Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.

2a) Swiss Macro

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Standort Berlin mit Dr. Marcel Fratzscher. Teil- 2

1925 wurde das „Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung“ (DIW) gegründet und gibt seither fundierte Analysen über die Zustand der deutschen Wirtschaft heraus. Peter Brinkmann spricht mit dem gegenwärtigen Präsidenten des DIW, Prof. Dr. Marcel Fratzscher.

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Standort Berlin mit Prof. Dr. Marcel Fratzscher. Teil – 1

1925 wurde das „Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung“ (DIW) gegründet und gibt seither fundierte Analysen über die Zustand der deutschen Wirtschaft heraus. Peter Brinkmann spricht mit dem gegenwärtigen Präsidenten des DIW, Prof. Dr. Marcel Fratzscher.

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Interview: Dr Heiner Flassbeck on the economic need of a wage rise

We speak with Dr Heiner Flassbeck, the former Director of the Division on Globalization and Development Strategies at UNCTAD in Geneva, and, former deputy finance minister of Germany. A prominent economist, Flassbeck has been at the forefront of critiquing myths about the financial crisis, and is an unparalleled expert in the particular challenges of the …

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2014: Swiss Credit Bubble Popping? No, Lending to the Swiss Private Sector is even Accelerating!

Despite macro-prudential measures like the countercyclical capital buffer, Swiss credit to the private sector is rising more quickly than previously. On the other side, real estate prices are not increasing so rapidly any more. Global risks let M3 money supply growth slow in June 2014.

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3sat Kulturzeit: Thilo Sarrazins 14 Axiome (24.02.2014)

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Capitalism Will Hit the Wall Again, Hard – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (5/5)

Mr. Flassbeck says people must get politically engaged and find an alternative or we will face dictatorship, because today’s capitalism is out of answers

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The Necessity for Higher Wages – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (4/5)

Mr. Flassbeck, former head of UNCTAD, says we’re going into the Japanese scenario, a stagnation with a kind of deflation, because we have no purchasing power in the hands of the mass of the consumers

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The US Dollar and the Search for a “Reasonable” Capitalist – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (3/5)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Flassbeck says the stock market bubble can burst at any moment because everybody knows there is no real growth behind it; then we are really in trouble as the whole effect of stabilization will disappear in one moment

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Racing to a Dead End – Heiner Flassbeck on Reality Asserts Itself (2/5)

Mr. Flassbeck, former head of UNCTAD, says current economic policy is heading back to the 1930s, a race to the bottom, they have no solution at all, we will end up again in trade wars or other wars

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Reaganism and Thatcherism were Intellectually Dishonest – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (1/5)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Flassbeck, former director of UNCTAD, discusses growing up in a US dominated Germany and his opposition to the birth of neoliberal economics

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“Wohlstand für alle” – Interview mit Wirtschaftsweise Peter Bofinger

Der Wirtschaftsweise Peter Bofinger über die Notwendigkeit für ein nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum in Deutschland

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Peter Bofinger erklärt: Woher kommt die Nachfrage und warum kauft der Kunde etwas Neues?

Wie werden sich Märkte und Politik verändern, auf welche Herausforderungen müssen sich die Entscheidungsträger der Wirtschaft einstellen? Was sind die wichtigsten Weichenstellungen für Vertriebsmanager, und wie können sie ihr Unternehmen und Produkte auf die Absatzmärkte der Zukunft vorbereiten? Mit Peter Bofinger gibt ein prägender Kopf der Wirtschaftsnation Deutschland Einblicke in den gesamtwirtschaftlichen Handlungsrahmen des...

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Heiner Flassbeck – Vortrag in Innsbruck 8. Oktober 2013

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Interview of Professor Dr. Peter Bofinger, to the Crisis Observatory

Dr. Peter Bofinger, Professor of Economics, Money & International Economic Relations at the University of Würzburg & member of the German government’s Council of Economic Advisors, makes an overall assessment of the handling of the crisis by the Eurozone and the European Central Bank, while explaining the essence of the term “Basket Eurobonds” and the …

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KarolSmiiah – Thilo Sarrazins Ängste (Free-Beat) (Deutschrap Beat)

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Interview with Professor Peter Bofinger

Professor Peter Bofinger talked on ELIAMEP WEB TV on the European debt crisis, the policy of the European Central Bank, German priorities, the sustainability of the Greek debt and the lively debate about the way economics are tought worldwide.

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Inflation Difference between Eurozone and Switzerland Narrows to 0.3 percent

According to Swiss Statistics the inflation rate has risen to 0.2% y/y – as for both the Swiss CPI standard and the European HICP standard.

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ECB Measures Background: How to Reduce German Competitiveness and Talk down the Euro

In our view, the ECB measures of June 2014 want to increase German lending, spending, salaries and inflation. Finally they target a reduction of German competitiveness. The ECB wanted to talk down the euro but will not succeed. We explain why the measure are bullish for the euro. We expect EUR/USD of 1.40 in the … Continue...

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Euro and EU sceptical Parties in EU 2014 Elections: The Economic Danger Is Left not Right

The tendency of the European parliament elections seems to be that in the Northern countries rather right-wing parties obtain more votes, like British UKIP, German AFD, Danish People’s Party, Austrian FPÖ or Sweden Democrats. In the austerity countries the left-wing movements are getting stronger and stronger, led by SYRIZA in Greece and Sinn Fein in …

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