Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

Fed Taper Episode (11/4/21): Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Stra…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Dealing with “Transient” Inflation

Markets' response to Fed "tapering" is non-existent, because of Chairman Jerome Powell's dovish stance on interest rates; The Two Presidential Economic Poisons; How to Define "Full" Employment and measure Inflation; Did we get "played" by the Fed? ------ 0:00 - How Will Banks Behave w Fed Tapering? 9:00 - What is Real Unemployment? 20:27 - How Should We Measure Inflation? 31:33 - How the Fed "Played" Their...

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Ist nachhaltiges investieren ESG und Banking (un)möglich? Mitgründer der Tomorrow Bank – Teil 3

Ist nachhaltiges Banking und investieren möglich? ? Nachhaltiges Girokonto ► * ? 60 Min. gratis Börsen-Training ►...

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After the Fed Announcement, What Markets are Doing

(11/4/21) The Fed announces the beginning of QE tapering, as expected; what the markets didn't expect was Jerome Powell's decidedly dovish stance on interest rates. Markets rallied back up to over-bought conditions--now more than two standard-deviations above the 50-DMA. So now we're looking for signs of the inevitable correction process. Retests of the 50- and 20-DMA is not out of the question. Small caps have had two really good days, and...

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Timing: Laufend vs einmalig

Wir rechnen, was am Schluss und unter welchen Bedingungen mehr bringt. Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf ?? Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: ►Unser FACEBOOK: ►Unser LinkedIn: ►Unser INSTAGRAM:

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Why Stocks are Hitting Highs as Yield Curves Flatten

Economic ramifications from the mid-term elections, Market optimism isn't squaring with Yield Curves; the "Greenwashing" of America; what 12-years of Fed intervention has gotten us: Greater Wealth disparities; Dumb ideas from COP-26. ------ 0:00 - Astros/Braves, Mid-term Elections, & Economic Ramifications 8:29 - CFA Pass-rate; Stock performance vs Yield Curve Proof 20:00 - ESG Investing, "Greenwashing," & Fiduciary...

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Was steckt hinter der SCHUFA? SCHUFA-Vorstand Tanja Birkholz im Interview 1/2

Wie arbeitet die SCHUFA? Gespräch mit der SCHUFA Vorstandsvorsitzenden Tanja Birkholz 1/2 Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► *? In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►►...

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Investor Speculation Returns

(11/3/21) Markets' continuing ascent is causing investors to become quite speculative, and it's no surprise that more and more investors are being dragged back into the fray...and that's pushing up stock prices. Avis up over 100%; Bed Bath & Beyond announced good earnings and a partnership announcement with Kroger. It's all back to the meme stock mentality. But while speculation increases, volume is evaporating, with elevated money flow...

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Technically Speaking Tuesday: Market Technical Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Inve…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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The Real Investment Show (11/3/21): Market Analysis & Personal Finance commentary from RIA Adviso…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Technically Speaking Tuesday: Market Technical Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Inve…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Finanzblasen und Geldentwertung: Wie investieren im Börsen-Chaos?

? Steuerelite-Training JETZT verfügbar! ? Die Börsen spielen verrückt und steigen unaufhörlich weiter. Sämtliche Anlageklassen kennen scheinbar nur noch einen Weg: nach oben. Immobilienpreise, Aktien und Co steigen immer weiter, während gleichzeitig das Geld entwertet wird. Wie sollen Investoren und Anleger in einer #Finanzblase #investieren und wo ist ihr Geld am sichersten angelegt? Der gelernte Investmentbanker...

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Market Forecasting for 2022: Too Good to Be True?

Markets moving through earnings season; how Energy has turned the corner; the realities of ESG investing; earnings ultimately drive market growth, but they're dependent upon economic growth; the hard truth about stock buy backs. ------ 0:00 - What Happens when Meme Stocks de Jour Lose Their Luster 11:00 - Economic Outlook for 2022 22:34 - Earnings are a Function of Economic Growth NOTE: You can watch the unabridged version of this video of this...

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SF-Verlust vermeiden Kfz-Versicherung | SF-Klassen erklärt | Rabattschutz sinnvoll?

Kennt Ihr euch aus mit den SF-Klassen von Kfz-Versicherungen? Die Finanztip-Experten haben einmal genau durchgerechnet, wann es sich für Euch lohnt entstandene Schäden selbst zu zahlen und wann ihr den Schaden von der Versicherung bezahlen lassen könnt. Hier geht's zum Finanztip-Ratgeber: ► Saidis Podcast:...

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Market Winners and Losers

(11/2/21) Small caps and Mid caps are on the rise as market ebullience continues; Tesla is absolutely parabolic this week, as we watch some stocks that should provide opportunity for profit taking: Nvidia, AMD, and Tesla are in this what to do with those Zombie companies lurking in the small cap camp. - Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts -------- Get more info & commentary:...

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More Signs of Market Optimism (Unfounded?)

Markets are positioning for the end of the year, remaining a bit irrational at the outset; the NFT market is the poster-child for investor speculation with too much liquidity in the market. Why ESG investing is dangerous; holiday travel forecast. [This is our first show from our newly-renovated studio. We had some hiccups, but we think you'll like what you see.] ------ 0:00 - More Signs of Market Optimism 12:13 - The Danger in ESG Investing 23:47...

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Autovermieter, Hertz und 100.000 Tesla – Geschäftsmodell und Zukunft

✘ Werbung: Überraschend hat Tesla bekannt gegeben, dass die Autovermietung Hertz 100.000 Tesla Model 3 für das Jahr 2021 geordert hat. So ein Deal wirft Fragen auf und wird die gesamte #Automobilbranche beeinträchtigen. Wird es #Disruptionen geben? Wird es ein #Erfolg oder ein #Flop? Ich blicke etwas tiefer in die gesamte Branche von Herstellern und Verleihern. Dr. Andreas Beck ► -IE Game Stop Zock ► Vortrag Zinnowitz...

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Zuseher-Rant: Bogenschütze, Fachkräftemangel, Internetversorgung, Stromnetz und Auswandern

✘ Werbung: Ein regelmäßiger Zuseher meines Blogs schimpft über die Welt und im Speziellen Deutschland. Ich lasse seinen Gedanken hier etwas Luft ... mildere manche ab; verstärke dafür aber andere. Seine Gedanken dürften vielen aus der Seele sprechen. #Fachkräftemangel #Stromversorgung #Internetversorgung Waffengesetz und Nachteile ► -TWU Unsere Stromversorgung ► Schlechtes Internet - Schuld ist Politik ► KMUs ►...

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Markets Continue to Rally, Despite Weak Internals

(11/1/21) Markets are not deterred by funky internals running counter to the optimistic trend. Volume is declining, and over-bought conditions are now at their pre-correction highs, indicating the time may be prime for another correction. - Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts -------- Get more info & commentary: -------- Visit our Site:

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The Real Investment Show (11/1/21): Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investme…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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