Category Archive: 9a.) Real Investment Advice

Seth Levine: How I Process Ideas Into Investments

Investing is incredibly hard. Mapping observations to security price movements are complex. Often, the relationships governing these moves are unknown. Yet, this is the investor’s task. I’ve used this blog as a tool for exploring some of these connections. It’s been incredibly rewarding.

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Technically Speaking Tuesday | The Real Investment Show (11/17/20)

Market Technical Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts

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A Market Vaccine: Cheaper than Stimulus [11/17/20]

Noting markets' behaviors the past two Mondays on announcements of COVID Vaccines advances, why not just time future such notices to coincide with market downturns for instant-juicing, instead of spending dollars on fiscal stimulus???

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Why We Took Profits: Technically Speaking Tuesday | The Real Investment Show [FULL SHOW: 11/17/20]

SEG-1: Economic Damage Has Been Done SEG-2: Market Vaccine--Better than Stimulus! SEG-3: Debt to Income Illusions SEG-4: Joe Biden & The Evolution of Labor Unions

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Market Pull-back on Vaccine Realities | Three Minutes on Markets & Money [11/17/20]

- A Repeat Monday followed by Pull-Back Tuesday as markets realize no vaccine is actually coming to the public for months.

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The Real Investment Show (11/16/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts

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At-Home Haircuts + Changes in the Economy that Aren’t Coming Back [11/16/20]

Innovations by small business operators have forever changed the landscape of work... doing things "the old way" (pre-COVID) are never coming back.

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Vaccine News Monday | The Real Investment Show [Full Show: 11/16/20]

SEG-1: Moderna's Vaccine Announcement SEG-2: The Economy Will Be Different, Post-pandemic SEG-3: Hen Talk Hair Cuts: Changes in Economy SEG-4: Problems the Vaccine Will Not Cure Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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More Vaccine News is Good News | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [11/16/20]

- Repeat Monday: Moderna COVID Vaccine announcement - The unfortunate timing of vaccines - The Fed's interest rate conundrum - Market Cap to GDP indicator Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report: -------- Get more info & commentary: Subscribe to RIA Pro:...

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Financial Fitness Friday | The Real Investment Show (11/13/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP

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Financial Fitness Friday + Retirement Planning | The Real Investment Show [FULL SHOW: 11/13/20]

SEG-1: The Epic Battle Between NASDAQ & Dow SEG-2: OCD, Epilogues, & Candid Coffee Mugs SEG-3: 30-Years in Financial Services SEG-4: Significance of Fiduciary in Retirement Planning Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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Weekly Recap of The Real Investment Show for Week Ending 11/13/20

Never a dull moment around here, with a Presidential Election still in limbo, and the Congress in disarray--prime time for investors, as we addressed these and other topics on this week's shows: Can the COVID Vaccine Re-shape Consumer Behavior How to Get the Economy Moving Tax Implications of Work From Home Cheerleading at the Federal Reserve Cooking in Yellowstone -------- RIA Advisors Lance Roberts, CIO, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz,...

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The Real Investment Show (11/12/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA

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Cheerleading at the Federal Reserve | The Real Investment Show [11/12/20]

How do you know who to blame for something? Listen to who's talking the most... Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, with Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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The COVID Shutdown Episode | The Real Investment Show [FULL SHOW: 11/12/20]

SEG-1: How Another COVID Shutdown Will "Revive" the Economy (...It won't) SEG-2: The Silence of the (Fed) Lambs SEG-3: The Trouble with Corporate Incentives SEG-4: Cheerleading at The Federal Reserve Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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COVID Shutdown & Economic Revival?? | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [11/12/20]

Biden COVID Advisor, Dr. Michael Osterholm, claims a 6 week lock down would "revive" the economy... he is just flat wrong. Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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The Real Investment Show (11/11/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, w Personal Finance tips from Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP

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Tax Implications of Working From Home [11/11/20]

Working from home has created some "interesting" dynamics among two-income families which require more than one workspace - and there are tax implications too. Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, with Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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Veteran’s Day Episode | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 11/11/20

SEG-1: The Paradox of Zombie Companies SEG-2: The Problems with Stimulus SEG-3: Tax Implications of Work From Home SEG-4: Economic "Recovery" Aligning w Economic Reality -------- Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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Is This Market Rotation Sustainable? | Three Minutes on Markets & Money [11/11/20]

(11/11/20) Market rotation from growth to value? Not so fast...Vaccine availability not until late 2021; watch for moves back into momentum stocks, with more zombie companies than ever before, feasting on debt. - Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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