Category Archive: 9a.) Real Investment Advice

The Fed Calls for More Rate Hikes

(1/19/23) The Fed Whisperer says there are more rate hikes coming, despite the weight of inflation on markets & the economy. Retail Sales in December were off more than 1% (and 70% of the economy is consumer-driven). Stil to come will be the recessionary effect on earnings, as well as the lag effect of rate hikes. Debt Ceiling Deadline: There will be no default; the Crypto crunch; meanwhile, the same Fed rhetoric: More Rate Hikes to come. When...

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Digesting the Secure Act 2.0

(1/20/23) The basics of Estate Planning: How to begin? The confusion in Required Minimum Distributions (RMD); Why the Roth is not going away; excess 529 transfers to Roths. SEG-1: Estate Plan Basics SEG-2: The Laughable Price Index (LPI) Digesting the Secure Act 2-0 Hosted by RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP w Senior Advisor Danny Ratliff, CFP Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer -------- Watch the full shows...

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Where are the Investing Opportunities this Year?

(1/18/23) Markets are doing exactly the opposite of what the Federal Reserve would like, creating an investor dichotomy: Investors are optimistic, despite worrisome economics; earnings and outlooks are weaker. The "new" 60/40 Portfolio; the Bank of Japan's economic theories clash with reality; what's the possible effect on oil from China's GDP "results?" Deciding between Stocks and ETF's in a volatile market; College classes for...

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The Truth About the Debt Ceiling

(1/17/23) Markets continue to rally despite the Fed's intentions; will the next FOMC Meeting spell the last of the Fed's rate hikes? Raising the Debt Ceiling (hey, why even have one??) vs government shutdown, and why that wouldn't be such a bad thing, really; the pain trade and statistical precedent; the truth behind government debt and the political kabuki theatre that is the Debt Ceiling argument. Again. Watch for accounting tricks as Big Banks...

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What’s Parked in Your Financial Garage?

(1/13/23) "At the end, all we are are our stories:" A deep-dive into the process of starting and completing an Estate Plan. It's not for you, it's for your family. Bank earnings & interest rates; what's parked in your financial garage? The lives & deaths of the rich & famous: Jeff Beck, Lisa Marie Presley, Aretha Franklin's estate (non) planning: How to achieve immortality. What about your online legacy? Prince Harry's...

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Inflation Day! (1/23/23): Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strateg…

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The 118th Congress: A Return to the Basics?

(1/16/23) What was the McCarthy Speakership really all about? Are we seeing a reversion to pre-Obamamian rules in Congress: No more omnibus bills, and no more stimmie checks, either. Why there's a viable risk for lower earnings this year. The new Congress is considering de-funding all those additional IRS Agents; meanwhile, the IRS is helping cope with Inflation by raising the standard deduction: Do you know your effective tax rate? Who really pays...

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How the IRS is Helping You Cope with Inflation

(1/11/23) Fed Head Jerome Powell's expected speech in Sweden Tuesday underwhelmed on content, creating impetus for markets to rally; think: Why would the Fed cut rates now if things are "fine"? The new Congress is considering de-funding all those additional IRS Agents; meanwhile, the IRS is helping cope with Inflation by raising the standard deduction: Do you know your effective tax rate? Who really pays taxes...and who doesn't? Why the...

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Reverting to Pre-Obamamian Rules in Congress

(1/10/23) As goes January, so goes the year on Wall St. Will Fed Chair Jerome Powell disappoint investors with this week's presentation? A correction with no more stimulus should be no surprise, but it's not the end of the world, either. As the stimulus bolus works its way through the alimentary canal of the economy, where do you want to be (and where is the contrarian place to be)? What the McCarthy Speakership was really all about: reverting to...

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How Secure is Your Retirement?

