Category Archive: 9a.) Real Investment Advice

COVID Shutdown & Economic Revival?? | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [11/12/20]

Biden COVID Advisor, Dr. Michael Osterholm, claims a 6 week lock down would "revive" the economy... he is just flat wrong. Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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The Real Investment Show (11/11/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, w Personal Finance tips from Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP

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Tax Implications of Working From Home [11/11/20]

Working from home has created some "interesting" dynamics among two-income families which require more than one workspace - and there are tax implications too. Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, with Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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Veteran’s Day Episode | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 11/11/20

SEG-1: The Paradox of Zombie Companies SEG-2: The Problems with Stimulus SEG-3: Tax Implications of Work From Home SEG-4: Economic "Recovery" Aligning w Economic Reality -------- Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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Is This Market Rotation Sustainable? | Three Minutes on Markets & Money [11/11/20]

(11/11/20) Market rotation from growth to value? Not so fast...Vaccine availability not until late 2021; watch for moves back into momentum stocks, with more zombie companies than ever before, feasting on debt. - Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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Technically Speaking Tuesday | The Real Investment Show (11/10/20)

Technical Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts

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How to Get the Economy Moving [11/10/20]

Revving up productivity in a service-based economy will take time; beware flawed arithmetic in employment data!

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Technically Speaking Tuesday | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 11/10/20

SEG-1: Markets Pfizer Rally Pfizzles SEG-2: Thanksgiving Strategies & Knee Jerk Reactions SEG-3: How to Get the Economy Moving SEG-4: Beyond Meat is Beyond Belief

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Setting Up for Setting Up for Santa Claus Rally | Three Minutes on Markets & Money [11/10/20]

(11/10/20) Markets Rallied Monday on news of a COVID Vaccine from Pfizer, then came back to earth with realization it's not coming to a pharmacy near you any time soon.

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The Real Investment Show (11/9/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investmetn Strategist, Lance Roberts

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Can COVID Vaccine Re-shape Post-pandemic Behavior? [11/9/20]

Despite markets' overwhelming surge on news of Pfizer's COVID-Vaccine, today is only the first day of reactionary movement. Give it time...

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Pfizer Pfuels Markets Higher | The Real Investment Show (Full Show Edit) 11/9/20

SEG-1: Markets Respond to Pfizer Vaccine SEG-2: Veteran's Day Prelude; Pfizer's Good News SEG-3: Cooking in Yellowstone; Time to Buy Mink Coat? SEG-4: Retail Performance in Pandemic: How COVID Changed Behaviors

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Is Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine a Game-changer? | Three Minutes on Markets & Money [11/9/20]

(11/9/20) Markets are poised to achieve new highs on news Pfizer's COVID Vaccine is nearing release. How will this affect investor and consumer habits, re-shaped by pandemic?

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Financial Fitness Friday | The Real Investment Show (11/6/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary, plus personal finance advice from RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP

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Every Investment is a Leap of Faith [11/6/20]

An 'experimental' investment goes well for Rich, but it could just as easily gone very wrong. -------- Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP -------- Articles mentioned in this report: -------- Candid Coffee 11/14/20 Post-Election Presentation:...

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Financial Fitness Friday | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 11/6/20

SEG-1: Market's Take a Breather SEG-2: Election Year Investing: All-in or All-out? SEG-3: Medicare Open Enrollment Season SEG-4: Every Investment is a Leap of Faith -------- Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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Weekly Recap: The Real Investment Show for Week Ending 11/6/20

This week marked the beginning of our simulcasts in Houston and Austin, Texas. Oh, and there was an election... Volatility is a by-product of Elections Failure SHOULD be an Option Why Markets Like a Split-congress The 2020 Election Winner May Be the Unlucky One -------- RIA Advisors Lance Roberts, CIO, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA, and Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP, from this week's episodes of The Real Investment Show. --------...

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The Real Investment Show (11/5/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA

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2020 Election Winner May Be the Unlucky One [11/5/20]

There may be a silver-lining for the loser of the 2020 Presidential Election: - Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA

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The Election Outcome Episode | The Real Investment Show [Full Show: 11/5/20]

SEG-1: Market Response: Biden Presidency's not so bad... SEG-2: The Contested Election: Why Markets Loved It SEG-3: Bill Dudley: The Fed's Out of Firepower SEG-4: Why 2020 Winner is the Unlucky One

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