Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.


In mehreren Artikeln habe ich am Wochenende gelesen, das große Investoren ihr Kapital aus den USA abziehen, weil sie Angst vor Trump haben. Was steckt dahinter? Kann so etwas wirklich einen Crash auslösen? Meine Meinung dazu, in diesem Video. ➤ Hier anmelden und jeden Mittwoch meinen Report erhalten: ► Mein Youtube-Kanal “Tradermacher”: ➤ …

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Income and living conditions (SILC) 2015: Poverty in Switzerland: 7 percent of the Swiss population were affected by income poverty

Neuchâtel, 15.05.2017 (FSO) - In 2015 approximately 570 000 people were affected by income poverty in Switzerland. Just under 145,000 of these were employed. The groups most affected were persons living alone or in single parent households with minor children, persons with no post-compulsory education and those living in households where no-one works.

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Marcel Fratzscher about the DIW Women’s Finance Summit 2017

The conference will take place on May 23, 2017 at Deutsche Bank Berlin, Unter den Linden 13/15. Register now at: Almost ten years after the crisis, the financial sector is still in the midst of a far-reaching transformational process. The macroeconomic environment and regulatory frameworks are changing quickly and profoundly, whereas new technologies are …

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GOLD: Auf diese MARKE musst Du ACHTEN!

Hier kannst Du den kostenlosen Gold-Report herunterladen: Auf diese Marke musst Du bei Gold achten, denn dort wird sich aus meiner Sicht entscheiden, ob Gold den langfristigen Aufwärtstrend jetzt wieder aufnehmen kann oder ob es doch nochmal deutlich Richtung Süden geht. Meine Meinung dazu, im heutigen Video. Los geht´s! ➤ Hier anmelden und jeden …

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Yanis Varoufakis: “Zagreb is yours!” | DiEM25

A short video message from DiEM25 in support of the coalition “Zagreb is Ours!”, that’s running in local elections in Croatia on May 21. “Zagreb is Ours!” embodies the same grassroots, democratic principles of the other members of the “rebel cities” network that DiEM25 embraces: cities like Naples and Barcelona. The creation of Rebel Cities …

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Underground / Politics with Danae Stratou and Yanis Varoufakis

Second event in a series organised by Teodora Pasquinelli and hosted at Goldsmiths by the Dept of Politics and the Political Economy Research Centre. Introduced and chaired by William Davies, Danae Stratou presented her ‘Globalising Wall’ and ‘Black Boxes’ work, and Yanis Varoufakis spoke about the ‘Diem Voice’ initiative, followed by questions from the audience.

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in April 2017: +0.8 YoY, -0.2 MoM

The Producer and Import Price Index fell in April 2017 by 0.2% compared with the previous month, reaching 100.1 points (base December 2015 = 100). This decline is due in particular to lower prices for petroleum products and machinery. Compared with April 2016, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products rose by 0.8%.

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1000% mit AKTIEN – geht das?

1000% Rendite mit einer Aktie – ist das überhaupt möglich oder realistisch? Ja, das ist es und auch ihr habt die Möglichkeit, an so einer Erfolgsstory teilzuhaben. Aber es gibt eine Regel, die ihr auf keinen Fall außer Acht lassen dürft. Mehr dazu, im heutigen Video. ——– ➤ Hier anmelden und jeden Mittwoch meinen Report …

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F+E-Impuls: Prof. Dr. Marcel Fratzscher (DIW Berlin) auf der Hannover Messe

Statement von Prof. Dr. Marcel Fratzscher, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, auf der Veranstaltung F+E-Impuls.

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Swiss Consumer Price Index in April 2017: Up +0.4 percent against 2016, +0.2 percent against last month

The consumer price index (IPC) increased by 0.2% in April 2017 compared with the previous month, reaching 100.9 points (December 2015=100). Inflation was 0.4% compared with the same month the previous year. These are the results of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Hier kannst Du Dir kostenfrei den DAX-AKTIEN CHECK herunterladen: Welche Unternehmen machen ihre Anteilseigner langfristig glücklich und mit welchen Unternehmen hat man sich einen Rohrkrepierer ins Portfolio gelegt? Alles dazu in diesem Video. Los geht´s! ——– ► Mein Youtube-Kanal “Tradermacher”: ➤ Gratis E-Book: 7 goldene Geldanlage-Regeln:...

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Switzerland Unemployment in April 2017: Decreased from 3.4 percent to 3.3 percent, seasonally adjusted remained unchanged 3.3 percent

Registered unemployment in April 2017 - At the end of April 2017, 146,327 unemployed persons were registered with the Regional Employment Services Centers (RAV), according to the SECO surveys, 5,953 less than in the previous month. The unemployment rate thus fell from 3.4% in March 2017 to 3.3% in the reporting month.

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So tricksen die Vorstände!

Bevor man sich die Aktie eines Unternehmens ins Depot legt, weil sie eine hervorragende Dividenden-Rendite hat sollte man sich vorab fragen, wo die Dividende eigentlich herkommt. Mehr zu diesem spannenden Thema, im heutigen Video. ——– ➤ Hier anmelden und jeden Mittwoch meinen Report erhalten: ► Mein Youtube-Kanal “Tradermacher”: ➤ Folge mir bei Facebook:...

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Swiss real estate market UBS Swiss Real Estate Bubble Index Q1 2017

The UBS Swiss Real Estate Bubble Index remained in the risk zone at 1.39 points in the first quarter of 2017 following a moderate increase. The increase in home prices outpaced the increase in rents and income. Demand for buy-to-let investments also rose, in spite of heightened market risks.

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Can Europe Make It? – Yanis Varoufakis speaks to openDemocracy

The former Greek finance minister on Brexit and his own experience negotiating with Europe.

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Consumer Sentiment Stands Near its Average

With an index value of -8 points, Swiss consumer sentiment in April 2017 is virtually at its long-term average, having been slightly more optimistic in January (-3 points). While expectations for overall economic developments are above average in April, they are less positive than they were in January.

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BBC Newsnight, Yanis Varoufakis

An interview with Evan Davis and former Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis. Recorded on Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017 for BBC Newsnight

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‘How can these smart people be so deluded’ Yanis Varoufakis on Brexit

All footage is owned by BBC. I own nothing of this, I am sharing this video so people can comment about it, since they disabled comments on it, And this gentleman’s views on brexit deserved to be talked about in the comments section. all rights reserved to the respective owners.

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‘Vote for Macron’ – Yanis Varoufakis

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‘Votez pour Macron’ – Yanis Varoufakis

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