Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

The Dynamics and Challenges of Aging in Retirement | The Real Investment Show [10/23/20]

How do you know you're too old to Trick or Treat? Aging while in retirement poses unique financial challenges. Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP -------- Register for the next Candid Coffee: Get more info & commentary: Subscribe to RIA Pro:...

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Financial Fitness Friday | The Real Investment Show [FULL SHOW: 10/23/20]

SEG-1: Market Commentary: Winter's Coming, Earnings & Pandemics SEG-2: Retirement Fears Stoked by Pandemic SEG-3: Too Old to Trick or Treat; The Dynamics of Aging SEG-4: Retirement Planning Mistakes to Avoid Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP -------- Register for the next Candid Coffee: Get more info &...

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Highlights of the Week – Week of 10/19/20 | The Real Investment Show

- Moral Hazard & The Hypocrisy of the Fed - The Real Problem with Higher Taxes - When Zoom Becomes a Verb - Lance's Liberal Cousin - Vote for Lance & Mikeeee! (For economic growth) - Don't Foshizzle My Bizzle RIA Advisors Lance Roberts, CIO, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA, and Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP, from this week's episodes of The Real Investment Show. -------- Articles Mentioned in this podcast: Articles...

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Vote for Lance & Mike (For Economic Growth) | The Real Investment Show [10/22/20]

Because neither candidate this election offers a viable solution to regaining sovereign solvency, Lance & Mike are throwing their hats into the ring with a platform no one would ever vote for. But it would work. [NOTE: This is the segment that was interrupted during today's live stream feed. The audio has been restored.] Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA -------- Articles Mentioned in this...

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The Trump vs. Biden Episode: Policies & Predictions | The Real Investment Show [FULL SHOW: 10/22/20]

SEG-1: Lance's Liberal Cousin; Ramp Up to 2020 Election SEG-2: Trump vs. Biden Policies & Predictions SEG-3: Which Candidate's Policy Moves us Forward? [NOTE: Re-Edited, Full Version] SEG-4: Vote for Lance & Michael to Reduce Debt, Increase Productivity Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA -------- Articles Mentioned in this podcast:...

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Stimulus/No-Stimulus Market Gyrations | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [10/22/20]

- Stimulus/no-stimulus market gyrations - Market declines have been orderly - The risk to the downside from a contested election (about -7%) Market Commentary by Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report: -------- Get more info &...

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Trump Bump or Biden Bust? | The Real Investment Show (10/21/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary, plus Personal Finance advice from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP

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When ZOOM Becomes a Verb: The Work-From-Home Effect [10/21/20]

Work-at-Home plays have performed well, but investors would be wise to ask, "What are you going to do for growth next time?" Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP -------- Articles Mentioned in this podcast:

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Trump Bump or Biden Bust? The Tax Plan Episode | The Real Investment Show [FULL SHOW: 10/21/20]

SEG-1: More Stimulus/No Stimulus? SEG-2: Tax Plans & Unintended Consequences SEG-3: Zoom is a Verb: Where Does Future Growth Come From? SEG-4: Stimulus vs Debt Payback Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP -------- Articles Mentioned in this podcast:

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Gehaltsrechner: Brutto & Netto-Gehalt erklärt! Inkl. Lohnabrechnung-Beispiel | Brutto Netto Rechner

Gehaltsrechner: Nettogehalt mit Brutto Netto Rechner einfach berechnen! Kostenloses Depot inkl. 20€ Prämie: ►► *? In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►►...

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Markets Oscillate on Stimulus Talks | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [10/21/20]

- Markets oscillate on stimulus talks - As earnings reporting continues, money-flow sell-signals are giving downward pressure on pricing - The possibility of a contested election still looms - Past history indicates questionable outcome worth -7% downside - 10-year treasuries breaking below 200-DMA Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report:...

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Technically Speaking Tuesday | The Real Investment Show (10/20/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts

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Moral Hazard Monday |The Real Investment Show (10/19/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP

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Moral Hazard: The Hypocrisy of The Fed | The Real Investment Show [10/19/20]

A double-dose of Lance Roberts' take on the Moral Hazard the Federal Reserve doesn't see in its continual propping up of companies that should be allowed to fail, as in a normal business cycle. Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles Mentioned in this podcast:

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Moral Hazard Monday (And 2 Weeks to the Election) | The Real Investment Show [FULL SHOW: 10/19/20]

SEG-1: Two Weeks to Election: What's the Market Risk? SEG-2: The Moral Hazard of the Federal Reserve, Pt-1 SEG-3: The Moral Hazard of the Federal Reserve, Pt-2 SEG-4: Nancy Pelosi's Stimulus Deadline Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles Mentioned in this podcast:

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Userkommentar: Zentralbank Kryptowährungen, Ripple, XRP und die Zukunft des Geldsystems

✘ Werbung: Ein Zuseher hat mir eine ganz tolle Mail geschrieben, in der er aus offiziellen Papieren und #Veröffentlichungen der #Finanzpolitik einige wirklich interessante Schlussfolgerungen gezogen hat. a) Alle #Zentralbanken arbeiten an ihren Kryptowährungen. b) Das Ripple Netzwerk hat anscheinend eine größere Bedeutung in dem, was da kommen wird. Die vom Zuseher genannten Quellen 1. ►...

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Pre-election Markets: The Risk of a Contested Election | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [10/19/20]

- What are markets thinking, pre-election? More volatility, money-flow sell-signals - Risk of 7% drop with risk of a contested election - How to protect your portfolio. Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts NOTE: In response to viewers' requests, we are adding the audio version of our popular "Three Minutes on Markets & Money" to our podcast offerings. You can watch the video version of this report by subscribing to our YouTube...

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Wie investiert das Finanzfluss Team?

Wie investiert das Finanzfluss Team überhaupt? 🙂 Kostenloses Depot inkl. 20€ Prämie: ►► *? In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►► ? ℹ️...

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Financial Fitness Friday (10/16/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP

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Tesla Model 3/S/X – Supercharger V3 – Vorteile und Grenzen, Batteriekunde

✘ Werbung: Kunden werben Tesla-Kunden ► So langsam kommen auch die Supercharger #Version3 mit bis zu 425kW in #Europa an. Ich konnte bereits in Dänemark mit dem Model S und in Thüringen mit dem Model 3 daran laden und die Ladekurven aufnehmen. Der Ich vergleiche die fünf verschiedenen #Akkumulatoren #Designs von Tesla und zeige von zweien das Ladeverhalten am SuC V3. #Traktionsbatterie...

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