-Pitch: Jan-Egbert Sturm, KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle der ETH Zürich

Wissenschaft kurz und knapp: Während einer Polybahnfahrt vom Central hoch zur ETH haben haben ETH-Wissenschaftler rund 100 Sekunden Zeit, die Zuhörer für ihre Tätigkeit zu begeistern. Ab Mitte Juni regelmässig auf dem YouTube-Channel der ETH. Erster Gast: Professor Jan-Egbert Sturm, Leiter der Konjunkturforschungsstelle KOF. Science short and sweet: During a Polybahn journey from Zurich Central to ETH Zurich, ETH-scientists have about 100 seconds...

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UBS’s Consumption Indicator 1.46 Contradicts UBS’s Swiss GDP Forecast

UPDATE, February 2014 According to the latest data from the SECO,Swiss GDP rose by 2% in 2014 and not by 0.9% as the UBS predicted. Once again the Swiss economy seems to be stronger than expected. UBS’s consumption indicator for April came out at 1.46 (details). This number seems at odds with the weak private … Continue reading...

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