(1/6/23) Labor Trends are troubling, especially among younger workers; what makes a good employee? A preview of our next Lunch & Learn, the need for pre-marital financial counseling; digesting the Secure Act 2.0 and the confusion in Required Minimum Distributions (RMD); Why the Roth is not going away; excess 529 transfers to Roths; Moving to Texas; remaining social in retirement. 3:13 - Labor Trends w Younger Workers 14:29 - RIA Special Events...

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Three Paths Ahead for the Fed

(1/9/23) The Fed's trajectory, and the difference between pausing rate hikes and dropping rates. a brief history of rate hikes and rate cuts. How markets can surprise despite headwinds; looking for more market volatility this year. "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best; what happens will be somewhere in between." The 2023 Word of the Year may be, "Audible;" be prepared with multiple play options. (NOTE: This is an edited...

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The 2023 Word of the Year

(1/5/23) The Santa Rally was tardy and tawdry, and markets must make a decision soon whether to move higher or lower; what will the Fed do next? What the MACD is telling us: Take care to be more risk-averse. Is there opportunity for profits in Gold? Market headwinds this year will come from the Fed. The Roberts' Vacation: Being an A-list'er at Red Robin; parsing the latest Fed meeting minutes: How will the Fed lower stock prices without panicking...

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Setting Expectations for 2023 | Before the Bell

(1/4/23) Welcome to 2023 and a new format for our pre-market reports! A popular market axiom states, 'as go the first five days of January, so goes the rest of the year.' There was no Santa Claus Rally during the last five trading days of 2022, and the first trading day of January didn't go so well, either. Market lows were set back in October, and we said then to look for a tradable rally. We cautioned against volatility during the first two weeks...

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Rough Start to the New Year? (1/4/23): Market Analysis & Personal Finance commentary from RIA Adv…

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Financial Resolutions that Actually Stick

(1/3/23) The watchword for 2023: "Muck." Predictions for the markets: A tough year ahead; making financial resolutions: What can you control in your household? There will be new taxes this year. Where have all the go-getters gone? Act your wage; not finding worth in work. some families can collect six-figure incomes by staying home; waking up early & making your bed; setting up an emergency fund; Secure Act 2-0: Incentivizing savings;...

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YouTube 2022 Christmas Vacation Trailer

We're taking a break. Back on January 3, 2023!

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Will Santa Bring Cheer or Coal?| 3:00 on Markets & Money

(12/20/22) Markets broke well-through the 50-DMA Monday as the selloff continued, moderated by a little buying action at the end of the day. The next level of support is around 3700; isn't this supposed to be the two weeks that Santa Claus makes his appearance on Broad at Wall with an end of the year rally? So far, St. Nick is St. Absent. With MACD- and money flow indicator Sell-signals still in place, that suggests lower prices yet to come. The...

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The Problem with Artificial Rates

(12/20/22) Where is Santa Claus this year? Japan tinkers with yield controls; the truth about "lowered" deficits; the Japanification of America: 2023 may be a tough year. Merry freaking Christmas, and you'd better like it! Japan tinkers with yield curve control: The problem with artificial interest rates and impact on rate/risk dynamic; Modern Monetary Theory fizzles; the grand idea of issuing more debt = inflation; the gap between BLS...

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Is Elon Musk Serious About Quitting?

(12/19/22) Twitter CEO Elon Musk polled his peeps over the weekend as to whether he should stay or go. Larger group says buh-bye; so who's next? Market Commentary: Light trading ahead this week; SBF opts for extradition from The Bahamas to US; the problem with prison. Dealing with bad behavior, Harry & Megan. Pre-market commentary: Can we just get this year over with? 2023 will be dealing with consequences of 2022's rate hikes.

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Tackling Financial Ghosts of Christmas Past

(12/16/22) The origins of Elf on a Shelf; How American's really feel about the economy, and why we're spending less this Christmas; tougher times are coming in 2023. Picking Priorities and Pet Financing; No, no, no, Janet Yellen! It's the government's fault. Austerity be damned. Opportunities for Fixed Income in 2023.

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