Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

Depot entsparen | Reicht eine Eigentumswhg.? | Saidis Senf

Saidi sieht sich wieder Fälle aus der Community an und befasst sich unter anderem damit, wie Ihr Euer Depot am besten entspart. Wertpapierdepots von Finanztip empfohlen (Stand 07.12.2021): Scalable Capital* ► Trade Republic* ► Smartbroker* ► ING*...

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Market Rebound Continues

(12/7/21) Markets continue to rebound, as expected, heading towards mid-month. Markets are now set to rally toward the 20-DMA, but we're not quite finished with Mutual Fund rebalancing, and there is still short-term risk. Getting into early 2022, the Fed will captivate investor attention, and whether and when it will tighten QE. Also look for 2022 headwinds in the form of lower profit margins, higher rates of inflation, wage-growth and employment...

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Should You Be Taking Profits Now?

What's really driving Wall Street? Value Stocks have been performing because they haven't worked this year; The liquidity Issue, Managing Risk, and lowering expectations for returns; the Math of Losing Money; why outlooks are always optimistic; don't be afraid to take profits! ------ 02:01 - What is Actually Driving the Market? 12:49 - The Liquidity Issue & Managing Risk 28:42 - Sell Something! 42:47 - Wrapping the Year & 2022 Outlook...

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Is it Time for Value? Risk-off Shift Into Value Stocks Takes Hold

"(12/6/21) Markets are fairly over-sold on multiple levels; but with MACD sell-signals still in place, there remains short-term risk to the downside. Markets are in a very defined downtrend with support holding at the 50-DMA. We're seeing a risk-off rotational shift into more value-oriented stocks--also what you'd expect to see when mutual funds execute their capital gains distributions at the end of the year. We anticipate this activity to...

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DAS ändert sich 2022 aus finanzieller Sicht! | Finanzfluss

Das kommt 2022 finanziell auf dich zu: Mindestlohn, Pauschbetrag & mehr Strom wechseln & Geld sparen: ►► *⚡ Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► *? In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►►...

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Geld kurzfristig anlegen trotz Inflation & Nullzins? Alternativen zu Tagesgeld, Festgeld & Co.

Geld kurzfristig "sicher" anlegen mit Rendite? #1 inkl. 25$ Code: 8gemfgqpmq ► * #2 Nexo inkl. 25$ Bonus ► * #3 Bondora Go & Grow ► * ? 60 Min. gratis Börsen-Training ► * ? Dein Haushaltsbuch für die Hosentasche (unsere App) ► * ? Erspartes vor Inflation...

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Binance Review 2021: The best in Switzerland?

At Investing Hero, I aim to provide the best investing platform reviews. To support this, some of the providers featured in reviews will generate an affiliate commission which helps pay to run this website. However, this doesn’t influence my reviews. My opinions are my own. The information provided on Investing Hero is for informational purposes only. Please read the disclaimer.

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Will Social Security Be there for You?

Inflation is running more rampant than Government reports reflect; what we're recommending for our clients; The demographics of Social Security are unsustainable; how to plan for how much (or how little) you'd get; Long Term Care planning is a necessity; Medicare vs Medigap coverage: Which is best? ------ 01:29 - Watching Inflation Run 12:20 - The Demographics of Social Security 28:19 - Lance Roberts Action Figures 29:25 - Planning for Long Term...

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Bist Du ab 1 Million wirklich reich?

Ab wann gilt man eigentlich als reich? Und haben Reiche wirklich mehr Einfluss? Diese und andere Fragen behandelt Saidi in diesem Video. Wertpapierdepots von Finanztip empfohlen (Stand 03.12.2021): Scalable Capital* ► Trade Republic* ► Smartbroker* ►...

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Stock Market Crash of 2000 Review (12/2/21): Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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What Gold is Telling Us About Real Rates

After the run-up and market correction, now's the time to reposition portfolios for optimal risk management; low-priced stocks are priced low for a reason; investing vs speculation; the Omicron Correction; what Gold's behavior says about real rates; why the hit in Tech? When the ARKK springs a leak ------ 0:00 -The Reality of Risk vs Reward, Investing vs Speculating 11:19 - What Gold is Telling us About Real Rates 22:59 - How do You Fix a Leak...

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Gerd Kommer: Die Angst vorm Crash ist schlimmer als der Crash selbst

Es ist fast egal, wo die Börsen stehen: Fast immer gibt es Warnungen vor einem Crash, der entweder alles noch schlimmer macht oder völlig übertriebene Kurse korrigieren soll. Doch trotzdem sollte man sich von solchen Warnungen nicht verunsichern lassen, sagt der Vermögensverwalter Gerd Kommer. Die Angst vor einem Crash ist schlimmer als der Crash selbst, ist Gerd Kommer überzeugt. Der Grund: Zwar gebe es fast ständig Warnungen vor einem Crash,...

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Is There More Selling to be Done?

(12/2/21) The market sell-off continues, thanks to the Omicron variant. So how should you position your portfolio now? There is a combination of technical indicators and market seasonality that are presenting challenges as well as opportunities. Markets were going to sell, regardless of the reason--Omicron is the headline de jour markets are assigning to the sell-off event. It could just have easily been the Apple weak iPhone sales announcement....

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To Roth or Not to Roth? (12/1/21): Market Analysis & Personal Finance commentary from RIA Advisor…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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How to Know the Right Time to Buy

Preparing for the market correction is about to pay off: Start making your list of possible buys; watching the technicals for the right time to buy; is a Roth the right choice for you? Demographics are Destiny: What happens to Social Security? The story behind oil prices; the story behind iBonds. ------ 0:00 - How to Put Money Back to Work 11:22 - To Roth or Not to Roth? 22:52 - What's Up with Oil Prices? Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment...

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Broker-Vergleich Österreich: Das beste Depot für ETF Sparpläne!

Online Broker Vergleich Österreich: Aktiendepot für ETF Sparpläne! Zum Testsieger: ►► *? ℹ️ Weitere Infos zum Video: Heute schauen wir uns mal Depots für unsere Österreichische Community an! • Flatex: Um das ETF Angebot zu sehen, gehe unten auf "Depot"► "Produkte & Handel" ► "ETFs" ► "Fondsfinder" •...

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Alle Änderungen bei ING, DKB, comdirect & Co.

Bei den Direktbanken verändert sich derzeit ganz schön was. Habt Ihr da noch einen Überblick? Saidi zeigt Euch in diesem Video was sich ändert. Kreditkarten von Finanztip empfohlen (Stand 01.12.2021): Barclaycard Visa* ► Payback Visa Flex* ► Hanseatic Bank Genialcard* ►...

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Is the Sell-off Over?

(12/1/21) Is the sell-off over--and is it time to buy stocks? After Jerome Powell mentioned retiring the word, "transitory," and speeding the rate of taper, stocks took a dive. We said this would happen, prior to a Santa Claus rally at the end of the year. Buying stocks could be a good idea...but: When should you do so, and how? First, watch the bearish trends, testing the downtrend channel. We're looking for strong support at the...

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Technically Speaking Tuesday (11/30/21): Market Technical Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Real Estate Rules for Beginners – Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, @Grant Cardone

Real estate investing is not for the faint of heart. It’s illiquid, there’s a time lag, and it requires a high financial IQ. Robert and Kim Kiyosaki started their investing journey with small, single-family homes in the 1980s and graduated to larger, multi-family units as their experience grew. 

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