Category Archive: 9a.) Real Investment Advice

Fed Meeting Preview (4/28/20)

The regularly scheduled meeting of the FOMC is this week–what could they possibly say that hasn’t been said in recent, inter-meeting releases? RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, provides some perspective, and what’s to happen to the markets when the Fed ends up owning 80% of the market. Subscribe to our Newsletter at

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The Market Rises as the Economy Opens (4/28/20)

What happens next in the US economy as we emerge from our self-imposed exile from COVID-19? RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, reveals patterns and strategies to consider as markets, municipalities, and businesses commence to commit commerce. Subscribe to our Newsletter at

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(4/28/20) Technically Speaking Tuesday (Full Show)

Re-Opening Texas after Covid-19; Easiest Job & Most-difficult; Market Commentary – meager volatility; Congressional Hoopla over States & Municipalities’ Needs: Should they go bankrupt? New Attitudes about debt; Fed expansion of role, lowering the bar; Students ready for Back-to-School; Central Bank Interventions & Consequences: 2% Growth, no inflation, productivity suppression; President after 2024 election will …...

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Everything is Fine…Until It Isn’t (4/27/20)

Proponents of Modern Monetary Theory are fond of saying the solution to never-ending debt is to just print more money to pay it off…which is fine until there are no more buyers of American debt. RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, explains why the US is no different from any other country that has …

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Downside Risk Outweighs Upside Reward…for now (4/27/20)

With markets being supported by more Fed liquidity, the possibility of higher movement cannot be discounted; however, with summer coming on, and generally reduced volume during summer months, there’s still risk to the downside with which to be reckoned. RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts lays out scenarios to the upside and down. Subscribe …

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(4/27/20) The Procerss of Re-Opening America (Full Show)

Poll: Liquor Stores are Essential Businesses; Reopening America’s small businesses: Re-cycling tax dollars to put people to work; debt used for non-productive purposes; Adley Stump/Coronavirus Clarifications, Pt-1; Keynes & Recession; Just because rates are low doesn’t mean debt doesn’t matter; Adley Stump. Pt-2; Cutting taxes at the wrong time; Debts & Assets and the issue …

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(4/24/20) Financial Fitness Friday (Full Show)

How we’re adjusting to working in pandemic; markets response; Keeping emotions in-check; Danny’s in Time-out; The Great Depression Mind-set Today; The Paradox of Thrift; Coronavirus impact on Houston Energy Co’s; the importance of ROTH IRA’s; Social Security as America’s Pension – not what was intended; How to calculate primary benefits; How to make up the …

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