Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

Rules for FSA’s & HSA’s | RIA Advisors

"What if you have a Flexible Spending Account and not HSA, is the rule the same?" RIA Senior Advisor Danny Ratliff lays out the differences between the two medical-expense related accounts. Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar here! _________ ➢ Watch The Real Investment Show LIVE every morning on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Listen to The Real Investment Show every morning on Apple...

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Alternatives to Medicare for Younger Spouse | RIA Advisors

"If I enroll in Medicare, but my wife is under 65 and doesn’t qualify for Medicare, what options do we have for her insurance, if she is not covered by an employee plan?" RIA Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, shares information about alternatives to coverage when a younger spouse is ineligible for Medicare coverage...yet. Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar here! _________ ➢ Watch The Real Investment Show LIVE every...

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Selecting the Right Medicare Plan | RIA Advisors

A question from a viewer: "My husband’s insurance is my primary, Medicare is my secondary. I have much prescription expense and wonder if it would be to our advantage for me to be off his insurance and go solely with Medicare and a Part D plan. His plan is high deductible (6,000 family deductible with 3,000 out of pocket.)" RIA Senior Advisor Danny Ratliff, CFP, reviews the best options for this couple. Watch the entire 'Lunch &...

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Delaying Social Security Benefits | RIA Advisors

One of our viewers asks, "I plan on retiring after I turn 67...[and] delaying Social Security until I turn 70. When should I sign up for Medicare; when does my enrollment period start?" RIA Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP, provides clarity on the window for enrolling in Medicare. Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar here! _________ ➢ Watch The Real Investment Show LIVE every morning on our Youtube Channel:...

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Whence Blow the Winds of Change? | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [6/4/21

Employment date released today: How might this affect the Fed's plans for the future? AMC seems to be levitating on the will of the people, despite the realities of its fundamentals. Investors in this stock should use Vegas Money to do so--bucks you might lose. President Biden's Budget Plans could have tax implications, but no need to make changes in your tax strategies until Congress has had a go at it! 3 Minutes on Markets & Money hosted by...

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Börsenweisheiten: Könnt Ihr damit Kurse vorhersehen?

Börsenweisheiten gibt es wie Sand am Meer. In diesem Video analysiert Saidi sieben davon und erklärt Euch, ob diese Blödsinn sind. Wertpapierdepots von Finanztip empfohlen (Stand 16.3.2021): Scalable Capital* ► Trade Republic* ► Smartbroker* ►

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The Real Investment Show (6/3/21): Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investmen…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Lohnen sich Anleihen nicht mehr oder etwa doch? Interview Wealth-Tech Gründerin Sana | Teil 1

Anleihen noch sinnvoll? - Interview mit Gründerin Sana ? Wealth-Tech Unternehmen von Sana ► * ? Nachhaltiges Girokonto ► * ⛑ Erste Hilfe Set zum Vermögensaufbau ► * ℹ️ Mehr Infos: Sind Anleihen noch...

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The Role of Bonds in the Fed’s Grand Scheme [6/3/21]

Some say the Fed's purchases of bonds and bond EFT's were the first steps towards the "Japanification" of the US economy--wherein the government buys up and owns all the assets. But what happens when the Fed decides to sell what it's holding--and what kind of wrinkle does that create in the markets? The Fed is doing nothing to foster economic growth in the US economy, a willing participant in corporatism vs capitalism. - Hosted by RIA...

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Thinking About Thinking About Tapering | The Real Investment Show [Full: 6/3/21]

00:00 - Market Weaknesses that Pose Risk [NOTE: Audio has been cleaned from the live stream!] 8:47 - Thinking About Thinking About Tapering 21:40 - The Fed & The Bond Market 34:01 - Return to Work & Corporate Profits Hosted by Lance Roberts, CIO, RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist with Michael Lebowitz, CFA, Portfolio Manager. _________ Articles mentioned: ➢ Two Pins Threatening Multiple Asset Bubbles...

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Buchbesprechung: Wollt ihr das totale Grün? – Egon W. Kreutzer

Die Wahlumfragen und das #Wahlprogramm der 'Grün:innen' werfen unheimliche Schatten über unsere Wirtschaft und unsere Gesellschaft. Egon W. Kreutzer hat das veröffentlichte Wahlprogramm mit freiheitlicher Brille im Detail unter die Lupe genommen und Unglaubliches zu Tage gebracht.

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Macro Market Review | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [6/3/21]

Preparing to transition into important signaling as Summer begins: Money flows and market breadth have been deteriorating--the number stocks moving above the 100-DMA have been steadily declining. A weekly Sell-signal has been triggered in the S&P, money flows have been positive, suggesting any correction might be somewhat limited, but a 5% - 10% correction is well within the realm of possibility this Summer. NASDAQ is closing in on it's own...

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Corona-Crash: war da was?

Der Corona-Crash verschwindet in den Jahresdten. Aber was heisst das? Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf Der Corona-Crash verschwindet in den Jahresdaten. Aber was heisst das? ?? Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: ►Unser FACEBOOK: ►Unser LinkedIn:...

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Biden Budget Episode | The Real Investment Show (6/2/21): Market Analysis & Personal Finance comm…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Immobilien vor Crash? So unsicher sind die Immobilienpreise | Dr. Andreas Beck 2/4

Immobilien vor Crash? Interview mit Andreas Beck 2/4 Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► *? In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►► ? ℹ️ Weitere...

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The Biden Budget Episode | The Real Investment Show [Full Show: 6/2/21]

00:00 - Cyber Attacks: How the Next World War is Fought 10:00 - The Biden Budget: Analysis & Critique 23:00 - How Tax Hikes Hurt (all of us) 35:30 - The Fed's Inflation Conundrum Hosted by Lance Roberts, CIO, RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, with Danny Ratliff, CFP, Senior Advisor _________ Articles mentioned: ➢ Two Pins Threatening Multiple Asset Bubbles

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Quarterly Sector Round-up 2021 | 3 Minutes On Markets & Money [6/2/21]

S&P continues its sideways action, eating up remaining money flow buy signal. Opportunities may exist in Communications (over-bought), Utilities (underperforming), Discretionary (over-bought), Staples (time to take profits), Energy (corrected and rallied), Financials (coming onto buy-signal), Healthcare (consolidating), Industrials (inflation trade), Basic Materials (add to portfolio), Real Estate (over-bought), Technology (over-bought). 3...

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Technically Speaking Tuesday (6/1/21): Market Technical Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors C…

Market Technical Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors C...

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Taking Risk & Portfolio Management [6/1/21]

Are Sell Signals Meaningless in a Mania Market? A discussion of buy-and-hold theory, and how dependency on money flow sell signals could lead investors to Perdition: You only know it was the correct decision (or not) in hindsight--never beforehand. Investing is not a competition. There are no prizes for winning but there are severe penalties for losing. Hosted by Lance Roberts, CIO, RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist _________ Articles...

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Technically Speaking Tuesday | The Real Investment Show [Full Show: 6/1/21]

00:00 Infrastructure Plan: Next Hope for Economic Stimulus 10:00 - What 'Taking Profits' Means in Portfolio Management 23:00 - Investing Isn't a Competition 35:30 - Recovering from COVID Hosted by Lance Roberts, CIO, RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist _________ Articles mentioned: Technically Speaking: Are “Sell Signals” Useless In “Mania” Markets?...

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